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Pugs should be trained to correct bad habits with persistence and determination

Pug dogs are trained to sit. We know that if we have pet dogs in our house, we can train them a little bit, and they will become very obedient, very polite and have a lot of skills. So if we have a Pug at home, how do we train him, and what do we know about the intelligence of a horse dog?

By shejdu.deudPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Pug dogs are trained to sit. We know that if we have pet dogs in our house, we can train them a little bit, and they will become very obedient, very polite and have a lot of skills. So if we have a Pug at home, how do we train him, and what do we know about the intelligence of a horse dog?

Train Pugs to sit

1. Before you can correct your dog's mistakes, you must establish a genuine friendship with him.

2. Consider using a professional leash that can be extended according to strength to control large dogs, so it is easier to get their attention

3. Catch it in the act, even if it's only a few minutes later, and it's confused by the blame.

4. Reinforce only when you can.

5. Encourage good, obedient dogs with treats, treats, attention, and compliments.

6. Be persistent and resolute in correcting bad habits. Don't give up or give up halfway.

7. Set the dog up for the same opportunity and reward him if he gets it right this time.

8. Use noisy objects and deep voices to distract your dog from making mistakes.

9. Dogs must wear a collar and leash when training outdoors.

10. Don't be shy about correcting your dog in front of others, but take care of your dog's ego.

How do you train Pugs

The best time to train Pugs is when they are young. Young Pugs are cheerful and have the strongest ability to accept new things and desire to explore. Parents make a reasonable training plan, master scientific training methods and skills, can begin to Pug dog training.

1. Pugs should be trained from simple to difficult, from behavioral awareness training to skill training. Parents can first train Pugs to develop a fixed diet, excretion, sleep habits. Then there is a gradual transition to accompanying, travelling, long sitting, long lying, etc. When Pugs have developed their bones, they can be trained to run, stand, fetch, etc.

2. In the process of training, parents can use mandatory training first. For THE PUG DOG, the parents MAY need to teach the PUG to do the relevant movements by hand, and then over time, the PuG dog to develop a positive habit, even the formation of conditioned reflexes. Wait until the PUg has fully mastered the training content before moving on to the next training.

3. The temptation of food and the encouragement of touching are also the most effective methods in the training process. Treat the Pug before training, then reward him with treats or encourage him by petting him after he has successfully completed the movement. Keep PuG enthusiastic ABOUT training SO THAT he doesn't get bored or even avoid training because of repeated training.

4. In the process of training, parents should make clear rewards and punishments, and be sure to achieve even if. After the Pug's behavior, the parent should make a judgment and respond. Don't wait until it's over to praise or punish.

It seems that Pug dog training, owners have to work hard, but I believe that the love of owners and the right training methods, will be able to train Pug dog into a good dog.

Are Pugs intelligent

In many people's eyes, the Pugs are a little embarrassing. In fact, they are loved by many people. They are kind dogs, cheerful dogs, gentle dogs, so are they smart dogs?

1. Pugs' ranking on the Dog IQ List

Pugs are not at the top of the IQ list, or even at the bottom of it. However, as anyone familiar with the Canine Intelligence ranking should know, the list is based on a combination of intelligence and obedience, so Pugs' ranking on the list may not be an accurate indicator of whether Pugs are highly intelligent or not.

Two, Pugs are easy to train

So if Pugs don't rank high on the IQ list, does that mean they're also difficult to train? Pugs do take a lot of time and effort to train because Pugs are easily distracted and require many sessions to be effective. If the dog has learned a skill, the owner should not forget to repeat the reinforcement exercise to prevent the dog from forgetting the skill.

While Pugs may not be as easy to train as dogs such as border collies and poodles (more on this), Pugs are well adapted to living with humans when trained properly.


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