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Types of pet food

Pet food can be divided into three categories: dry, wet and canned products. Different types of foods differ in many ways, such as: water content, price, palatability (the degree to which pets accept), and nutrient density (calories per pound). These factors must be taken into account when choosing pet food. With today's advanced technology, almost every food can provide complete and balanced nutrients.

By ClaraPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Which food is the best?

Because there are so many pet foods on the market today, you may find it difficult to choose. Important factors that should be taken into consideration are: location of purchase, budget range, convenience, palatability (level of pet acceptance) and digestibility. As long as you choose pet food that provides complete and balanced nutrition, you can buy whatever type of food you like.

Canned pet food

Canned pet food usually contains 8-15% protein and 2-15% fat, and these nutrients may vary depending on the food composition. Canned foods usually contain 75% (not more than 78%) water. Canned foods typically contain 950 calories per pound, and because of their lower calorie count, consumption of these foods is higher. Nutritional balance mainly depends on the type of food ingredients. Canned pet food has the best taste and the highest price per unit compared to dry and wet types. Canned food is inconvenient for the owner. Once the can is opened, the uneaten part must be stored in the refrigerator.

dry pet food

Most dry dog ​​foods contain 18-27% protein, 7-15% fat, less than 12% water and 35-50% carbohydrates. These products contain about 1,400 to 2,000 calories per pound. In addition, dry cat food contains more than 28% protein, 8-24% fat, and less than 12% water; about 1,400 to 2,000 calories per pound.

Commercial dog food first appeared in the United States in the 1890s, when it was sold as baked biscuits mixed with grains, vegetables and meat. Early pet food was often referred to as "cat and dog food", and did not take into account the different needs of cats and dogs for nutrients. However, as nutritionists began to study the different nutritional needs of cats and dogs, pet foods for cats and dogs were slowly developed.

Soft and wet pet food

Soft and wet dog and cat foods typically contain about 16-25% protein, 5-10% fat, 25-35% carbohydrate, and 30% (sometimes as much as 50%) water. High-quality soft and wet pet foods contain about 1,200 to 1,500 calories per pound. Soft and wet pet foods are generally more palatable, easier to feed, easier to store, and more expensive than dry foods.

Types of pet food

In addition to distinguishing by form, we usually distinguish pet food by price, where it is purchased, and the density of nutrients (calories per pound); in addition, there are also differences in palatability and digestibility. Top, premium and economical foods can provide complete and balanced nutrients. There is no official or formal method of differentiation, and each manufacturer's product features are different. In general, top products typically have higher nutrient density and price, premium products have medium nutrient density and price, and non-premium products have lower nutrient density and relative lower prices. The products usually sold in pet boutiques or veterinary hospitals are mostly emphasized as top products, which are relatively high in nutrient density and relatively expensive. At present, there are also top products sold in general channels. Premium products are usually available in general channels, but some pet boutiques also have them; usually the prices are more approachable. Economy products are very cheap and are usually available in feed stores.

Some pet foods sell for their palatability. Such products typically contain coarse particles of different sizes, shapes, and flavors. If you like to spoil your pet, or want to give your pet a variety of tastes, these products may appeal to you.

There is also a pet food, which is a store-owned brand, different from the professional brands that are marketed around the world. The purpose of this type of product is to provide the same nutritional content as the big brand products at a lower price.

Pet food to meet your special needs

There are many pet foods with different formulas on the market to meet the different nutritional needs of pets. For example, products designed for fast-growing puppies or pre- and post-pregnancy bitches will have higher nutritional content.

In addition, some products are specifically for those hunting or working dogs, providing them with higher protein and calories to meet their needs for high energy. Some pet products are low-calorie formulations designed to maintain normal body weight in older or less active pets.

pet food

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