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How to wear a trench coat with a sense of sophistication

Wearing a trench coat without boots is like wearing a "dress with slippers"

By Vittorini MoesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to wear a trench coat with a sense of sophistication
Photo by Bundo Kim on Unsplash

The neutral style of dressing can be traced back to the early 20th century. At the end of World War I, men were going to the front, women felt the taste of freedom and independence for the first time, and their sense of self began to awaken.

Fashion pioneer Miss Chanel

Fashion pioneer Miss Chanel is at this moment to challenge the traditional concept, she took inspiration from men's clothing and women from the taut shackles of the corset to rescue, breaking the "women can only wear skirts" stereotype. The unisex style, which is simple, comfortable, and a bit tomboyish, has always been a part of her brand.

To this day, this gender-bending style has taken the fashion world by storm. Whether it is in fashion week shows, street photography, or daily wear, you can see unisex style wear. The trench coat, shirt, blazer, Martin boots, and other styles with unisex elements are the basic items that are often used in this style.

The trench coat + boots fashionable wear is a hot fashion circle, and become the heart of the fashion icon. You should know that wearing a trench coat without boots is like wearing a "skirt with slippers", which is not good and not advanced. The following cat sister will talk to you: trench coat + boots.

A trench coat and boots picking ideas

Trench coat▼

In many classic coats, trench coats are perhaps the most elegant and stylish existence. The trench coat is a great way to get the most out of your life. The actual trench coat can be worn with a sense of chic, from the 2 aspects of shape and color.

The most important thing is to have a good look.

The more generous the shape, the more pressure, this is the tears of women who love to buy trench coats summed up the experience. The actual trench coat is a gender-blurring unisex item, and if the trench coat has a wide fit, then the overall toughness and handsomeness will break through the barrier.

This will naturally make the wearer look sloppy and not sharp. The actual trench coat is a great way to get the most out of your life. You can choose the X-shape with a slight waist pinch or the H-shape that is not picky. These two types of shapes have the practical effect of trimming the body shape and showing high and thin.

The color

The most important thing that you can do is to have a good look. The most popular colors for women are low-saturation and non-picky trench coats, such as basic colors, earth tones, and moire colors, which allow the wearer to show a simple elegance.


-The style is simple and generous

When you take a look at the trend of boots, it is easy to find that the ones that have lasted in the fashion world are always those classic styles that have a simple and generous body, moderate volume, no extra ornaments, and a strong wrapping around the mouth of the boot. Just like the above picture of the style of the boots, it is very suitable for the majority of women to choose. A pair of boots can revitalize the entire closet so that the trench coat shows a sharp and valiant British model.

Second, the trench coat + boots with the guide

(1) The use of pointed boots to reconcile the sexiness of the trench coat

The blurred gender boundaries of the trench coat has a simple and valiant big woman style, even if the wearer's aura is not strong enough, temperament is not cold enough, and under its augmentation, can show the workplace women's unique heroism, and bold. The fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose pointed-toe boots, the use of winding forward the pointed toe to reconcile the sexy trench coat, so that the feminine flavor from the toe spread out so that the wearer's femininity is no longer gentle like water, but like a rose with thorns, dangerous and charming.

(2) Clear focus on the modeling

The trench coat and boots, both of which have a dry and sharp line and a valiant and elegant high posture, are a combination of wears loved by fashion icons in autumn. Because they have a similar style language, smart women understand that if they want to wear this combination with a high-class look that cannot be ignored, they need to clarify the focus of the look to avoid the main focus and the sense of chic being buried. Then, you can start with the color scheme.

For example, a basic khaki trench coat with a dark green shirt and small white pants in a color that is not flashy and bright, these three shades are darker and less bright, with a sense of subtle restraint and understatement. When the eyes move to the bottom, it is instantly clear.

The boots with a pair of dark red patterns on the feet, in a crowd of low saturation of the color, are immediately noticed by the viewer. In this way, the focus of the modeling is also unobtrusively pointed out, and the beauty of the main priority leaps out at you.

(3) Use the belt to create a ratio of three to seven

The longer the item is, the more it tests the wearer's ability to match it, and the easier it is to pull down the height and make it look short and bulky. It is advisable to use the belt to emphasize the existence of a high waistline to prevent the overall visual center of gravity from being pulled down by the knee-length garment, which can also be used to create a three-to-seven ratio, showing a high leg length instantly achieved.


About the Creator

Vittorini Moes

A person who never doubts the direction and purpose of his life will never despair.

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