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The Do's and Don'ts of Wearing High Heels

How to Wear Heels Comfortably and Safely

By Mert TemizelPublished about a year ago 3 min read

High heels have been a fashion staple for decades, but they can take a toll on your feet if not worn properly. Wearing high heels can cause discomfort and even pain, especially in the ball of the foot. However, with some precautions and the use of metatarsal pads, you can still wear high heels comfortably and confidently.

The first step to wearing high heels comfortably is to choose the right pair. Look for heels that have a wide base and sturdy heel to provide better stability. Additionally, opt for heels with a lower height, as the higher the heel, the more pressure is placed on the ball of the foot. If you are just starting to wear high heels, try a lower heel first to get used to the sensation and gradually increase the height.

When wearing high heels, be mindful of your posture. Keep your shoulders back and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Walking in heels requires a different gait than flats, so take smaller steps and place your heel down first, followed by the ball of your foot. Don't rush and take your time while walking, and avoid running or quick movements, which can increase the risk of injury.

One way to alleviate pain and discomfort when wearing high heels is to use metatarsal pads. These pads can be inserted into the shoes to provide extra cushioning and support to the ball of the foot. They help distribute pressure evenly across the foot, reducing the impact on the ball of the foot. Metatarsal pads are available in various materials, such as gel, foam, and silicone, and can be purchased over-the-counter or custom-made by a podiatrist.


It's also important to take breaks when wearing high heels. If you're attending an event or function that requires prolonged standing or walking, bring a pair of comfortable shoes to switch into. This will give your feet a chance to rest and recover. When you sit down, take your shoes off to allow your feet to breathe and stretch your toes and ankles to alleviate tension.

Another way to care for your feet when wearing high heels is to stretch and massage them regularly. Toe stretches, calf stretches, and foot massages can all help alleviate tension and reduce the risk of injury. You can also roll a golf ball or a frozen water bottle under your foot to massage the arch and relieve any soreness.

In addition to these tips, it's also important to properly care for your feet when wearing high heels. Keep your feet clean and dry, and apply moisturizer to prevent dryness and cracking. Trim your toenails regularly and avoid going barefoot in public places to prevent fungal infections. If you develop blisters or calluses, apply a bandage or a cushion to protect the area and avoid further irritation.

If you experience persistent foot pain or discomfort, consult a podiatrist for further evaluation and treatment options. They can provide a custom orthotic or a special shoe insert to address any foot issues and prevent further damage. In some cases, surgery may be required to correct a foot deformity or a structural problem.

In summary, wearing high heels can be comfortable and enjoyable with the right precautions and the use of metatarsal pads. Choose heels with a wide base and sturdy heel, be mindful of your posture and gait, take breaks when needed, and use metatarsal pads for added cushioning and support. If you experience any foot issues, consult a podiatrist for proper evaluation and treatment. By following these tips and caring for your feet, you can rock your high heels without sacrificing comfort or foot health.


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  • Mügeabout a year ago

    Great advice, it was helpful for my high heels.

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