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The Responsibilities and Joys of Being a Dog Owner

From Basic Necessities to Mental Health Benefits and Cost: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

By Yusril Harsya HasanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Responsibilities and Joys of Being a Dog Owner
Photo by Milli S on Unsplash

As a dog owner, you have a lot of responsibilities that come with the joy and companionship of having a furry friend in your life. Whether you're a first-time owner or have had dogs all your life, there are certain things that every responsible dog owner should keep in mind.

First and foremost, you need to provide your dog with basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Make sure your dog has access to clean water at all times and is fed a well-balanced diet appropriate for their age, size, and breed. You should also provide your dog with a safe and comfortable place to rest, whether that be a dog bed, crate, or other designated area.

In terms of healthcare, it's important to schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian and keep up with necessary vaccinations and preventative care such as flea and tick prevention. If your dog does become sick or injured, it's your responsibility to seek medical attention promptly.

By Pauline Loroy on Unsplash

Aside from providing for your dog's basic needs, there are other things you can do to ensure they live a happy and healthy life. Regular exercise is essential for dogs, as it helps keep them physically fit and mentally stimulated. Depending on your dog's breed and energy level, they may require more or less exercise, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

Training is another important aspect of responsible dog ownership. Not only does training help prevent problem behaviors such as chewing, digging, and barking, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Basic commands such as "sit," "stay," and "come" are essential for your dog's safety and should be taught early on.

Socialization is also key for dogs, especially during their formative months. Exposing your dog to different people, animals, and environments can help prevent fear and aggression and make them more well-adjusted and confident. Puppy classes and dog parks can be great ways to socialize your dog, but it's important to supervise them at all times and ensure they're not overwhelming or being overwhelmed by other dogs.

Finally, responsible dog ownership means being a good neighbor and community member. Make sure you clean up after your dog when you're out on walks and keep them on a leash when required by law or in crowded areas. Be mindful of your dog's behavior and how it may affect others, and always be respectful of your neighbors and their property.

In conclusion, being a dog owner comes with a lot of responsibility, but the rewards are immeasurable. By providing for your dog's basic needs, ensuring they receive proper healthcare and training, and being a good neighbor, you can help ensure your dog lives a happy and healthy life by your side.

By Taylor Kopel on Unsplash

Three interesting facts about dog owners:

  1. Dog owners are more likely to be physically active: Studies have shown that dog owners are more likely to meet recommended levels of physical activity compared to non-dog owners. This is likely due to the fact that dogs require daily exercise, which encourages their owners to get outside and be active as well.
  2. Dog ownership can have mental health benefits: It's well-known that dogs provide companionship and can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. But did you know that dog owners have been found to have lower levels of loneliness and higher levels of self-esteem compared to non-dog owners? Dogs provide unconditional love and support, which can be incredibly beneficial for mental health.
  3. Dog owners spend a lot of money on their pets: According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent over $100 billion on their pets in 2020, with a large portion of that going towards dogs. From food and toys to healthcare and grooming, owning a dog can be expensive. But for many dog owners, the love and companionship their pets provide is well worth the cost.


About the Creator

Yusril Harsya Hasan

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