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What Is a Capsule Wardrobe?

Explaining Everything

By CassandraPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

The simple definition? It's a small minimalist wardrobe composed of about 37 items.

Every wardrobe is a little bit different, but for my purposes, I've chosen to stick with 37 items. 37 items for each season. This has included tops, bottoms, jackets, and shoes. All of the items are exchanged year round. It’s not 37 x 4 all year round, but a various number. I’m not even sure where I’m currently at with how many items I have total. Undergarments have been excluded from this list, but I have created a smaller capsule wardrobe specifically for my undergarments, lounge clothes, and exercise clothes. I’ll talk more about this at a later time.

Now you're probably wondering, what's the point? What good do just 37 items do for me? How am I even going to be able to dress for my job? For lunch with my friends? For that dinner party with my fiancee’s family? I’m probably going to end up only having the clothes to go on a simple trip to the grocery store.

Well, have there ever been times where you have all these nice clothes and you're constantly buying more, but always end up wearing the same things anyway? Me too. Ever gone to your closet and felt like you have nothing to wear even though you have a closet and dresser full of clothes? Me too!

I have always struggled with the mediocre clothes I kept in my closet that I didn't love or even want to wear. And I started wondering why I was still spending money that I didn't have on clothes I didn't even want to wear.

So when I came across this capsule wardrobe idea on Pinterest I decided, why not? Why not try something new? Something that would save me time, energy, and money. I. NEVER. LOOKED. BACK. Never even considered going back to what I used to do. Now I feel like I can just walk to my closet and grab the first couple things I see and throw it on because everything that I buy and like to wear always matches. No matter what it is that I'm doing I feel as though I always have the appropriate outfit to wear and it's never hard to piece together.

I think everyone, not just women, has experienced closet envy. We look at any of the Kardashian's giant closets and think 'Wouldn't it be so nice to have what she has?' Of course, we do. I still do. But having less has been so refreshing. And I believe that's all we really need anyway.

To me, a capsule wardrobe represents more time and energy for what really matters (less time spent on deciding what to wear, less time spent shopping, less time spent doing laundry and caring for clothes) more money for our dreams and helping others (less money spent on clothes that will never be worn) and more contentment and happiness.

About this time, you're probably thinking, "Yeah, that's great and all, but clothes and shopping are my thing." Me too. The goal here isn't to bash/quit/judge shopping and buying clothes. The goal is to try something new if we don't like our current closet situation.

When I started this wardrobe challenge, I was afraid it was going to deny me my style. But it hasn't. I still have it. I still have my style. In fact, I've actually found my true style. And I’ve been able to express myself more than ever before.

I would totally encourage you to try the capsule wardrobe challenge. Try it out if you’re struggling with your wardrobe and style and tell me how it all goes.


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