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My $15k Bitcoin Mistake

Don't make my mistake! The thought of missing out on over $15,000 always hangs in the back of my mind.

By takiPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Bitcoin, an online currency.

Interested on investing into bitcoin? Don't make my $15k mistake.

Bitcoin has always had stories surrounding it on how people become millionaires off of it. I have always wanted to have one of those "get rich quick" success stories, but the chances of that was so slim, I've had those thoughts of it being a scam.

Lately, bitcoin has gravitated a lot of attention from every community. Especially during the December of 2017. I myself have always been interested in bitcoin and stocks. Although I have always been interested, I never actually got into buying any.

To this day, my mistake haunts me as I have turned into motivation to succeed.

When I Should Have Bought a Bitcoin

Bitcoin during June 2015 was worth approximately $230 (here). I was 14 years old at that time when I first heard about it. The stories of investors who put money into it when it was worth just a couple cents who are now millionaires due to the rise in the price. I aspired to be one of those.

This is what really got me interested, especially since my father has always encouraged me to put some money into stocks just to try it out and to "gamble." He wanted me to put money in, then to take out the money I spent when money is being made. I could do whatever I want and play around with the excess.

When I brought up the topic of bitcoin to him, he doubted it. He would mention that it would eventually crash and it would not be worth anything since it technically exist.

After listening to his words, I did not invest any money into it at all. This is something I have come to regret. Even though I really wanted to buy one, even just one-tenth of a coin, I didn't.

Bitcoin Market Skyrocketed

Bitcoin worth peaked at $17,549.67 on December 11, 2017 (here). Hearing how much it was worth at that time affected me negatively and changed me on a personal level. The fact I missed out on investing around $15,000-17,000 (if I bought bitcoin at the time that I should have) really made me regret not taking action.

It made me regret waiting and never starting. This was my mistake. My mistake that did not cost me $15k, but the mistake on missing out on the opportunity of making that great amount. The mistake of simply, not starting and taking action.

I encourage everyone to not make my mistake. If you are looking to invest, actually start investing. It is true that you may lose some money or earn only a small amount, but that is a part of gambling in the market. Through all this, how would missing out on $15k like I did affect you? What could you have done with that $15k?

Fixing My Mistake

As Bitcoin has gone through a major boom, I do not believe that there will be another one. I think that it is too late to start investing into bitcoin.

To fix the mistake I have made, I decided to capitalize on every opportunity I can make. I do not want to miss out on any more money, I have already missed out on enough.

Trying many different things and tactics will be good for me on its own, but I am just hoping for the chance I will make that $15k so I will not have to miss it.

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About the Creator


High School student from Central Washington who is in the running start program (taking college classes instead of high school classes). Always to trying new things

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