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My Saviour

My Furry Guardian Angel

By Sam WoodPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Before I met you, I was hopeless. I had lost all faith in the world and thought I would amount to nothing. Before I met you, I was depressed, anxious, and scared. I felt so worthless, like there was little point even trying. School was a nightmare, and home life was just the same. I felt alone, like I had no one in the world to talk to. I'd spend all day cooped up in my room, no longer interested in the things that used to interest and excite me. My books were left on the bookshelf, doing little more than gathering dust. My camera was left in its bag. I don't think I'd used it in months. I didn't feel like I had a purpose in life anymore.

But then you arrived. A tiny, little ball of fur with great brown eyes staring up into mine. You resembled some kind of strange-looking creature from a book. As you grew, so did your wild fur, which has somehow changed colours throughout the years. I felt my heart swell with love for you and it was then that I knew. I knew that I couldn't give up.

You brought a whole fresh lease of life into the house, constantly playing and peeing everywhere. Watching you grow and develop in front of my eyes was like nothing else I had ever experienced. I learned things about myself I never thought I would. I learned how strong I am and how much love I have to give. You gave me a purpose, a reason to get out of bed every day. And a reason to use my camera again. The majority of photos on my phone are of you.

And then when you got sick, I knew I had to do everything in my power to help you get better, no matter the cost. You saved me all those years ago, so now I had to save you. Those few months were the hardest of my life. But you didn't seem to mind, as long as you were home with us. You had your operation, swallowed your medication and took everything in your stride. I'd never seen such bravery. So when we had that final appointment at the vet's, I was so proud of you making it out the other side.

And now here we are, heading into another year together. Even after six years, you still give me life. You still know how to bring me back from the darkest times. Since you entered my life, I've learned to accept myself, to love myself. I'm no longer scared of the world. I no longer feel worthless. You've given me the motivation to do well in life, to thrive in my career, to build a whole new life for us. I promise you, one day I will get you that huge garden to run around in and dig all the holes you want. I will get us that nice house with the open fire you can sleep in front of in the winter.

Everything I do is for you. All my decisions are made with you in mind. And to some, you may be "just a dog," but to me, you are my world. I'd be lost without my best friend, and I hate to think what my life would be like had you never come into it. I doubt you even know what happiness you bring, not just to me but to the whole family. But I do hope you know how loved you are, and how special you are to me.

And I will always be thankful for my furry guardian angel.

You saved my life. Without you, I would be nothing.


About the Creator

Sam Wood

20 years old, writing both fictional and non-fictional pieces

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