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Echoes of a Mother's Love

A Tribute to Mom

By Daniela MihalachiPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Image by Freepik

If the walls could talk, would you be willing to dedicate some time to listen to their tales about the most amazing women in the world?

I remember walking with my mother to the school where she was a teacher, when I was six years old. I had the impression that the school was a castle, and the classroom with its tall windows looked like an illustration from a children's book.

She walked me to the first desk while holding my hand and gave me a quick head pat. I sat on the edge of the oversized desk, feeling uneasy and lonely, and I kept looking at my mother. I preferred being closer to her than among her students, who were older than me.

I quickly discovered that my mother smiled at every student in the class – in my childish mind, her smiles were only for me.

I let my mind wonder for a while, examining my surroundings and trying to make sense of all the books and illustrations hanging on the walls, when suddenly I was awaken from my day dreaming by my mother’s voice asking the whole class a riddle.

""My dear children, please tell me," she said, “who’s will is higher than the mountains, and her kindness is larger than the sea, the dearest being in the whole world, who comforts when it hurts, sings when she comforts, and sits watch at the bedside of the sick small ones?”

“Who is the most beloved, greatest being, without whom we cannot exist?”

A boy and a girl appeared to be prepared to answer while the entire class was thinking intensely, with large eyes and tense brains.

I'm not sure what came over me, but I stood up and shouted with unrestrained love before the kids could even raise their hands: "The most precious being in the world... It's YOU, MOTHER!"

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As soon as I spoke, the classroom erupted in applause, and my mother hugged me, with tears in her eyes. I felt so proud of myself, not just for the answer, but for my love for my mother.

From that day on, I had a newfound respect for my mother not just as my teacher, but as a mother. I came to realize that a mother's love is immeasurable, transcending all measures of magnitude or scale, and that a mother is the most cherished, adored, and indispensable person in the world

It's been several months since my mother passed away, but the her loving image stayed with me every single day.

After going through the grieving process and accepting her passing, my mother is no longer physically with me. However, I am grateful that her love and memory will always be with me, locked safely in my heart.

I often find myself reflecting on my mother and the wonderful moments we shared together. The times we spent laughing and sharing stories are precious memories that I will always cherish. Each interaction I had with my mother was valuable, and I realized that even though she is no longer with me, I will always remember her.

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My mother was the heart and soul of our family. She made sure that everyone was accepted and loved. She was the one who always had the best compliments to offer, and she always remembered everyone's birthdays and anniversaries.

My mom always believed in me and my other 3 sisters. She recognized our individual strengths and praised us for them, no matter what they were. She always encouraged us to pursue our passions and never gave up on us. We knew that she had our backs and that we could always count on her for support and guidance.

Definitely a supermother, my mother. She embodied the qualities of a kind sister, devoted spouse, and affectionate mother all at the same time. She willingly went out of her way for her loved ones, and consistently prioritized her family above everything else. She was always there to lend a helping hand, a listening ear, or a shoulder to weep on. She always had a cheerful attitude and contagious energy that motivated everyone around her.

Moms, including my own, are the embodiment of selflessness, dedication, determination, self-sacrifice, and affection. Her love will always serve as a beacon in my life, reminding me to see the beauty in everything and to treasure the time we spend with the people we love.


About the Creator

Daniela Mihalachi

By sharing my own story as a form of therapy, I am able to spread hope and inspire others. Laughing together is a powerful form of love and connection. Thank you for subscribing, tipping and sharing.

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