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Roach Case

Do Roach Cases Make More Eggs?

By Stephen RichardsPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Roach Family

One day, I saw roaches, near my kitchen sink on my kitchen counter, stuck inside one of my electric blender (a Walmart Bullet) drinking cups, upright. At first, only two roaches, both adults of two slightly different size and shapes, were in the cup. Strangely to me, the roaches could not crawl up the cup. The next day, I saw only one roach, looking to me like the bigger adult roach, in the cup. Apparently, the two roaches had been stacked together one on top of the other, as the next day after that, two roaches, looking to me just like the same two first adult roaches, were visible to me in the cup. Also, on that same day, a third roach, an immature, or a roach still developing into an adult, was crawling around near the cup on the same kitchen counter of mine. The next day after that, a third roach, looking to me like the same immature roach, was also in the cup.

The next day after that, an object was also in the cup. The object looked to me like a capsule-shaped translucent egg. The next day after that, a lot of baby roaches were also inside the cup. Therefore, the egg-like object probably hatched the baby roaches. The baby roaches, however, might have crawled inside the cup from the counter. The next day after that, a second immature roach of a slightly different size and shape than the first immature roach was also in the cup. The next day after that, two dark spheres looked to me to be inside the egg case. Later, the dark spheres looking to me to be inside the egg case were gone and the egg case looked to me to be empty again. Later still, I noticed that baby roaches crawling underneath the egg case looked like dark spheres inside the egg case.

In spite of the fact that the dark spheres looking to me to be inside the egg case were actually roaches, not really eggs or anything else but roaches, the question came to me as to whether or not the egg case hatched more eggs. At this point, I am watching the egg case and the number of baby roaches to see whether or not the egg case hatches any more roaches. I do not, however, know how the egg case would be able to stagger hatching more roaches. If the egg case does hatch more roaches, some possibilities as to the reason why roach hatch staggering might occur are: (1.) the egg case might contain a new source of energy, (2.) the male roach might inject sperm into the egg case perhaps already containing more eggs, and/or (3.) the female roach might inject eggs into the egg case.

Also, I do not know why the particular cup containing the roaches seems to be so particularly interesting to any roaches outside of any other objects. The cup might not really attract the roaches at all but, instead, might be the only roach trap in my kitchen. Perhaps the roaches, after crawling into every object around them, just happen to have gotten stuck inside the cup after easily crawling up the cup’s outer surface. The cup’s inner surface, however, might be slippier than any other surface in my kitchen.

On the other hand, the roaches might be attracted to an odor inside the cup that draws them to the cup over all other objects. Such an odor, if present in the cup, might be emanating from certain residues adhering to the cup that the roaches, not I, not consciously, anyway, might detect.

At least two possible residues might be present in the cup. One residue possibly in the cup might be of the dish detergent in which I daily washed the cup. The dish detergent is a more natural type called Vim and is made by Unilever in Vietnam. Another residue possibly in the cup might be of my own daily original shake, a blend of mine of several highly nutritious food and cure-all ingredients, my recipe of which is at

Do I have a roach family? If I have a roach family, is the roach family getting bigger? I am going to keep watching the roaches to find out more about the roaches in my cup.

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Stephen Richards

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