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Why are Dogs Often referred to as Man's Best Friend?


By bidenPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Dogs aren't just man's most trusted companions, they're also the oldest ones. Although many historians believe that the dog was the very first animal domesticated to be domesticated, there is a debate about the time and when the first friendship was formed.

Based on DNA, the majority of scientists believe that the warm, furry person next to you was a descendant of an eminent group of grey wolves that have since vanished. The shrewd canines realized that if they were part of hunter-gatherers in the early days rather than doing by themselves they could have a decent life on the food they gathered from humans.

Scientists believe that friendship blossomed as humans started taking on wolf pups and began to socialize them in their infant years. Since wolves naturally operate in groups with a clear structure, humans were able to assume the role of the alpha wolf and established themselves as those who had to be Obeyed.

There was also a reward when a man and wolf tame were transformed into a dynamic hunting pair. Humans' talents and expertise together with the speed of wolves and perception of scent made them into a pair of partners who were able to track, capture and hunted down prey for mutual gain.

Humans provided wolves with a reliable food source. Tame wolves offered physical warmth and served as warning signals in the event of predators or strangers approaching.

The animals who were able to accept this bond evolved to become more and more loyal animals until, several decades later, the world have dog breeds that were domesticated and their wild grey wolf predecessors had ended their lives.

How do dogs are like wolves?

Our pets share several characteristics and natural instincts with their ancestral ancestors from the wild. Both:

- Rely upon their senses in order to comprehend the world around them

- Protect their master's house

- Protect their territory

- Scavenge when left their own device

- Bury bones if you are given the chance


Although they share a genetically similar makeup the grey canines and domestic dogs are different. Dogs:

- Have foreheads more rounded than the wolves

- They have small skulls and brains teeth and paws when compared with similarly larger sized wolves

- They have tails that are inclined to curl upwards which is not the case with the tails of wolves.

- Enjoy having something to perform including herding animals to aiding blind people

Why are Dogs Often referred to as "Man's Best Friend Why is that?

Over the years, humans have claimed dogs to be one of their most loyal, and best, companions. Of all species of domesticated animal, they fulfil the broadest range of duties as a protector, helper, lifesaver and companion. Dogs make wonderful friends for humans, and they've been companions throughout the ages. The bond between dogs and humans is intimate and ancient.

A mutually beneficial partnership

Dogs and people first began living together around 15,000 years ago, as dogs accompanied people's movements across East Asia. It was natural since both humans and canines are social creatures. They are not able to thrive on their own, and both benefit mentally (and often physically) by strong bonds of friendship.

Although domestic animals share 99 per cent of their genetics with wolves, domestic dogs radiate warmness to the other dogs and humans, which contrasts with wolves' sceptical and defensive response to other animals. Dogs are pack animals that thrive on affection and affection, which makes them the perfect candidate to be the ideal companion for a person.

Because dogs have been domesticated to the point that they require us to survive, and we tend to feel that we require the same as they do as we need them, people and dogs have developed a mutual relationship. The majority of dogs owners will inform you that their dog is a member of the family. A dog who is loyal at home can provide us with the benefit of a listening ear, a comfortable paw to grasp, and even strong legs to run alongside.

Where did the expression "man's most trusted friend" originate?

Statue in honor of old drum courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

In reality, the expression "man's most beloved companion" was coined by the American Supreme Court in 1870 when a skilled attorney called George Graham Vest defended a man who was deeply attached to his dog called Old Drum. Vest claimed that when the neighbour was killed by Old Drum for trespassing, the person who killed him took the life of more than an animal, he killed a crucial family member.

Vest famously said, "The one absolute, non-selfish companion that man can have in this selfish world - the one that is never to be ungrateful or fraudulent is your dog."

More than just an animal

Dogs have proved themselves repeatedly and time again to be loyal, gentle and compassionate and have a ferocious spirit. They welcome us with joy after the most difficult experience of the day and help us to feel better by wagging the tail and smiles that are playful.

When they're herding animals or hunting game, helping handicapped people or simply being an individual companion that is unlike other canine companions, dogs assist humans with daily tasks, many of which would not be feasible without their help. From around the year 1617, dog breeds served as aids to blind people, and by the 1970s dog trainers had developed methods for dogs to aid those with disabilities.

If that's not enough, dogs also prevent criminal acts and help save lives, such as in the case of sniffing for drugs and bomb-sniffing dogs. German shepherds, which are a 200-year-old breed, are commonly employed as police dogs across the globe.

Are you looking to live a more healthy life? Perhaps you should consider getting an animal.

As pets as well as the advantages of having canines have been proven in numerous scientific studies. According to an article published in Time Magazine article, the benefits of having dogs are:

- Links to a greater time span

- Lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease

- minimize the negative health effects of living in a single

- It can reduce the severity of allergies and asthma in children.

- Increase opportunities for health-related socialization

The study's authors emphasized that the health benefits mentioned can only be realized when the dog is exercised and looked after. Even if they don't give directly positive health effects, the unending affection and affection they give is priceless. They're there for us whenever we're down, depressed, and lonely. They're there even when we're annoyed or rude. They can even be sad. Dogs seem to know us at a level that we are unable to comprehend.

It is true that we consider dogs to be our best friends due to the fact that they are, in the majority of ways, they are. Because pets and humans have formed an intense bond throughout the ages they have become an integral part of our family. We cherish our pets and often show them off to strangers in the same way as our children. We play with them, keep them in our arms, and trust them to provide the services that they've evolved to offer and delight in doing.

Of course, dogs are entitled to their place as the most beloved pet.


About the Creator


Stifled wordsmith re-embracing my creativity. I like to write stories that tap into raw human emotions.

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