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How to train your cat

Secrets revealed

By KianPublished about a year ago 6 min read


It’s easy to forget that cats are still animals, but they need training just like dogs and humans do. The best way to train a cat is by using positive reinforcement, which means rewarding the cat with treats when it does something you want it to do or doesn’t do something you don’t want it to do. You can train your cat by teaching it how to use a litter box, playing with toys, or even preventing them from scratching furniture!

Get help from a professional!

The best way to train a cat is to use positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement: This is a reward for good behavior. You can give your cat a treat or pet her when she approaches you in the right way.

Negative reinforcement: This is a punishment for bad behavior. You might squirt water at your cat to get her away from something dangerous or spray her with a hose if she’s misbehaving outside (if you’re careful not to hurt her).

Positive reinforcement is more effective than negative reinforcement because it doesn’t make your cat afraid of you, but rather encourages positive behavior by rewarding it with treats or praise.

Train your cat to use a litter box by providing several boxes.

To train a cat to use a litter box, you’ll need:

Several boxes of litter in different locations (such as your bedroom, bathroom and living room)

A clean litter box that’s large enough for your cat to move around in comfortably. The box should also be low enough that the cat can easily get in and out of it without having to jump or climb over anything.

The more places you have available for them to go, the better chance they’ll have at finding one when nature calls!

Reward your cat with treats when it uses the litter box.

How to reward your cat: Give it a small treat, like a piece of dry food, or rub its head and ears.

How often to reward your cat: Every time they use the box! Try not to overdo it though — you don’t want them getting full on treats instead of eating their regular meals!

When not to reward your cat: If you’re trying out an alternative method for training (like clicker training), then do not give any rewards until that method has been successful for at least two weeks straight without any accidents happening around the house. This will help establish a positive association between going inside versus outside so that when you do start rewarding again, there’s no confusion about which behavior is being rewarded at any given time!

Punishment doesn’t teach your cat anything. It only teaches her to fear the spray bottle or hose and run away from it.

Make sure your cat has enough space and enough litter boxes, especially if you have more than one cat.

Make sure your cat has enough space and enough litter boxes, especially if you have more than one cat. Cats need a place to hide, sleep and play; they also need a place to urinate and defecate. A single-cat household can get away with one litter box; two cats will require two boxes — one for each of them. The number of boxes required increases exponentially as the number of cats increases: three cats means three boxes; four requires four (and so on).

Train your cat(s) that the bathroom is outside only! The easiest way is by keeping all doors closed except those leading outside so they associate going out with relieving themselves at least once an hour until they learn this behavior well enough not to forget it when indoors during bad weather or other factors beyond our control like guests coming over unexpectedly etc…

The box should be cleaned daily, and the litter changed every two weeks or so. You’ll also want to make sure that there aren’t any clumps of urine or feces on the floor around the box. If there are, clean them up with a disinfectant like bleach and water.

Train your cat to play with toys by offering them as rewards for good behavior or by playing with it yourself.

Offer your cat toys as rewards for good behavior.

Play with your cat. You can use a laser pointer or fishing rod toy, or even a wand toy (like the one in the gif above).

How to get your cat back into the litter box: Try cleaning out their litter box with vinegar (or another natural cleaner), then put in a new bag of clumping litter. This will help eliminate any lingering odors in the area, which may be causing your kitty some stress and making it harder for him or her to use the box againSome cats are more into toys than others, but if you can get your cat interested in playing with a toy, it’ll be easier to make sure they don’t try to play with things like power cables..

Do not force a cat to play with a toy or interact with you if it doesn’t want to.

Do not force a cat to play with a toy or interact with you if it doesn’t want to. Cats are independent animals and don’t need to be trained, but they can be trained if you’re patient and consistent. However, forcing a cat will only make them distrustful of you in the future.

Give cats scratching posts for them to sharpen their claws on instead of furniture and other objects such as bookshelves and curtains.

You can also give cats scratching posts for them to sharpen their claws on instead of furniture and other objects such as bookshelves and curtains. Cats need to scratch in order to keep their claws healthy, so it’s best to provide them with an appropriate place for this activity rather than try and stop them from doing it altogether.

Scratching posts should be tall enough for the cat to stretch up high, but not so tall that they have trouble reaching the top without jumping off (which could lead to injury). The surface of a good quality scratching post should feel natural under paw pads — the kind of texture they would find while climbing trees or digging through dirt — and be durable enough not only withstand repeated use over time but also help build muscle tone in young kittens who are just learning how much pressure is appropriate when scratching something solid like wood versus carpeting or fabric surfaces which tend not last as long under constant abuse from sharp claws digging into them repeatedly over time

Training can be fun for both you, and your kitty!

Train your cat to use a litter box

Train your cat to play with toys

Train your cat to scratch on scratching posts

Teach him or her how to get along with other cats, dogs and people.

If you want to train your cat, it’s important to use positive reinforcement and patience. You can teach your furry friend some tricks and even play games with them! The best way to start is by giving treats as rewards for good behavior, but remember not forcing them into doing anything they don’t want to do.

Training your cat is somewhat different from training a dog, so you might try and use professional help. Here are some of the best books on cat behavior and training.


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