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The 7 Best Dog Training Techniques That Work To Train Your Pets.

A very good book for people who want to learn the basics about dog education.

By avi mudaliyarPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The 7 Best Dog Training Techniques That Work To Train Your Pets.
Photo by Victor Grabarczyk on Unsplash

Train your dog the right way with these 10 techniques. With a little patience, love, and a lot of hard work, you're sure to have a well-behaved pup in no time.

Dogs are our best friends. They bring so much joy into our lives, but they can also be a handful from time to time.

Training your dog doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, it can actually be fun with these 10 simple dog training techniques that work.

Here's the best way to train your dog:.

How to get your dog's attention


To get your dog's attention, you need to capture his interest. Think about what he likes or enjoys. For instance, if it's food, have some treats on hand. If it's playing fetch, have a toy nearby.

This will help to ensure that your dog is paying attention to you instead of being distracted by something else in the environment.

You can also use verbal commands or physical gestures to get your dog's attention. Touching the dog, using a calm voice, and offering rewards are all good ways to make sure he knows you are issuing a command.

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How to reward your pet

One of the most important things to remember when training your dog is to reward them for good behavior.

Your pup will associate a reward with what they did and will want to repeat the behavior again and again. This is called operant conditioning.

The best way to reward your dog is through food. You can use whatever their favorite treat is, but make sure it's something that you always have on hand. And don't forget that treats don't just go for food-loving dogs!

Humans love a rewarding snack as well, so feel free to offer your pet a tasty morsel from time to time as a reinforcement technique.

In addition to using food as a reward, you can also use praise or petting as a way of reinforcing good behavior. Let them know how much you appreciate what they've done right!

By Jamie Street on Unsplash

Teaching your dog the basics

This is the foundation for all other training. Teaching your dog the basics will also help you be more successful when it comes to more advanced training such as potty training or house training.

The first thing you should do to train your dog is to let them know it's their home, too. To do this, minimize the amount of time they spend outside and give them plenty of attention while they're inside. This will make them feel like a welcomed member of the family and less like a stranger in a strange land.

You can also teach your pup basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "come" by using positive reinforcement techniques. For example, give your pup a treat when they follow one of these commands.

Even if these techniques seem overly simple, remember that dogs learn behaviors through repetition and consistency. It may take some time before you start seeing results depending on how often you've repeated these commands before, but eventually your pup will learn what you want from them!

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Advanced obedience training

While the first nine techniques on this list are great for beginners, advanced obedience training is an essential part of training your dog.

It's important to train your dog in a variety of ways. One way is through repetition and consistency. This means that you should spend time training your dog on a daily basis. It also means that you shouldn't switch up what you're teaching your pup on a regular basis.

This helps keep your dog from having a bad reaction to new things because they already have a baseline of commands to follow. For example, if you teach your pup the command "sit" and then start adding "down," "stay," and "stand," it can be confusing for them.

So, before you add any new commands to the mix, make sure that your pup is comfortable with all of the previous ones.

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How to teach tricks


Trick training is a great way to have some fun with your pup, as well as to build confidence. Dogs are naturally curious creatures who love to learn, so they'll be more than happy to show off their new skills for you.

To teach your dog a trick, try the following steps:

1) Start by luring your pup with a treat or toy.

2) Give the command for the trick you're teaching, such as "sit." 3) When your dog does what he's told, reward him with the treat or toy.

Repeat this process over and over again, gradually increasing the difficulty of the commands you're giving. Soon enough, your pup will be sitting on command!

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Ways to teach your dog self-control

When it comes to dog training, the most important thing you can teach your pup is self-control. A well-behaved dog is a happier dog who doesn't get into trouble.

One of the best ways to teach your dog self-control is to make sure they have enough physical and mental stimulation. This will help them stay focused on their tasks, rather than getting distracted by other things that are going on around them.

Provide your pup with plenty of opportunities for exercise each day. A tired pup is a content pup.

It's also important to have variety in your training methods. Your pup needs to be challenged so they don't get bored with the same old routine.

Encourage your pup every step of the way with positive reinforcement and treats when needed, but never use negative reinforcement or scolding as punishment for bad behavior.


In this article, we have discussed the 10 best dog training techniques that will help you to train your pet efficiently. We have also discussed how to get your dog's attention, how to reward your pet, teaching your dog the basics, and advanced obedience training.

Training a dog is a process that takes time and patience, but the end result is a happy and well-behaved pet. So, what are you waiting for? Get those paws moving and those ears perked!


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    avi mudaliyarWritten by avi mudaliyar

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