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The Universe Is Always Listening to Your Deepest Wishes

Especially when you don’t expect anything in particular and keep your heart open to receive the light!

By Myriam Ben SalemPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Courtesy of the author: MiMi, 16 months, a girl, and Snow, 6 months, a boy

The former me used to crave giving birth to a girl and a boy while lacking the basic knowledge about what it takes to raise healthy future adults physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Interestingly, she was operating on auto-pilot and honestly believing the desire was wholeheartedly hers and the by-product of a conscious and responsible choice.

Little did she know that it was merely one of her numerous desperate ways to fulfill her unmet needs of being unconditionally loved, seen, appreciated, and of belonging.

That girl had no idea of what a healthy relationship without any attachment looked like. She was blinded by her twisted narratives resulting in very low self-esteem, and exhausting continuous swings between two opposing poles:

  • Wanting intimacy and closeness; investing her whole being in a relationship while gifting her trust instead of it being earned,
  • Pulling back and disengaging instantly when feeling unseen and/or betrayed because the counterparty failed in mind-reading her and/or was unworthy of her offered trust.

Following my re-birth and painful inner-work that has been gradually leading to discovering what truly matters to me and that may:

  • Grant self-respect,
  • Soothe my soul,
  • Guarantee giving back to the world and to leave even a tiny principled legacy for the generations unborn at the same time,

I made a conscious decision not to have biological children.

I wanted to give a second chance to kids who eagerly wait for someone to notice them whenever I would be feeling ready for the most difficult job in the world, as far as I am concerned.

Why am I sharing this part of my story, one may ask? Appealingly, I’ve just had a heartwarming and overwhelming realization that filled my being with limitless amounts of gratitude.

My mind — still not fully aligned with my spirit — could tell me whatever it thinks; my true self that is one with this magical Universe will always know better and send me exactly to where I need to be at a specific moment.

Sometimes to experience some new hardships that could reach the level of horrific and challenge my mental strength without compromising my inner peace.

Other times to meet fellow humans I love to call soul-friends or other living creatures who would make a considerable difference in my new humble and authentic world.

Today’s epiphany is related to the second group. I might have not adopted a human girl and boy — at least, not yet. Nonetheless, I was adopted by two mesmerizing fur kids: MiMi, 16 months, a girl, and Snow, 6 months, a boy.

I feel fortunate and honored beyond words to be their human mom and serve them the best that I can every day!

My magical meeting with MiMi

I might love all animals, but I prefer two species: butterflies and dogs! I imagined my very first pet would be a puppy until I met Mimi!

I was on my way to the gym. I was proud of myself because I left home early enough for this session. I stopped my car to buy some water.

When I was about to get back into it, I heard some short and high-pitched meows. It was insisting. I went in the noise direction, but I couldn’t see anything.

It was too dark, and she (a female, yes!) was hiding between the trees since it was raining an hour before, most probably.

When I was close enough, she stuck her small and beautiful head out and started giving me hugs. She was a bit wet; still, it was enchanting to receive those free hugs from this enthusiastic and affectionate kitten!

People were passing by and observing the scene with so much skepticism or admiration, depending on who they are. I was having a blast, and even though I was late for my Body Combat class, it didn’t matter!

I was near to my place; thus, I brought her to my apartment residence and asked the security guy — a friend of mine — to keep an eye on her until I could be back, which he kindly accepted to do.

When I was back, she ran in my direction. Even though I wasn’t ready to adopt a fur kid, I was left with no choice. She was my miracle — my tiny, cute and loving miracle, and I welcomed her with open arms and a heart full of gratitude for this mesmerizing Universe!

How I met Snow

Before embarking on my Brazil volunteering adventure for a few months, I had to return my rented apartment to its owner. It was no option to afford to travel with my baby MiMi and keep my place at the same time.

When I was back four months ago, I spent the first period in my parents’ place. There was a stray cat. I started feeding him with MiMi. Day after day, more visitors stopped by.

A few days before moving to my new place, a white kitten made a special entrance. He was tiny, meowing in an irresistibly cute way. Most importantly, he had a serious injury in his neck.

It was a no-brainer to let him in and decide to foster him until he can become stronger… or that’s at least what I thought! Being a witness to the relationship he started building with MiMi, I was left with no choice but to keep him!

I still don’t know how I would be managing traveling with two kids knowing that it was challenging enough with MiMi alone. I went through the trip details here, should it feel worthwhile.

All that I know and keep faith in is that when the time will come, the Universe will guide me and show me the right path!


About the Creator

Myriam Ben Salem

I'm a passionate grown kid, a writer, a storyteller, an edutainer (education & entertainment), a lifelong learner, a speaker, an unapologetic truth-teller, and a stoic life philosophy lover!

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