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Reflection From Our First Sit

Adventures of a Traveling Pet Sitter Saga

By Melissa, the EmpressPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I can’t believe we finished our first sit as traveling pet sitters. In a way, I feel like we just arrived to the house, and on the other hand I feel like we’d been there forever. To say we’ve grown over the last couple months is an understatement, but that’s the best way to communicate the way I feel.

When we arrived in western North Carolina at the end of October, we knew we were trying to find a new way to live. We knew we didn’t want to do life the same way others have done it, but we didn’t know exactly how that would look for us. This was a shot in the dark, mainly due to my previous pet sitting business, both of our love for animals, and our romance with adventure. We have since secured three more sits across the United States through the end of September. I think we’ve found a new way to live.

From the very start of the sit, we felt at home. We met our employers and they left the next morning, leaving us with their home and their kitties to care for and love. Momo, the youngest of the trio, warmed up to us right away, but Puffin and Wicket took a little longer. Puffin became my BFF and would cuddle with me most any chance he got. Wicket finally stopped hissing at us after a few weeks and decided to let us love her, too. These kitties will always have a special place in my heart.

It wasn’t just the time with the kitties there that was so important, but the space for healing. I recently went through some work related issues and I have been working through my part in what happened and letting go of the rest. There were feelings of depression and anxiety that accompanied this situation, making it difficult to move passed as I would have with any other job. One day I’ll explain it, but for now, just know it hurt me enough to bail on the job I wanted more than anything, and motivated me to work on my doctorate to understand what happened there and how I can help prevent it for other agencies.

The time in the Blue Ridge Mountains gave me space to breathe and let go of most of all of my obligations. I had been in such a high stress situation for so long that my body and my mind wanted to give out on me. This sit allowed me to begin the healing process, for which I am so grateful. I started learning reiki there as well, and will continue this energy healing to work toward a full recovery.

Sometimes, when we are mentally beaten down and unsure what to do next, we just need to take time for ourselves, and the answers will present themselves. If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be a Traveling Pet Sitter now I would have laughed at you and called you crazy, then asked how. We didn’t leave our life behind with the intent of doing what we are doing now, but here we are, doing it, and loving it! This journey feels right, and while we are still figuring out the little quirks (such as receiving mail in a timely manner), it is teaching lessons I didn’t know I needed to learn. After only the first sit, I learned more than I ever expected to learn, and I feel stronger for it.

I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you, Furbabies of the Blue Ridge Mountains. You and your pet parents have given me a great gift, and I hope to repay your kindness the rest of my days.


About the Creator

Melissa, the Empress

I’ve been a writer since I was a kid, including short stories, poems, and autobiographical stories, too. I’ll be writing my personal stories as well as witchy stories and tarot tips.

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