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Building Your Own Doubleway MLM Clone: A Complete Guide

Creating a Doubleway MLM clone can be complex, but it's possible with the right tools and expertise. Research, plan, and develop a solid marketing strategy.

By Jade MckinleyPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Multi-level marketing, or MLM, is a business model that has been around for decades. It involves a network of independent distributors who sell products or services directly to consumers, with each distributor earning a commission on their sales and the sales of their downline. MLM has been a popular business model for many companies, with some of the most successful MLM companies earning billions of dollars in annual revenue.

One such MLM company is Doubleway, a smart contract-based MLM that has gained popularity in recent years. If you are interested in building your own MLM business, a Doubleway clone can be a great starting point. In this article, we will provide a complete guide on how to build your own Doubleway MLM clone.

What is Doubleway?

Doubleway is a smart contract-based MLM that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created by a team of developers in 2019 and has since gained popularity due to its unique features and the potential for high returns. Doubleway operates on a 2x8 matrix, which means that each member can recruit two people, who in turn can recruit two people each, and so on, for a total of eight levels. Members earn a commission on the sales made by their downline, and can also earn bonuses and rewards for hitting certain milestones.

Why Build a Doubleway Clone?

Building a Doubleway clone can be a great business opportunity for several reasons. Firstly, MLM has a proven track record of success, with some of the most successful MLM companies earning billions of dollars in annual revenue. Secondly, Doubleway has gained popularity in recent years, which means that there is a demand for similar MLM platforms. Finally, building a Doubleway clone can be a lucrative business opportunity, as you can earn a commission on the sales made by your downline.

Steps to Build Your Own Doubleway MLM Clone

Step 1: Define Your Business Model

The first step in building your own Doubleway MLM clone is to define your business model. This involves deciding on the products or services you will be offering, the commission structure, and the rewards and bonuses you will be offering to your members. You should also decide on the membership fees and any other fees that will be charged to members.

Step 2: Choose a Blockchain Platform

The next step is to choose a blockchain platform on which to build your Doubleway clone. Doubleway is built on the Ethereum blockchain, but there are several other blockchain platforms that you can choose from, such as Tron, EOS, or Binance Smart Chain. You should consider factors such as transaction speed, transaction fees, and community support when choosing a blockchain platform.

Step 3: Hire a Development Team

Once you have chosen a blockchain platform, the next step is to hire a development team to build your Doubleway clone. You should look for a team with experience in building MLM platforms and with expertise in the blockchain platform you have chosen. You should also ensure that the team has a good track record of delivering projects on time and within budget.

Step 4: Design the User Interface

The user interface is an essential part of your Doubleway clone, as it is the interface that your members will be interacting with. You should design a user interface that is intuitive and easy to use, with all the necessary features and functionalities that your members will need.

Step 5: Develop the Smart Contract

The smart contract is the backbone of your Doubleway clone, as it is the code that governs the entire platform. You should work closely with your development team to ensure that the smart contract is secure, efficient, and bug-free.

Step 6: Test the Platform

Once the development of your Doubleway clone is complete, you should test the platform thoroughly to ensure that it is functioning as intended. Testing should be done by a team of experienced testers who can identify any bugs or issues that may affect the performance of the platform. You should also conduct user acceptance testing to get feedback from your members and make any necessary improvements before launching the platform.

Step 7: Launch the Platform

After testing is complete, it's time to launch your Doubleway clone. You should plan a launch strategy that includes marketing, advertising, and promotions to attract potential members. You should also provide training and support to your members to ensure that they are able to use the platform effectively.

Step 8: Monitor and Maintain the Platform

Once your Doubleway clone is up and running, you should monitor the platform regularly to ensure that it is performing as intended. You should also maintain the platform by making regular updates and improvements based on feedback from your members and changes in the market.

Tips for Building a Successful Doubleway Clone

Building a successful Doubleway clone requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you build a successful Doubleway clone:

  • Focus on the user experience: The user experience is essential to the success of your Doubleway clone. You should design a user interface that is intuitive and easy to use, with all the necessary features and functionalities that your members will need.
  • Build a strong community: MLM is all about building a strong community of members who support and encourage each other. You should focus on building a strong community of members who share your vision and are committed to the success of your Doubleway clone.
  • Offer attractive rewards and bonuses: MLM is a highly competitive business, and offering attractive rewards and bonuses can help you attract and retain members. You should offer rewards and bonuses that are achievable and meaningful to your members.
  • Ensure security and transparency: Security and transparency are essential to the success of any MLM platform. You should ensure that your Doubleway clone is secure and transparent, with all transactions recorded on the blockchain for easy auditing.
  • Provide excellent customer support: MLM can be a complex business, and providing excellent customer support can help your members navigate the platform and achieve their goals. You should provide a range of customer support options, including email, phone, and chat support.


Building your own Doubleway MLM clone can be a lucrative business opportunity, but it requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps outlined in this guide and incorporating the tips provided, you can build a successful Doubleway clone that attracts and retains members, and generates significant revenue. Remember to focus on the user experience, build a strong community, offer attractive rewards and bonuses, ensure security and transparency, and provide excellent customer support to achieve success in the highly competitive MLM market.

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About the Creator

Jade Mckinley

Jade Mc, a senior specialist as a content writer, has more than 5 years of experience in this field. She is well-known for her critical review of the blockchain industry and crypto projects.

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