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Do I Have Too Many Pets?

Questions to ask yourself before you bring any more pets home.

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

Many people want as many pets as possible. Every time they see another pet who needs a home, they are quick to offer them a place in their life. However, you need to be careful about how many animals that you have in your home. There comes a point when it may be too many. 

In order to avoid that, you need to think before you bring another pet home. To do this, you should ask yourself some questions.

Do you have any restrictions on how many pets you can have in your home? If you are renting, you may have a limit to the number of animals that you can keep in your home. This should be in your lease, so make sure that you look carefully before you decide to bring another pet home. If you have too many, you could be evicted from your home. 

If you have a home, you may still be restricted in how many pets that you can have. Your borough or city may have guidelines about how many pets you can have. If you have too many dogs, they may require a kennel license. Whether you already own a home or you are looking around for one, it is important that you know the laws in your area.

Do you have enough space for all of the animals that you want to have? If you live in a small apartment that doesn't have a backyard, you may not have room for a large dog. You might be better with a cat who lives inside or a small dog who can still run around your one-bedroom apartment. 

Even if you have a decent-sized house with a backyard, you need to be careful about overcrowding. You want to make sure that each of your pets can be comfortable in your home. They each need their own space. 

If your home is too crowded or your animals don't have enough space, you could find yourself in a situation that becomes uncomfortable. You could deal with fighting and other behavioral problems.

Can you financially care for all of your pets? Even free pets cost money. You will have veterinary bills, including annual visits with vaccines, spaying or neutering, and preventatives to keep them healthy. What happens when they are sick? You are going to be responsible for that too!

Do you have the time for all of your pets? Many people are too busy to have animals. They have to balance work, children, and all of the other obligations that they have in their life. 

Pets need attention. Some more than others, but it is important to take into consideration how much time you have to spend with your pets. Cats are happy spending days and nights by themselves, but dogs need to be walked and taken outside. That being said, your cats and small dogs still need to be played with. All pets need some of your time every day for love and affection. 

Then, there are all of the chores that come along with pet ownership. They need to be fed and brushed. Litter pans need to be cleaned. If you don't have the time to devote to another animal, this may not be the right time for you.

Photo Courtesy of Canva

Though owning pets is a great thing, the truth is that it takes time and money to have one (or more). You need to take a good look at your home and lifestyle before you decide whether or not you can bring another pet home. 

This is quite personal. Some people are happy with only one animal, while others prefer to have many. Only you and your family can decide what you want.

Previously published on Medium.

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About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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