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How to wear black to look chic?

A and valiant dressing demonstration

By Rubsam BrostromPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to wear black to look chic?
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

As a big fan of black, I feel that if there are no black clothes in my closet, I will simply go crazy.

Black never represents dullness and boring, but more represents an attitude. Black has a modest and arrogant two substances, casual lazy but mysterious and unpredictable, it is classic and timeless.

I've received many messages from babies saying they love black, but sometimes they don't feel like they can wear the chic and high quality they want.

When it comes to black dressing, we must talk about the ladies in Seoul, South Korea, they are too good at wearing black, not only fashionable enough but also A enough valiant, it is worthwhile to learn and study.

The following specific talk about their black dressing skills!

Material mix and match, to create a rich sense of layers

If you want to wear black, not ordinary, then you also need to have some accessories to add

Many girls like to wear black, but sometimes feel very bored, it is because we simply pile up black single products, no sense of hierarchy.

If you want to wear black out of fashion, then use the different materials to break the tedium, choose a variety of single-item overlaps, increasing the sense of layers, but also more prominent personality.

The black biker jacket is hard, inside a fresh sense of white T, formal choice of simple black jeans, although simple, but very layered, age reduction, and handsome.

The serious black suit, inside with a black knitted shirt, looks a little flat, can be the bottom of the choice of cool handsome broken jeans, the attitude immediately came out, the sense of fashion doubled.

The same is a simple black suit, choose a beige sweater, rotten edge of the design increases the lazy casual taste, the pants are chosen a gentle sense of raspberry pink corduroy casual pants, different materials mixed with up, the shape is no longer boring dull, but more playful and fashionable sense.

The lower half of the body is missing a method, more cool

Lower body disappearance method

For girls with long legs, autumn can boldly play a lower body missing method, not only showing a perfect body, but the styling will also be cooler.

The boyfriend style silhouette suit, loose version more valiant, with a pair of denim shorts, show two meters eight long legs, the visual sense is simply not too good, Slay the whole field do not worry ~.

White shirt and black sweatshirt overlay, rich in layers, with a super short skirt, simple and casual with a cool feeling, this set of looks is too eye-catching!

Black trench coat, inside the white shirt and black knitwear overlap, the upper body with handsome and spontaneous, choose a black shirt to match, increasing the sense of hip cool, and sweet looks to form a contrast, such a look strong.

Black, white and gray + earth color, fresh and model

If you feel that black is a bit dull, but do not want to wear too fancy, then the easiest way is to choose black and white, will never go out of fashion, and not be easy to make mistakes.

A simple white shirt and black jeans combination are simple and sharp for daily commuting. A black contour suit, just with a white T, is very age-defying.

Black contour sweater dress, deep V-neck design with a hint of the small sexy, loose version of more atmospheric, with white shoes, so simple with, but looks especially feel, very imperial model.

If you want to wear black, not ordinary, then you also need to have some accessories to add

In addition to the black and white color scheme, the classic color scheme of black and white gray is quite photogenic. Black long trench coat, with a simple white T and gray checkered pipe pants, no extra color scheme, the classic colorless with more senior.

In addition to black and white gray, khaki is also a very match with black color. Black knitwear with black wide-legged pants, outside a handsome khaki trench coat, looks both senior, but also fashionable.

Add design accessories and a fashionable way to wear

If you want to wear black, not ordinary, then you need to have some accessories.

The simple black polo shirt with jeans, choose a studded belt around the waist, immediately cool sense to come, proper big woman style, handsome enough! Black dress, simple and comfortable, very casual feeling, with a handsome baseball cap, is not to feel enough fashionable?

In this year's popular stacking method, the two seemingly ordinary single products stacking up, the effect will be very stunning. Black and blue color blocking grandmother shirt, inside stacked black high neck knit, simple and sharp and layered, with khaki colored pipe pants, the whole set of collocation is not pretentious, not pleasing, simple and comfortable, very show elegant temperament.

Add some chic wear, you can also make the black wear fashionable to fly, such as autumn can try stacked wear.

A black plaid shirt and white T overlap, outside a black trench coat, this "sandwich" overlap method, not only increased the level, and the color scheme is also richer, breaking the dull sense of black, with a pair of jeans, simple but very fashionable, lazy and casual.


About the Creator

Rubsam Brostrom

Those who do not dare to compete with the champion, will never get the champion

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