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The Mystery of Bitcoin

Where did it come from?

By christopher Published 3 years ago 25 min read
How did Bitcoin come into creation

The black clouds on the silky sky started to part and let the moon beams sliver their way down to the earth with reflections rippling across the muddy puddles. The large rusting Iron horse behemoth sat covered with the nights rain. Its powerful gears and smokestack never to bellow and grind again as it did 50 years ago as it traced it path on rails laid by bloody backs of the immigrant bodies sacrificed. The proud face of the machine boasted a large broken headlight above a face perfectly around with the engraving of the compass and square burned deep into the cold iron. The dripping smokestack leaning from the rusted supports bled water onto the iron front panel to wash away the dust of time to reveal the pyramid and all-seeing eye. The rainwater slid down the inside wall of the giant belly where years of heat and pressure pumped the pistons as if they were valves in a heart. 80 years of burnt coal had left its scare in the belly with ashes five feet deep from its final run. Never to be burning again.

The moon ray winded its way through the rust and debris to rest on the ocean of wet muddied soot. Drip by drip the ashes gave way to a glimmer of gold, stamped with a Knight holding a sword and a flag decorated with a red cross. As the drops traveled down the coin, they revealed a horde of matching coins hundreds of them nestled together and strategically placed where no man would ever look to find them. Except a woman.

The Freemason lodge stood strong and proud of its two-hundred-year-old brick and mortar. Inside there were loud knocks on large wooden doors and old men staying words in old English being read out of cypher books. Outside on the parking lot was a bright green VW Bus with CB antennas and small dish receivers littering the roof. On the side of the green bus was a quote written in a huge digital font, “I feel I can change the world” by Aaron Hillel Swartz. The driver was a young man short blond hair, blue eyes, and scar over his right eye where he received four small stitches after losing, for the tenth time, in his halo online game and tossing his laptop against the wall causing the space key to pop off and cutting him. On his left ring finger there was a silver ring. On his right hand there was a large school ring with his name embossed Aaron Hillel Swartz.

In the passenger seat was his wife Sheila Richardson the daughter of the famous Natasha Richardson who dies three months later. On Sheila’s tee shirt between the hills are the words. “Yes, I am married to an Internet Hacktivist!” Her nose was deep into her Blackberry Storm as she was trying to get back door access to her credit unions website to transfer some funds so they can get food at the local In-n-Out burger because they were tired of White Castle onion burgers.

In the backseat sat a young brunette lady with very unusual eyes. Her eyes had a slight bulge that she inherited from her wealthy stepfather the actor Peter Lorre. Who was in the Lodge celebrating his newest movie “Mysterious of Mr. Nakamoto.” Tomi did not like her father’s new movie. She felt he did not look like a Nakamoto. Tomi was very unusual. She was often called a savant for her abilities to calculate complex mathematical problems faster then any computer. This was the only this she was ever good at.

Next to her was Sara Lovecraft. Sara hated her last name as she had been teased all her school years because of it. Her father Mr. Richard Lovecraft was in the Lodge sitting under his grandfathers black and white photograph of Worshipful Master H.P Lovecraft standing next to Stephen Pike. Sara was working on her anthropology homework when Tomi gasped. Sara asked, “what wrong?” Tomi looked up from her large first Gen IPad and announced Michael Jackson just died. She then jumped out of the V.W holding back her tears and stated “Dam, I was just getting over Patrick Swayze’s dying now Michael Jackson? Who is going to die next Farrah Fawcett? 2009 Sucks!”

The remaining three got out of the VW bus and proceeded to stretch their legs, When Tomi asked if they have ever been to the back 20 of the Lodge in the old bone yard? She could see the wet metal in the moon light off in the distance. All three of them denied ever going there. Aaron was still trying codes into his Apple computer that was hooked up to the inverter in his bus. He was not paying attention as he was getting really close to getting access to NYSE aka New York Stock Exchange trace files on fractional penny transactions. However, the nudge from his wife distracted him enough to look up and see Tomi gesturing in the direction of the old bone yard. He looked at this calculator watch and made note of the time. Then he said” Their Stated meeting just stated they will be in there for two hours. “Let’s check it out.”

