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Woman finds dog not a dog after 6 months of breeding, expert: This "dog" should not be kept

In 2021, a Japanese woman became particularly unusual when she found out she had a "baby milk dog" for six months. I just said that it looked less like a dog. At first, I thought it was a special breed. Tempers are getting shorter

By 孙小明Published about a year ago 10 min read

In 2021, a Japanese woman became particularly unusual when she found out she had a "baby milk dog" for six months.

I just said that it looked less like a dog. At first, I thought it was a special breed. His temper grew shorter and he began to run about the room; Other dogs love to go for walks, but this one won't even step outside his house.

These abnormal behaviors made the woman wonder: Is this a dog?

In order to find out the species of the animal, the woman called in an animal expert.

Results expert rushed to a look, shocked: "This animal can not keep!"

So what kind of animal is this "Suckling dog"? Why do experts say it can't be kept?

Strange 'Little Milk Dog'

In 2021, Matsushita (not her real name) gets up early to make breakfast.

Her father had died young and she was unmarried, so she and her mother lived together, dependent on each other.

After she finished breakfast for her mother, she began to skillfully brew up the milk powder, this technique is pure.

But Ms Matsushita does not have children, milk powder is for their own raising a "small milk dog" bubble.

"Ow ow ow --"

There was a whoosh and a soft, waxy puppy crawled out.

It arch wet little nose, rubbed against the Matsushita lady, that look like a hungry baby in the mother for milk.

Matsushita Ms. Now this heart melted, she picked up the dog, and coax it to drink milk powder bit by bit into his mouth.

Ms Matsushita has a total of two dogs, this dog is she just picked up, the two dogs are particularly docile, especially just picked up the most clingy.

Every day he waits for Ms Matsushita to come home from work and follows her wherever she goes to the bathroom or the kitchen.

"The dog pesters me every day like a child," Ms Matsushita complains.

Although the mouth is disgusted, but Matsushita's heart is very like the dog's obedient sticky people.

But it didn't take long for the obedient puppy to show his "strange" and "fierce" side.

This day Matsushita lady's bestie came home to visit, the result entered the house was a group of sudden flash of the shadow startled.

Ms Matsushita smiled: "Don't be afraid, that is I raised more than 3 months of a puppy, more naughty."

Bestie fixed a look, the dog is really strange, with other dogs look not the same.

But bestie thought maybe this is a special breed, after all, now what breed of dog, special looking dog market is also a lot of.

Bestie out of curiosity, so he stared at the dog to see a few eyes, the results did not expect the dog hurriedly hid.

And watch bestie, as if as long as bestie has a little close to its meaning, the next second it will immediately launch an attack.

Bestie is very confused, ordinary dogs do react to strangers, will roar people away, but this dog is not the same, but is hiding, watchful observation of human behavior.

Ms Matsushita is also troubled by this.

"My dog is just different from other dogs. When I'm at home, I'm very naughty and clingy, but when I go out and meet new people, I'm very resistant."

"They won't even step out of this door."

Ms Matsushita also complained to bestie, she raised this dog for three months, did not see how long the head, but this food and temper grew a lot.

This dog is often out of their own dog food, to grab another dog's dog food, the other dog does not give it, it directly out claws to grab food.

Ms. Matsushita told her bestie about the dog's naughty, although said is fun, but the statement is revealed to the dog's love and love.

Just bestie listening to the heart but made a murmur, listening to the description of Panasonic, looking at the puppy, bestie is more think more wrong.

"Matsushita, did it ever occur to you that this isn't really a dog?"

Matsushita smiled: "This is not a dog, eat dog food to eat so happy, in addition to the appearance of the dog is not quite the same, other also nothing strange."

Matsushita think the dog although naughty, but this is not a big problem, so Matsushita did not put bestie words in mind.

But then the dog became more and more angry, and his behavior became more and more strange.

A troublesome dog

Three months later, Matsushita still leaves work on time, and the dogs are waiting for Matsushita at the door on time.

But before Matsushita could get close to the dog, she saw the mess all over the house.

Matsushita knew immediately that the dog she had picked up had done it, because recently it had been making a mess like a wild monkey.

Matsushita helpless, after all, this is her own dog, can only pet to help it clean up the mess.

At the same time, Matsushita knew she could no longer pamper the dog, so she began to deliberately pretend to be angry, to discipline the dog's behavior.

But this dog is no ordinary dog.

Although it is human nature, will see Matsushita's face, but it still regardless of the release of their nature.

One afternoon, the dog ran amok, causing Matsushita to question the dog's "true identity."

This day, Matsushita noisy a few small dishes, ready to eat with his mother, the food just came out, the dog may smell.

He darts from the bedroom into the living room, leaps onto the dining table, and begins to eat, not only making a mess of the table, but also dragging food everywhere.

This Panasonic and Panasonic mother really angry, like noisy bear children, roared the dog, the dog is obedient, know to do wrong, began to Panasonic and Panasonic mother.

Matsushita and Matsushita's mother are the dog's lovely spoiled heart, they think a dog know what, why with it angry.

After a while, Matsushita packed up and went to work, leaving only Matsushita's mother and the dog in the house.

Matsushita mother after putting away the table, sitting on a chair to drink water, she took the toy with the dog, want to play with it.

Which know this dog is not interested at all, it went straight to Matsushita's mother's water cup, it first drink a few mouthfuls, feel tongue can not touch the water, directly the water turned over to drink.

