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Styled by me

Have style be confident

By Rimsha Ashraf Published about a year ago 3 min read

Styling is a great way to express your personality and individuality, regardless of your gender or age. Here are some tips to help you be more stylish:

1. Know your body type and dress accordingly. Understand what clothes and accessories suit your body type, and highlight your best assets while downplaying any flaws.

2. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Make sure you understand the dress code for any event you are attending, and dress accordingly.

3. Select clothes that fit you well. Clothes that are too big or too small will not look good, so make sure everything fits you properly.

4. Experiment with different styles. Don't be afraid to try new styles, patterns, and colors.

5. Update your wardrobe regularly. Keep up with current fashion trends and periodically refresh your wardrobe to keep your look up-to-date.

The importance of being stylish varies from person to person. While some may feel it is important to keep up with current fashion trends, others may simply want to showcase a personal style that makes them feel confident and comfortable. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what is important for your own personal style.To become stylish and attractive, it’s important to focus on your personal grooming and fashion choices. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Find your fashion style: Everyone has a certain fashion style that flatters and suits them. Take the time to experiment with different styles until you find what works best for you.

2. Keep up with current trends: To stay stylish, it's important to stay up-to-date with current trends. Follow the latest fashion trends, but keep in mind that not all trends will work for you.

3. Take care of your body and skin: Good grooming is essential to being attractive. Take care of your skin, hair, teeth and nails.

4. Wear clothes that fit well: Ill-fitting clothes can ruin an otherwise great outfit, so make sure everything you wear fits just right.

5. Accessorize: Adding accessories such as jewelry, hats, scarves, or belts can transform any outfit into a stylish one.

Remember, style and attractiveness are subjective and personal preferences play a huge role in determining what is stylish and attractive. Ultimately, it’s important to feel comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing, and that confidence will make you more attractive to others.There are several benefits to becoming stylish:

1. Improved confidence: When you feel good about what you wear and how you look, it can greatly improve your confidence and self-esteem.

2. Better first impressions: Whether you’re going on a job interview, meeting new people, or going on dates, how you look can make a big impact on first impressions.

3. Increased opportunities: When you're stylish and put-together, people are more likely to take notice of you and give you opportunities, whether it's in your career, social life, or personal relationships.

4. Enhanced creativity: Fashion and style are a great way to express your creativity and individuality. By exploring different fashion styles, colors, and trends, you can expand your creativity and find new inspiration.Yes, style can give you confidence. When you dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself, it can greatly improve your confidence and self-esteem. When you feel confident, you are more likely to take risks, interact with others, and be assertive in your everyday life. Clothing and style can be a powerful tool to help you express yourself and signal to the world the type of person you are. When you feel good about your appearance, you are more likely to feel confident and stylish and attractive


About the Creator

Rimsha Ashraf

good life the best believe in your self proud Pakistani Allhumdulillah be natural be who you are

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