The rain-soaked mud sucked the soles of their shoes and they came across the old train. As children often do, they jumped onto the rusted jungle gym and proceeded to shout orders like full speed a head and toot toot! Sara who had seen the old movies in her anthropology class pretended to be shoveling coal into the beast’s belly. She managed to unlatch the coal door and pulled as hard as she could. The door opened under protest screeching and wining as its hinges gave way to the power of her will. Aaron grabbed his IPhone 3GS turned on the flash and started to take photos of her for her “MySpace” account. Sara hand slipped off the wet cold spring handle and she fell back. Looking up into the Furness she saw a spark or a flash. Tomi was climbing on top of the iron horse and yelling to Aaron “Take my Photo, take mine” her foot slipped on the curved wet engine top and her Blackberry fell into the smokestack to land in the soup like soot in the furnace. The phone made a very distinct sound that all teenagers know. The crack of a phone screen. Very scary sound and very costly.

Sara saw the phone land on the hard shinny object. She asked Aaron to hold her belt on the back of her jeans as she reached into the old wet furnaces and retrieve Tomi’s phone. Sara was used to climbing in the mud and dirt as she would volunteer to dig with the visiting archaeologist when they would come to Pennsylvania for site digs. Sara quickly located the shattered phone and grabbed a hand full of the shiny metal disks that had accosted the phone.

Tomi was distraught that she would have to explain to her parents why she needs a new one. Sara was more interested in the shiny disks. Upon further examination it was apparent that it was a coin. Sara grabbed Aaron’s IPhone 3GS and tuned on the pathetic light. It lit up the coin enough to allow them to realize it was made of gold and looked old. Sara told Sheila to run to the bus and grab her backpack and Tomi’s large Louis Vuitton bag. The four of them made a line like a Chinese fire brigade and moved 1137 Templar coins from the iron behemoth’s womb to the V.W bus. The black clouds turned dark gray and started to rain on the small green bus. Inside the windows fogged up from the sweat and body heat of the four. Through the steamed windows a flickering blue and red light could be detected as the round roof antenna dish slowly rotated in a circle and stop at the precise position to stop the flickering light. They stared at the computer screen as Sara keyed in search words to try and identify the coins. Lightning flashed and the rain came down like it has never rained before. The wind picked up and rocked the bus but none of this was an issue to them.

Sara’s finger stopped on the mouse pad. Ebay had one for sale. The sale is ending in 5 days on June 13, 2009. They were Templar coins from 1128 AD. This one was 1 of 137 available in the world. The coin was being sold by a company called the Fine Structure Constant Corp. It was valued at $137,035.99. They had counted 1137 coins. Just as Sara clicked to zoom in on the details a flash of light struck the old Engine creating a huge boom that almost tipped the little green bus over on its side. The smell of electricity could be smelled in the air as excited electrons and protons swirled around the bus.

The clouds parted once again to reveal the slivered moon that looked like the horns of a great bull with sharp tips. The moon light glazed over the cold wet train engine. The train conductors window was frosted from years of neglect and dirt buildup. The train appeared to be glowing and there was a distinct light coming room the train’s main engine room. It was very bright. Sheila, who was not into the computer stuff, noticed and brought it to the attention of the other three. Through the steamed VW bus windows, the four of them wiped small circles the size of a coffee cup saucer on the inside of the bus’s steamed windows. They looked on with astonishment and wonder as the bright light glowed red, blue, and green in a distinct pattern as if there was a TV set flickering in the trains conductor’s cab. Aaron jumped in the VW bus drivers’ seat and turned the key to start the vehicle. The key turned smoothly yet the VW engine did not respond. Not even a whimper from the small engine.

Tomi was the first to exit the tiny bus and approach the train. The black clouds above were casting shadows on the iron horse making it appear to be under water absorbing the moon light. It was memorizing as the patterns morphed and glided across the curved structure. There was a very distinct odor coming from the old train. It had a sulfur like smell that left a taste in Tomi’s mouth like bleach or something silver. She stepped into one of the mud puddles and her sandal sank and she could feel the warm rainwater ooze over her foot filling the crevices of her toes. The rainwater was warm from the lightning strike. The suction almost sucked her sandals off her foot putting enormous strain on the fake leather straps wrapped around her leg. She climbed up on the train engine very slowly calculating each foot hold and handle so as not to slip and draw attention.

Sheila whisper yelled, “Tomi! come back! are you crazy?” Tomi dismissed the question with a quick wave back as if to be clicking away a fly or a mosquito. She was close enough to hear a very unusual sound, it appeared to be a man’s voice. It was very sharp and monotone. Aaron, Sheila, and Sara quickly and as quietly as they could traced Tomi’s steps. Soon all four of them were outside the train conductors window trying to wipe off years of grim and dirt to see what is going on inside. When a large red laser light flew out of the rusted forged chimney mounted up top. The red bar looked as if someone had tied one hundred lasers together and fired them directly at the moon. There was a very distinct line from the old train’s rusted smokestack to the slivered moon. The moon absorbed the powerful light and glowed red, blue, and green in sequence with the conductor’s room flashing. Before they could turn and run the red laser stopped and the train’s conductors’ room was gray and black as if nothing happened.

