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Five Reasons to Get a Cat

“Never trust a man who doesn’t like cats.”

By Tamara JacobsPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
Professor Kitty

For every cat hater out there, there‘s a kitty lover somewhere reaping all the benefits that come with having a furry feline friend. Here are five reasons to get yourself a cat...

1. Cats make the purrrfect cuddle buddy and companion. Petting a cat has proven calming effects. It lowers your stress and anxiety levels. Its therapeutic purr will soothe you to no end, and can even lower your blood pressure. Feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of life? Schedule an extended petting session with your kitty.

By freestocks on Unsplash

2. Cats are very low maintenance and independent. They can even be viewed as quite intelligent because of their unwillingness to follow humans. They have their own minds and do not live to please others.

"A cat has absolute emotional honesty. Human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not." -Ernest Hemingway

Turns out humans can learn a thing or two from cats.

Also, cats bathe themselves! Save that shampoo, conditioner, and extra time for yourself. In addition to bathing themselves, they don’t require a whole lot of attention. They are quite content being left alone for an entire day, as long as they have access to enough food and water. They will often snooze the day away.

And no need to worry about potty training. They quickly learn themselves to use a litter box.

"A cat is the only domestic animal I know who toilet trains itself and does a damned impressive job of it." -Joseph Epstein

By César Couto on Unsplash

3. Cats are funny! Kittens are one of the most playful animals, and that love for playtime doesn’t end when they become adults. They will almost always engage in a fun game of “catch the feather”, “chase the laser”, or “get the squeaky mouse.” Get ready to laugh while watching your cat play, climb into unusual spaces, and continually amuse you with their silly behavior. Just witnessing their day-to-day routine will fill up your heart. Who wouldn't want a cute ball of fluffy cuteness walking around their home?

“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” ― Jean Cocteau

Not to mention they are super photogenic, and can be a great addition to your social media content. Cat videos get some of the most streams on the internet!

4. Cats are an eco-friendly pet choice. Studies show that that the lifetime resources needed to feed and care for your cat have a smaller carbon footprint than other animals. They prefer fish to beef and corn, which is better for the environment! You can also choose to use biodegradable litter that is low-dust, which is pleasant for you and the cat. A kitty can help you live a “greener” lifestyle.

By Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

5. Cats will keep your yard and house critter free. Say goodbye to mice, rats, voles, and chipmunks. No costly rodent exterminator needed. They may even bring you their prize to make you proud, so don't be alarmed if you find a dead mouse on your doorstep. It's a form of flattery from your cat. You can take it as a compliment. Also, did you know cats have night vision? Super cool.

By Ludemeula Fernandes on Unsplash

So, if you've been contemplating getting a pet cat, don't be afraid to take the leap. There are far more pros than cons. Check out your local shelter to find a kitty that really needs a home.

*Need some name ideas for your new cat? Look here.


About the Creator

Tamara Jacobs

I love to sing and my birthday’s in the Summer🌻.

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