Matsushita's mother was wiping the table and mopping the floor.

But before the whole thing was done, the puppy started peeing everywhere, no matter where it was.

Matsushita's mother had to clean up after the dog.

Finally, when it was too late, she lay down on the carpet to rest.

After all, Matsushita's mother is 80 years old, and her health is not enough.

But the dog didn't want to stop there. He ran over and touched Matsushita's mother with his paw, trying to get her to play with him.

It see Matsushita mother does not get up, directly exposed its fangs, bite Matsushita mother's arm.

Matsushita's mother was bitten crying pain, she quickly shook off the dog, got up and went back to the house, the dog closed the door.

Just when she thought the dog would never come in again, the little dog suddenly jumped in through the window of the house.

The bright fangs of the matsushita mother.

Matsushita's mother was shocked!

This is not a docile dog, this is a beast!

Matsushita came back, Matsushita mother hurriedly told Matsushita what happened today.

Matsushita listened and was startled, she looked at the front of this already does not look like a dog animal, can not deceive themselves.

This is not supposed to be a dog.

But what is it if it is not a dog?

What the hell is this "dog"?

Ms Matsushita called in an animal expert to find out what species the "dog" was.

Animal expert a look, smiled: "Which is a dog, this is clearly a small wild raccoon."

A little raccoon?

Raccoons are actually quite common in Japan, and they are quite adapted to human life.

This Matsushita Ms understand, funny she thought it was a dog, has been a dog.

Ms. Matsushita was very happy to finally figure out its identity, which later also suits the case, good to raise a lot.

But animal experts told Ms Matsushita that the raccoon was not fit to keep.

Because it has great wild!

Juvenile raccoons are fine, but adult raccoons are very wild.

Ms Matsushita's baby raccoon is now an adult and not fit for domestic use.

Making a mess in the house is just his initial capriciousness, but when he gets older, when his animal nature and wild burst out, it is impossible to control.

Listen to the doctor finish, Miss Matsushita heart for a long time can not calm, because she has already put this little raccoon as his child, now said not to keep, how willing she is.

Looking at the raccoon, who has been in her care for more than six months, Ms Matsushita remembered how she felt when she picked it up.

In August 2021, Matsushita took her mother to climb the mountain while the weather was cool.

Haven't climbed up the mountainside, the mother's body began not to support, because of worries about the mother's body, Matsushita lady helped his mother down the mountain.

When she got to the edge of the grass, Ms. Matsushita suddenly heard a cry. She thought it was a baby at first. When she opened the grass, she saw a small milk dog with its eyes half open.

The puppy thought Matsushita was his mother, probably because her mother was missing.

It will sound a howl, as if to say mother I miss you.

Matsushita because not married, so no children, but her heart is very like children, she saw this little milk dog is also very like.

She looked around and saw that there was no one there. She thought that this must be the abandoned puppy from some family.

Considering her mother's health, she was ready to help her mother to the bottom of the hill and then take the dog back.

But the little dog limped along with its eyes half-open and continued to whine.

This moment let Matsushita moved, she did not have the heart to leave the dog here, simply she picked up the dog with clothes back home.

At first, the dog was very small and difficult to feed, so Matsuita fed it milk powder little by little.

In those days, she was afraid that the little Suckling dog could not be kept alive.

It was this touching first encounter that made Matsushita put up with the raccoon's wayward behavior. She really did think of the raccoon as her own child.

The result now said that the child can not keep, Matsushita heart is really all kinds of reluctant.

And what happens to this little raccoon?

Final decision

Matsushita looked at the raccoon running around the house. She suddenly felt that the raccoon was too cramped to be in this small house.

It deserves a bigger place where it can release its nature and play without restraint.

Instead of running around in this little room.

Finally Matsushita decided: she would release the raccoon.

Since we met on the mountain, let's say goodbye on the mountain.

But this little raccoon, raised by Matsushita, is no longer adapted to life in the wild.

Living in the wild requires not only finding your own food, but also protecting yourself from predators.

And this raccoon is a well-fed, well-supported son.

So to help the raccoon adapt to life in the wild more quickly, Panasonic set up a training program for its release.

She released the raccoon into the park first, to make sure it expanded in space.

And then there's the skill of training him to hunt.

The raccoon will be placed with a few live fish and will not be given any food during this time, so that it can catch the fish itself.

At first the small raccoon can not eat fish anxious round, Matsushita is also very anxious to see the side.

Then the little raccoon finally learned the skill to catch the fish, Matsushita heart also happy for the little raccoon.

This kind of mood is like watching their children leave their own, slowly adapt to the society, can live a good life and happy mood.

Matsushita was limited in what she could do, so she gave the raccoon to an animal care center.

She hopes the raccoon will get more professional training there.

After some time, the animal care center called Matsushita back, explaining how the raccoon was doing.

They say the raccoon is well adjusted there, having fun because it has company.

The people at the animal Care Center also said that this baby raccoon has a special point.

Every afternoon around 6 p.m., it is like a set alarm clock, also stop playing, leaning over the railing, like waiting for something.

Matsushita listened with tears streaming down her face. She knew the little raccoon was waiting for her to come home from work......

Who says that small animals are not human, all things have spirit, animals also have feelings.

Just understand that animals have feelings and are wild, and wild animals are not suitable to be kept indoors.

They have claws, tails and wings just to enjoy the wind and the grass.

They are wild by nature, and only love the vast forest, sky and sea.

Releasing them is their best bet.


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    Written by 孙小明

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