Sheila opened the rusted door and propped it open. She was the first to enter followed by Tomi. Tomi’s eyes were huge and dilated so she can observe everything that was going on. The inside of the conductor’s room there was a bright reflection in the front windshield of the train. The buildup of years and years of dirt on the exterior made it no longer transparent. However, there was a mans face. It was a face that Aaron and Sheila knew very well. The face did not move. There was a tube coming out of the corner of the mouth as if the person were at the dentist office and the vacuum hose was sucking spit away. The face’s eyes were darting back and forth and up and down rapidly. Aaron looked at Sheila and asked “Is that? She replied “I think it is?

Tomi reached out and touched the cold glass and tried to locate the source of the image projector. Her mathematical calculations of distance, proximity, and size concluded that the projection needed to be 137 centimeters. That would put the projector in the middle of the cab and in midair. She also noted the speech pattern was a very constant and each word was exactly a second long. Her mind was spinning with calculations to solve the mystery. She could only speculate that someone was typing the words.

Sara stood in disbelieve and gestured to the three that the face was tiring to communicate with them. On the engine’s dashboard there was an old CB radio. Sara noticed the little green window on the front of the CB radio was glowing green. She turned up the volume knob and the two- inch speaker cracked and hissed. She adjusted the squelch control and the same voice Tomi heard earlier spoke.

The face in the windshield appeared to be smiling from the eyes and in a robotic voice emitted from the CB. ‘It is about time!” The four of them were in shock. Aaron leaned forward and took the sticky dirty microphone from Sara and asked, “Is that you Professor Hawking?” The CB radio squelched and the word “Affirmative” came on the windshield as the CB radio spoke the word. Sheila grabbed Aarons left hand real tight and slide behind him as if to make him a shield. Tomi was now outside trying to locate the source of the transmission. Aaron then asked, “Professor what is going on?” Professor Hawking’s eyes darted back and forth rapidly, and his bottom lip moved ever so slightly. Then the words came on the mysterious screen. “I have been working with a close friend of mine. We have created what we call a crypto currency program that only exists on the ethernet.” However, the algorithm has created a challenge and we no longer can make withdrawals. We were hoping since you are there you might be able to help us.”

The train engine shook violently, and the exterior lit up in bright green. The air sizzled as before, and a green tower of light vomited from the trains smokestack and fired at an eighty-degree angle striking the slivered moon turning the moon bright green. Tomi, who was next to the smokestack, did the calculations from the time to the moon turning color was exactly 13.7 seconds. Faster than the speed of light. The only way that is possible, she thought, is the moon must be closer then usual. “That’s impossible” she mumbled. Sara leaped up in the train and peered in the smokestack into the black abyss. She then remembered she could reach into the furnace from the coal door in the cab. She slid down the side of the engine and landed both feet in the mud. As fast as she could she got back into the cab and shoved Aaron out of the way and knelt to see into the belly of the beast from the open coal door. The mud was no longer wet from two hours ago when she retrieved the phone and the Templar coins. The wet soot was now a dry powder as if it were baked dry. She could see the dips and claw marks she made retrieving the coins. The chamber was empty cold, and damp. She sat back on her heels and exhaled in frustration.

Aaron asked, “what is the issue with the algorithm Professor?” Hawkins replied” That not my part of this program, my partner, who does not have a lot of time, can explain it better then I. “Steve, Steve are you here?” The robotic voice exclaimed. A frail voice came from behind them. A small holographic image of an old man, very sickly looking, said in a soft voice. “Yes, of course I am!” Mr. Swartz, I appreciate your assistance as we cannot access the primary combination portal from here. With your assistance we might be able to b pass the firewall and program the withdrawal procedure with a soft boot.”

Sheila was amazed, but not impressed. Sara thought she recognized the voice but the person in the hologram did not look like who she thought it was. Tomi, said” This Princess Lea R2D2 Star Wars shit is bull. Let us bail and cash in the coins and get the hell out of here.” Aaron and Sheila both turned to Professor Hawking’s video and asked. “What is the issue?”

Mr. Jobs then interjected that the withdrawal paradigm does not prohibit controls over disbursement. So, we strategically hid the coin currency everywhere we could to prevent excessive disbursement to regulate the values. Then we designed a location assistant to assist us in locating where we put them, kind of like a digital map. The map was corrupted by a young wealthy computer hacker. Who is obsessed with space exploration and electric cars. He corrupted the program locater so bad even he cannot mine the coins. They are forever gone. We had a limited supply.”

