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Make Your Home Bunny-Proof

Step-by-Step Guide

By HasanPublished 12 days ago 7 min read

Introduction: Benefits of Bunny-Proofing Your Home

If you are considering adding a pet rabbit to your family, you must ensure that your home is bunny-proofed. When rabbits are not kept in a secure, safe environment, they can cause damage to furniture and belongings in the home. Bunny-proofing your house is essential for protecting your pet rabbit from harm while ensuring that the other contents of your home remain undamaged. Not only can this help you prevent unnecessary costs, but it also has psychological benefits for your furry friend. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to bunny-proof your house and keep everyone safe!

What You Need to Bunny-Proof Your Home

Ensuring your home is safe and secure for your new bunny friend is essential. Knowing how to bunny-proof your house can help keep your little furball safe from danger while also preserving your furniture and belongings. Below, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to bunny proof your house so that it's a safe haven for both you and your precious pet!

Step 1: Put Together Your Bunny-Proofing Kit

To begin the process of bunny proofing, you'll need to collect a few items. This includes: plastic corner covers, outlet covers, bungee cords, scotch tape or wire ties, paper towels or rags, vinegar cleaner solution, and any toys or chewables for the bunny.

Step 2: Start With the Floor

The first step in how to bunny proof a house is to start with the floor. Check for any wires or cords that may be accessible to the rabbit. If possible, store these away from their reach. To make sure that they are secured in place and cannot be easily moved by an excited rabbit, use bungee cords or wire ties.

Step 3: Move On To Furniture

Bunnies love to chew on furniture and other objects found around the home. To protect them from accessing these dangerous materials, you can cover them with plastic corner covers or electrical tape. You should also check upholstered furniture for any loose threads that could be pulled on.

Step 4: Protect Electrical Outlets

Another important part of how to bunny proof a house is protecting electrical outlets from being accessed by curious bunnies. To do this, purchase electrical outlet covers from a hardware store and install them as soon as possible. Once they're secured in place this will prevent access to electricity.

Step 5: Clean Up Messes Quickly

Bunnies can get into quite a lot of messes around the home . So , it 's important that you clean up any messes quickly . A good way to do this is by using vinegar cleaner solution , paper towels , or rags . This will help remove bacteria that could harm your furry friend .

Step 6 : Provide Toys & Chewables

Not all messes are bad ! Bunnies love chewing on things , which can provide them with much needed exercise . To help satisfy their need for chewing , provide toys like hay cubes , apple twigs , and cardboard boxes filled with hay . Be sure to rotate their toys out often so they don 't get bored!


Bunny - proofing your home doesn 't have to be overwhelming if you take it one step at a time . By following these simple steps , you can ensure that your home is safe and secure for both you and your beloved pet ! Step-by-Step Guide to Bunny-Proofing Your Home

Are you thinking of welcoming a furry friend into your home? Before you take the plunge, it's important to bunny-proof your house. Not only is it important for the safety and health of your animal companion, but also for any valuables around your home. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make sure that everything in your house is bunny-proofed.

Step 1: Protect Electrical Cords

The first thing to do when bunny-proofing your home is to protect electrical cords from being chewed by your new housemate. Covering up any exposed cords with plastic cord covers will help make sure that they are not easily accessible and will prevent potential electric shock from occurring. Additionally, make sure that all outlets are covered up or blocked off so that curious bunnies can't get access to them.

Step 2: Contain Bunny Supplies

Bunny supplies such as food, hay, toys, and litter boxes should be contained in areas where they can't be chewed on or knocked over by an enthusiastic bunny. It’s best to set up a dedicated space for these items that is away from furniture and other items in the home that can be damaged. A good idea is to use shelves or cabinets with doors or lids so that these items can be easily accessed without fear of them being scattered around the house by an eager rabbit!

Step 3: Secure Furniture

Furniture such as tables, chairs, and bookcases should all be secured down so they don't tip over if an excited bunny decides to jump onto them. This will help prevent any potential accidents from occurring as well as protecting any valuable items on the shelves from being broken due to a rambunctious rabbit! Additionally, make sure any bookshelves are covered up so that books don’t end up on the floor due to a mischievous rabbit knocking them off!

Step 4: Create Safe Zones For Bunnies

Finally, it's important to create safe zones for bunnies in your home where they can go and relax without fear of getting into any trouble. Providing comfortable bedding in enclosed areas such as playpens or crates are ideal for this purpose as well as giving bunnies somewhere safe and secure where they can call their own! Bunny proofing your home doesn't have to be hard or time consuming - following these steps will ensure that everything in your house is safe for both you and your new furry friend! With a little bit of planning and preparation, you'll have everything ready in no time for when you bring home your new companion.

Tips for Keeping Your Home Bunny-Safe

How to bunny-proof your house? This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of making your home bunny-safe. To get started, it is important to understand why bunnies can be so dangerous in a home environment. Bunnies are curious by nature, and their curiosity can lead them to dangers such as electric cords, furniture edges, and poisonous plants. In order to keep your furry friend safe, there are several steps you should take.

Inspect Your Home

The first step is to inspect your home for potential hazards. Pay close attention to areas that may be dangerous to your bunny like electrical cords, sharp furniture edges, or any hazardous chemicals. Make sure all electrical cords are covered up or tucked away so that they won’t be chewed on by your bun. You should also check for any potentially poisonous plants or foods that could make them sick.

Provide Proper Enclosures

A great way to keep your bunny safe is by providing proper enclosures. There are many different types of enclosures available for bunnies from cages to pens and even playpens. When choosing an enclosure make sure it’s made of sturdy material like wire mesh with no sharp edges or spaces large enough for a bunny’s head to fit through. Additionally, it is important that the enclosure has plenty of room for them to move around and exercise.

Give Bunny Accessible Toys

In addition to providing proper enclosures, it is important that you give your bunny plenty of toys and activities as well. Bunnies love having something else in the cage with them and playing with toys can help keep them entertained when they’re bored. Some great options include chew toys, tunnels, balls, plastic houses, and even cardboard boxes.

Keep Dangerous Objects Out Of Reach

It’s also important to keep dangerous objects out of reach from bunnies such as kitchen utensils, tools, breakables or anything small enough for a bunny to swallow or get stuck in their mouth or throat. Be sure to store these items securely so they cannot be accessed by curious bunnies.

Finally, always supervise your bunny when outside of its enclosure as this will help ensure safety at all times! By following these steps you can help make sure that your home remains a safe environment for both you and your furry friends!


Making your home bunny proof is not as difficult as it sounds. All it requires is a little bit of preparation, research and effort. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article you can make sure that your home is safe for your pet rabbit to live in. Consider blocking off any outdoor areas or balconies, using chew guards on cords and wires, monitoring the temperature and humidity levels of the house, checking for any poisonous plants in the garden and providing toys and exercise opportunities for your pet rabbit. With these few steps you can be sure that your pet bunny will have a safe and comfortable environment to live in.


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    HasanWritten by Hasan

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