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Pittie Pie of Mine

You are my light within me.

By DilylaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Would you like to meet my Pittie Pie of mine? Well, to be more formal, her name is Honey. My Pittie Pie of mine has a gentle soft coat with a brindle color. Honey is the color of her eyes, as well as her temperament. She was a rescue, and I needed rescuing from a dark place. From day one, it was love at first sight for both her and me. Held in a small cage with a tight collar, we locked eyes, our souls touched, and I knew she was mine. The Pitbull breed is placed under a stigma of beware. Beware of the dangerous and aggressive Pitbull. Beware of the unpredictable Pitbull who bites everyone. Also, beware that they hate other dogs. The stigma of caution should say, beware of the cuddles. Beware of the sweet and gentle head nudges. Beware of the overly excited jumping every time anyone enters your home. Pitties have a big heart and an even bigger soul. So many memories to choose from, but the one out of the thousands will always stick with me. Oh, my Pittie Pie of mine, I will never forget how you were my light and my heart during a time when the lights in my soul were dim.

Do you ever get the feeling that dogs know and understand the emotions of humans better than humans? Have you ever looked at your dog and felt an unexplainable pulse of energy in the middle of your chest? If you ever have had an experience as such, my friend, this is called unconditional feelings of love. Love is described as many things as possible from many perspectives. When I was in a place where I was an empty vassal and love was not real, I rescued a dog, and she was the light I needed. Honey never left my side like a baby duck following me everywhere. During my time of heartache and detachment, she was there. Imagine a dark room, silence, and a woman just lying-in bed with tears on her face. Her puffy eyes, red face, and curled body are on a queen size bed. Next to her on the left, a pair of brown eyes stared into her heart. A belly needed rubbing, and her excited tail rapidly wagged. This Pittie Pie of mine was so patient and so loving. Honey nudged her head underneath the blankets and placed her warm body next to mine. After another thirty minutes of heavy-hearted crying, Honey plops out of the blanket and begins to jump on and off the bed. I knew she needed a walk, and she knew I needed fresh air and sunlight.

Our walks began as short spurts around the block and then back to the cave of darkness. However, each time Honey needed a walk, it seemed to always be at a time when the sun shined the brightest. Not only was this Pittie Pie of mine a professional cuddler now she knew the weather. One day we walked by a park, and I stopped and sat on the grass crying. She looked at me and placed her paw on my leg. She looked at me, and I stared right back at her with watery eyes. This Pittie Pie of mine looked at me and nudged her head on my face as if to tell me it's ok I am here, and we can get through this together. My chest felt such a pull in my heart, and I felt the unconditional love she had for me. She filled the empty void with the true love that I was in need of having. I gave her the tightest hug and cried tears of joy. I got up we kept moving forward. This was the moment I will never forget because she put back the light that my heart needed. We've heard the saying a dog is a man’s best friend and I believe a dog is more of an angel for those in need. An angel that snuggles when you need to feel safe. An angel that lays its head on your lap whenever you both need comfort. As well as an angel that comes to your rescue when you need healing. Oh, my Pittie Pie of mine, how I will be so sad the day you have to cross the rainbow bridge. Although I understand that day is inevitable, I will cherish and carry the moment you gave light and life back into my heart. I love you so unconditionally my Pittie Pie of mine.


About the Creator


Stories are the window to the openings of the images created from real life. I believe that process, journeys, and self are connected to every part of your path. The path to feel, ignite, and live in a story can in my hopes bring purpose. ✨

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  • Steffany Ritchie2 years ago

    Oh my, there's something in my eye. 😭👏💗 What a sweet pittie girl, thanks for sharing!

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