Tomi asked Professor Hawkins “If you placed them in a digital formation then there is a digital footprint that can be traced to get you back to the location, right?” Professor Hawking replied, “we tried that even if we can locate them, we cannot regulate the distribution.” Tomi suggested to create a location code based on a hexadecimal and who ever can guess the closet to it without getting over it earns a coin. Then change the code every two hours to make it more difficult.

Sheila asked what the hell is a hexadecimal code? Tomi then explained “it is amazingly simple. Everyone is familiar with 1-10 that is a normal number sequence. A Hexadecimal code is 1-10 then we use the letters A-J to give us 16 spaces in a code. Almost impossible to break or guess the 16-space code. But people can come close.” Aaron said “I can modify the algorithm to reflect this threshold and once it is achieved a reverse trace will locate a coin and make the deposit. This should create a scarcity and make your cryptocurrency hard to obtain and unbelievably valuable.”

Mr. Jobs starting to laugh but ended up coughing and grasping for air. The hologram started to fade then returned. Mr. Jobs then stated, “that would solve the issue, but we cannot do it from here you will need to do it then physically reboot the engine.” Aaron then said, “I do not have the memory capability with my Apple in my bus.” Professor Hawkins then said, “hold on!” The air started to sizzle, and static electricity started jumping from black cloud to black cloud then back. One of the clouds started to light up with a light gray hue. This cloud them moved over the V.W bus and started to spin clockwise. The VW Bus then started up by itself and the cloud slowly descended and engulfed the bus in a light gray smokey fog. Then the VW bus lit up. Its interior light went on, the headlights, break lights, the hazard lights, Aaron could here his Apple computer say in a robotic voice “You Got Mail” Aaron and Sheila ran to the bus and to their amazement the Apple Computer memory was unlimited via a program called CMEP aka Cloud Memory Experimental Program.

Aaron asked Tomi to assist in the algorithm correction. She managed to rewrite the apple basic language to acknowledge the Hexadecimal digital format. She placed an icon on the desktop and put a photo of her favorite pink pumps as the icon. Aaron and Sheila worked the back of the house configuration. It took one whole hour for them to rewrite the program. Mr. Jobs hologram was now showing him in a hospital bed with tubes and wires. Professor Hawkins image disappeared from the train’s windshield. The rain started to fall once again the and the clouds covered the sky as before. Shards of light were striking the ground originating from the black clouds. Hundreds computer hackers searching randomly for the coins creating lightning strikes all around them. As the lightning would strike the mud it would create a brown splash and then steam would be released from ground. Sara thought it was a meteor shower of some kind. She crawled into the trains cabin and hid in a corner, farthest away from the door and away from the windows. She could hear the strikes on the trains metal as they burned the rust from the beast.

Tomi rolled under the train to escape the strikes. She could see a pattern as the lightning stuck the wet mud. She was able to even predict the next spot with accurate calculations. She said to herself “this is not a random lightning storm. It is a precise calculated format.” It reminded her of when her and her father would play an old board game called Battleship. The strikes appear to be looking for something. She counted 137 strikes and then it all stopped.

Aaron and Sheila jumped out of the bus once the strikes appeared to stop. As Sheila stood up a cloud above her lit up and a programmer’s guess bolt dropped with lighting speed. Tomi screamed “Sheila move now!” Sheila turned to face Tomi with an inquisitive look on her face then fell to the ground. Smoke and burning hair could be smelled as Aaron dropped to his knees and wept loudly. There was a strong smell of Musk in the air and the rain started to drizzle now.


Sara poked her head out from the train’s control room and saw Aaron sobbing over Sheila. The control room CB crackled. Sara was in shock as she reached up to grab the CB microphone. Professor Hawkins stated “we must move fast because I have detected three satellites that are maneuvering and there are over three million computers have recent sign into the bitcoin program and that could mean only one thing. All the coins could be found and removed and all of Steve’s and my work will be gone!” She was not sure how the monotone robotic voice would convey such emotion.

Tomi crawled out from under the protective cover of the cold wet behemoth. She tried to comfort Aaron who was now getting incredibly angry. Tomi observed that the bull horn shaped moon appeared to be 3.14 times larger. The train started to shake and bounce around like an egg being boiled. Sara watched as a large blue laser light erupted from the belly of the train’s furnace then out the smokestack. This light beam was twice the diameter of the red and green lights. Tomi and Sara watched as it ripped through the black skyline to arrive at the same destination as the other two. This time Tomi calculated only 5.6 seconds. The size of the moon and the time to travel to the moon calculations proved the moon was in fact closer and at an alarming rate. The moonscape was now visible. The entire moon was covered in zeros and ones. There were no patterns she could ascertain.

