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Do Dogs feel Sad?

Understanding and Supporting Your Canine Companion's Emotional Well-Being: Do Dogs Feel Sad?

By PetmojoPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Dogs are known for their loyalty and playful nature, but do they experience emotions such as sadness? As a dog owner or animal lover, it's natural to wonder if our furry friends can feel sad. The answer is yes, dogs can experience a range of emotions, including sadness.

Just like humans, dogs can feel a wide range of emotions, including happiness, fear, anger, and sadness. Dogs are social creatures that form strong bonds with their owners and other dogs, which means they are susceptible to feeling emotions, both positive and negative.

Causes of Sadness in Dogs

One of the most common causes of sadness in dogs is separation anxiety. Dogs who have bonded strongly with their owners may become anxious, upset, or depressed when their owners leave them alone for long periods. This can result in behaviors such as destructive chewing, whining, or excessive barking.

Other reasons why dogs may feel sad include changes in their environment or routine, illness, and loss of a companion animal or human. For example, a dog who has lost their owner or another animal companion may experience grief and sadness, just as humans do.

It's essential to recognize the signs of sadness in dogs so that you can provide them with the necessary support and care. There are many signs that could indicate that a dog is experiencing depression. A depressed dog may stop eating and drinking, become lethargic and withdrawn, or their depression can manifest as anxiety, and the dog may become destructive. A depressed dog might also become aggressive, Inman says.

Unfortunately, many owners don’t even realize that their dogs are exhibiting signs depression because it might only happen when the owner isn’t around, Siracusa says.

“If a dog’s owner leaves for the day, that dog could spend all day laying by the door, waiting for the owner to come back. Then, once the owner is home again, the dog reverts to her normal, happy self,” he says. “Dogs live in the moment, so if everything is alright in that moment, the dog will often seem alright as well.”

What Pet Parents Can Do

As a dog owner, there are several things you can do to help your dog overcome their sadness. The first step is to identify the cause of their sadness and take steps to address it. For example, if your dog is sad due to separation anxiety, you can try gradually acclimating them to being alone by leaving them alone for short periods and gradually increasing the time.

If a dog is acting depressed all the time, there are some steps her owner can take to improve her mood. First and foremost, give the dog some extra attention.

“Dogs want us to be there for them, so be sure to show them affection when they come looking for it,” Inman says. “Also, reward even the slightest happy behavior. If a dog has been lethargic, and starts wagging her tail, even just a little bit, give her lots of praise to encourage that behavior.”

As with humans, exercise is also a good remedy for signs of depression. Inman recommends going on longer walks and having extended playtime with a dog who seems depressed.

In addition, Siracusa adds that giving your dog a space where she feels protected and safe is key.

“If something is causing the dog distress, remove her from that situation. Don’t push her to ‘face her fear,’ this only will make her unhappier,” he says. “Also, never be afraid to offer comfort. You aren’t encouraging bad behavior; you’re taking the dog’s mind off of what’s bothering her.”

If these hands-on solutions aren’t working, Inman says that you can talk to your veterinarian about anti-depression and anti-anxiety medications. “I usually don’t prescribe medication, but in extreme cases, it can be helpful,” he says.

If a dog is acting depressed all the time, there are some steps her owner can take to improve her mood. First and foremost, give the dog some extra attention.

“Dogs want us to be there for them, so be sure to show them affection when they come looking for it,” Inman says. “Also, reward even the slightest happy behavior. If a dog has been lethargic, and starts wagging her tail, even just a little bit, give her lots of praise to encourage that behavior.”

As with humans, exercise is also a good remedy for signs of depression. Inman recommends going on longer walks and having extended playtime with a dog who seems depressed.

In addition, Siracusa adds that giving your dog a space where she feels protected and safe is key.

“If something is causing the dog distress, remove her from that situation. Don’t push her to ‘face her fear,’ this only will make her unhappier,” he says. “Also, never be afraid to offer comfort. You aren’t encouraging bad behavior; you’re taking the dog’s mind off of what’s bothering her.”

If these hands-on solutions aren’t working, Inman says that you can talk to your veterinarian about anti-depression and anti-anxiety medications. “I usually don’t prescribe medication, but in extreme cases, it can be helpful,” he says.

It's also important to provide your dog with plenty of exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation. These activities can help boost your dog's mood and alleviate their feelings of sadness. Additionally, make sure your dog is eating a healthy and balanced diet and getting plenty of rest.

If your dog's sadness persists or is severe, it's essential to seek the advice of a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer. They can help you develop a plan to address your dog's sadness and provide you with the necessary tools and resources.

In conclusion, dogs can feel sad, and it's essential to recognize the signs of sadness in our furry friends and take steps to support them. By providing our dogs with love, care, and attention, we can help them overcome their feelings of sadness and live happy and healthy lives.


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