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Get To Know More On The History Of Fashion In China


By RakibthomasPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Clothing is considered as one of our basic necessities in order to live normally in our community. Can you imagine going out of the house with any clothes on? That is not ideal at all, right? We may have lots of fashion trends but being fashionable is just a secondary purpose of clothes. However, thousands of years ago, clothes and their designs are significant to know which social class a person belongs to. This is very particular in Chinese history and you can even see old photos of Chinese men and women wearing their traditional dresses.

Ancient Chinese people were classified in different social classes and the history of their fashion started off with the differences on what they wear depending on which social class they belong to. Those Aristocratic Chinese wore dresses that were made of the finest fabrics that were very expensive during that era. Their clothing had greatly varied throughout the different periods of their history and you can actually see the differences on their styles based on historical records.

Manchu Dynasty

This was the last ruling dynasty of China and this was from 1644 up to 1912. During that time, the type of dress that was commonly worn by many is called the hanfu. This Chinese word means ancient clothing and is also referred to as guzhuang. Its root word is the Han Dynasty because that dynasty had great clothing styles. This is what you see on Chinese movies showing a historical plot and you can even see hanfu stores at this present time. If you are from a different class, the design and fabric used for your hanfu is different from the ones belonging to another class. There are also evidences that even their military had specific dresses to wear to show the differences with their ranking and position with the help of the site

Military distinction on fashion

During the Chinese old dynasty, those who are part of the military already have their uniforms so that the citizens will know that they are part of the group. The military had used hat knobs to symbolize their rank. There were nine different type of hat knobs that are color coded and each of these colors represented nine important ranks. Apart from the hat knobs, they also wore a rank badge, which was also called as “Mandarin square”.

The beautiful hanfus

This Chinese traditional dress is really significant in Chinese history because it has been a part of their fashion trend for more than three thousand years. Hanfus that were worn by their ancestors were still preserved and those were the basis of their historical documentaries, movies, and television shows with historical settings. The dresses they wore before are being accessorized by jewelry and footwears like sandals made of rice reed. The material used to create an exquisite hanfus long time ago was expensive silk and there were records that the Chinese legendary Yellow Emperor had worn the best hanfu during the 17th century.

Now at this modern age, we can still see beautifully designed hanfus that are still being worn on special occasions and also for documentaries and shows. Even religious priests in China still wear this type of dress when they are performing their rituals. Apart from being used for those reasons, there are now modernized hanfus that anyone can purchase and it can be worn anywhere any time of the day. In fact, even non-Chinese are buying these trendy clothes because it is unique and nice to partner with different accessories. You can check the new designs of this modernized traditional dress on many online hanfu stores.


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