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With only one week left, can we change the fate of these two brothers?

Stray pets need not only rescue but also adoption!

By TanoriaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
With only one week left, can we change the fate of these two brothers?
Photo by Ivana La on Unsplash

A family on the prowl

Driven by sex hormones

The mother animal gets pregnant

She gives birth to a bunch of babies in an unclear way

A pile of fresh, innocent "second generation" is born

Suppose two unneutered animals and their offspring

If we calculate 2 litters per year, with 2-8 litters each

12 in the first year and 66 in the second year

382 in the third year and 2202 in the fourth year


In 10 years they will have 80,399,780 litters...

But there are always irresponsible owners

Not only do they release their fur babies, but they don't take them to be spayed or neutered

They say "for their good, they don't want to take away their freedom"

In September 2018

Aunt Chen's rescue station received a stray fur baby

Because the previous owner did not want to spay or neuter the mother dog, Furong

After giving birth to four babies, Pearl, Wan Er, Zhuang Zhuang, and Zilong

The previous owner "disliked" them and abandoned them on the roadside

The stray family of five came to Aunt Chen's rescue shelter temporarily

Later, Aunt Chen asked Pai for help

The family came to Apie Adoption Center

Furong is very protective of the baby dogs

No matter which one of the babies

They are all very attached to Furong

The family spent their time in the adoption center

They are very close to each other and keep each other warm

They never come out of their cages, let alone show their affection

But they also have a tender heart

They do not attack the hands that come near and scare them.

In the blink of an eye, the fur babies have grown up slowly.

Mama Furong and the four babies are gradually finding adoptive homes

Unfortunately, due to the adopters' reasons

In January of this year

The thetimidestd ones, Zi Long and Zhuang Zhuang, were returned to the adoption center together.

The two brothers returned to the adoption center

Their timid and fearful personalities remained unchanged

They are sensitive to the environment and people's movement

They could hardly leave the room they were living in

The caregivers at the adoption center slowly started to socialize them

They can accept head touching and meat feeding

Later, they can also walk around on a leash

Unfortunately, Zi Long Zhuang's socialization training could no longer be completed

Apai Adoption Center needs to be closed within a week

If they are no longer adopted or midway

Ah Pai will need to be returned to Aunt Chen's rescue

We can imagine life back in the rescue shelter

The timid and fearful Zi Long Zhuang Zhuang will only be shivering in his little corner

No way to receive socialization training again

They may not be adopted back home...

Can they still have a home?

But they are just puppies who want to be pampered.

They have so much time left in their lives.

They don't deserve to be in this cage, in this little corner.

Although they are sensitive

But there is tenderness, loyalty, and, love inside

All it takes is the right person.

If you want to help these two quiet and timid, brothers

Have the desire to adopt or midway through their lives

Have a lot of experience in raising dogs yourself

Willing to give patience and time to give them tenderness

With love, they can return to a normal family life

Come and visit them at Api Adoption Center by appointment!

Although we only have one week left

But still waiting for a

Someone willing to open the door for them with patience

who will call their name


About the Creator


no rose without a thorn.

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