The train appeared to float over the track by about a foot. Tomi pushed the train and to her surprise the twenty-ton train moved effortlessly over the train track rails. The iron grooved wheels where no longer directly over the rails and starting to float and line up with the wood planks the rails mounted to. A loud clasp of thunder exploded over their heads. Aaron was thrown to the muddy ground; Sara felt the train land hard back to the earth, but now it felt like a boat listing in the high waves. She felt the train engine lean was over to one side. It was not stopping. Her instincts reacted quickly as she scrambled to climb up to keep herself from falling out the conductor’s propped open door. She watched as the mud puddles came closer and closer to the entrance to the cabin. Then there was a thud. The engine has rested on its side. She could hear the bubbles of air escaping from being trapped under the multi ton beast. Sara managed to get on the high side of the engine and look down and saw Aaron holding Sheila’s dead body in his arms.

Sara yelled at Aaron. “Where is Tomi? Where is Tomi? Do you see her?” The behemoth settled with a small jerk and the hissing of escaping gas and air could once again be heard. However, this time there was a soft pitched vocal exhale. Sara leapt off the train and managed to find Tomi. The train had landed on her and crushed her from chest down. There was no life in her bulging brown eyes. No breath to be heard. Sara screamed for Aaron who came running. He stopped three feet away. Just stared. He was now shaking and terrified. He grabbed Sara’s arm and dragged her under protest to the idling V.W bus. Sara climbed into the back. She was covered in Tomi’s blood. Aaron put the bus into gear. He grinded the gears. The rear tire spun ferociously tossing mud everywhere. The bus would not move no matter how Aaron turned the wheels. The clouds started to move rapidly, and the rain started to fall.

Sara sat on the Louis Vuitton bag and her backpack. Both the bags were extremely hot. Almost burning the fabric, they were in. The Hologram of Steve Jobs materialized in the back of the bus. Mr. Jobs was yelling in a frail panic voice. “Aaron reboot the computer to launch the program. Please reboot now!” Then the hologram disappeared. Sara took the muddy sandal Tomi had taken off and threw it at the Hologram. It traveled through the hologram and struck gear shift knob and Aarons hand. The sharp pain made Aaron stop. He took a deep breath and looked out the passenger side view window. He could see a pile of two by fours stacked up near the V.W Bus. He turned to Sara and said “I have an idea. I will be right back.” Sara screamed “do not leave me! Please don’t leave me!” Aaron opened his driver’s door, stepped out, and ran around the back of the bus. The rain was now coming down hard and He could see the clouds start to turn bright green, red, and blue ready to bust with lighting bolts.

Sara crawled to the back of the bus opened the little quarter window and asked “Aaron, what did Steve mean by Reboot?” Aaron said, “just hit 137 enter and the algorithm will boot up.” Lightning started to strike the ground systematically as computer hackers were searching for the coins in patterns. Sara leaned over the computer keyboard and used the numbers keypad and typed 137 and hit enter. The screen remained unchanged nothing was happened She keyed it in again and again nothing happened. She then looked up at the C prompt. The only thing there was the word “enter.” She struck the one key ten times, and nothing happened. It was like the keyboard was broken. Then her eyes glanced to the top left key above the keypad. It said, “NUM LOCK.” She pushed it and then 137 enter. The computer glowed red, blue, green, then black. It turned off. She sat back. The coins were now burning so hot the fabric was turning black and exposing the coins.

Aaron reached to pile of wood. He turned to return to the bus. A giant red, blue, and green laser tube erupted from the buses sunroof and struck the moon. The moon broke into bits and pieces of zeros and ones. The clouds parted to form sixteen squares in the sky each square had a number or a letter in them changing rapidly. No lighting strikes. No rain, a rainbow surrounded the bus. Aaron sat down in the mud put his head in his hands. He dissolved into ones and zeros. The coins would float up on a rainbow beam one by one as people solved the puzzles.

Professor Hawkins had been known to compute under the pen name Satoshi. Sara Tomi Shiela Nakamoto.

Aaron Swartz died on January 11, 2013.

“I feel I can change the world” by Aaron Hillel Swartz-Google it.

Steve Jobs died October 05,2011.

Up to October 05, 2011 There were blogs answering questions about Bit Coin. Then the responses changed to a more computerizes tone that stopped on March 14, 2018.

The movie “Mysterious of Mr. Nakamoto” was a hit.

White Castle onion burgers will give you the Squirts.

Fine Structure Constant-Google it-137


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