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How to Help a Constipated Cat

A few tips

By Bruno LopesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In this article, I will talk about how to help a constipated cat and guide your pet to normal health. Cats need to eliminate regularly, and this is especially true in the winter. It is a fact of life that cats can get constipated, and it can lead to some very serious issues. The most common reason a cat will get constipation is if they are not eating enough. Getting your cat to eat more can sometimes be difficult, so I will talk about how you can help it.

Causes of constipation in cats

There are many potential causes of constipation in cats, but some of the most common include:

— Obstruction of the intestinal tract from foreign bodies such as fur, food, or stones

— Poor nutrition and lack of fiber in the food

— Excessive drinking or eating habits that lead to straining and difficulty defecating

— Hormonal changes due to pregnancy or inflammatory conditions

— Infection with viruses, bacteria, or parasites

— Lack of exercise

Symptoms of constipation in cats

The most common symptom of cat constipation is straining to defecate. This may manifest as a reluctance to use the litter box, frequent attempts to pass small amounts of feces, or hard, dry stools. In some cases, there may be no obvious signs of constipation, but cats with this condition may experience difficulty exercising due to an inability to move their bowels quickly enough. If left untreated, constipation can lead to further health problems in the long term and diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Helping a cat with constipation

If your cat is constipated, you may be wondering what you can do to help. Here are 7 tips to help your cat get relief.

1. Give them a low-fat meal. A high-fat diet can cause constipation in cats. A low-fat diet will help to regulate their bowels and give them the nutrients they need to clean themselves properly.

2. Offer plenty of water. Cats usually drink about twice as much water as they do solid food, so offering enough fresh water should help with constipation too. Try not to overfeed your cat either – giving them too much food can lead to obesity and further constipation problems down the line!

3. Add fiber supplements to their meals. Fiber is important for both cats and humans – it helps regulate bowel movements and keeps us regular.

4. Offer them food or water in a special bowl on the opposite side of the room from their litter box. This will make it harder for them to access their litter box and move their bowels.

5. Give them a soft, high-quality toy to play with while they’re waiting for their next bowel movement. This will keep them amused and distracted while they wait.

6. Try adding some fresh vegetables or fruits to their meal – this can help stimulate their intestines and encourage regularity.

7. Make sure they’re getting enough exercise – a fidgety cat may have trouble relaxing and going to the bathroom regularly. Provide plenty of opportunities for them to run around and play outdoors.

How can I stimulate my cat to have a bowel movement?

If your cat is constipated, there are a few things you can do to stimulate them to have a bowel movement. One option is to give them a small amount of canned food with water mixed in. This will soften their feces and help them to expel it. You can also try giving them a litter box that’s been cleaned recently. If they seem reluctant to use the litter box, you can try rubbing their back and tummy softly for a few minutes before putting them in the box.


Try meals with high fiber, but there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best meal for cat constipation will vary depending on the individual pet’s specific dietary needs and preferences. However, some general tips that may help include switching to a high-quality canned food meal, increasing water consumption to prevent possible dehydration, and adding fiber dietary supplements to the animal’s diet. If these measures fail to resolve the cat’s constipation, a veterinarian referral may be necessary.


You can try giving them a laxative. This will soften the stool and help it pass through the cat’s system more easily. If all of these measures fail, you may need to seek veterinary attention. Constipation can be a sign of other health problems, so it is important to get evaluated by a veterinarian if the problem continues for more than two weeks.

There are a few different types of laxatives that can be given to cats. The most common type is called Gastro-Lax, which is usually given in tablet form. Other laxatives that can be given include Metamucil, Miralax, and SenoLax. If your cat does not take the laxative on its own, you may need to force it down its throat using a syringe or dropper.

If the laxatives still don’t work, you must seek veterinary help right away.


In conclusion, there are a few things that you can do to help a constipated cat. You can try to get them to drink more water, you can try to get them to eat more fiber, and you can try to get them to move around more and as a last resort, you can give them a laxative. If those things you can try at home don’t work, then you may need to look for medical help and take it to the vet for better treatment and care and a quick return to perfect health.


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