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Why Two Kittens Are Better Than One

Otherwise, known as why your cat needs a friend.

By Shelley WengerPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

I recently wrote an article that I meant to be funny. It was titled Why Cats Are Better Than Babies. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, you can read it right here. 

Cats make wonderful pets. Many people start with one cat, then realize that cats need to have some company, so they quickly get another cat. 

Do you still only have one cat? Thinking that you may need to get another one? Here are some reasons why two cats are better than one.

Two kittens or cats will entertain each other. Though many people see cats as anti-social, the truth is that cats can get lonely. This can lead to certain undesirable behaviors, such as urinating in places that they shouldn't and destroying your home by scratching furniture and hanging off of the curtains! 

If you get two kittens at the same time, they will wear each other out, keeping them out of trouble. Two kittens can get into a lot of mischief. By playing all day and night together, they will wear each other out, so that they sleep well and let you get the things done that you need to. If you don't have another kitten, you may have to spend hours playing with your new kitten, so that he or she gets tired. 

If you have an older cat, he or she will help to train your younger one. Your older cat already knows where the food and water bowls are. He or she uses the litter box. Your new kitten will follow your older cat around, learning these valuable lessons. 

If you get two kittens at the same time, they will likely teach each other these valuable traits. Your kittens will learn where to get food and water, as well as where the litter box is by watching each other explore. 

If you do have an older cat, you may want to adopt two kittens so that they leave your older cat alone. Older cats can get grumpy and tired of the playfulness of a new kitten. By getting two at once, they can entertain each other and leave your older one alone. 

Adopting two kittens at once is helping out. Many shelters are overfilled with cats and kittens who need a home. You may also find kittens on the side of the road that need a good home. You are giving two kittens (instead of just one) a better life, which should make you feel good about yourself.

It doesn't cost much more to get two at once! There are many shelters that will give a discount on those who adopt two cats or kittens at once. Besides, they can also share litter boxes and food bowls, so you won't have to pay much extra for those. They can share toys and other supplies, so it won't cost you too much more to get twice the fun! 

Whether you have a cat already and want to add to your family, or you want to add kittens into your life, you may want to think about getting more than one! Two kittens will keep themselves entertained and out of trouble. There is nothing more destructive than a bored kitten. Many kittens have destroyed couches and curtains because they had too much energy! 

Even if you have a cat, you may want to add two kittens into your family, so that they can keep themselves entertained, without bothering your older cat. You might even be surprised at how little it costs to adopt two instead of just one. They can share many of their own supplies, so you will only have to worry about extra fees when you have to take your kittens and cats to the veterinarian.


Previously published on Medium and/or Newsbreak.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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