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Celebrate Earth Day with Your Pup at a National Park!

Enjoying an adventure with your pup is one of the best ways to bond. Here's a list of our favorite paw-approved National Parks across the US.

By Gaia ProvidesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

We encourage you to visit a pet-friendly national or state park with a furry-faced companion by your side to celebrate Earth Day.

This day is an opportunity for you and your loved ones to refresh your mind, body and soul while supporting the environmental conservation movement.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated around the world on April 22nd of each year to honor the birth of the environmental movement.

Before the 1970s, toxic spills and industrial pollution were viewed as nothing more than prosperous business operations. But those viewpoints changed when certain atrocities came to light.

In 1962, Rachel Carson wrote a book called Silent Spring, in which she highlighted the dangers of DDT, a harmful and now-banned pesticide. The Cuyahoga River contained an oil spill that caught fire in Cleveland, gaining media attention in Time Magazine and National Geographic.

Over time, the connection between environmental pollution and human health became difficult to ignore. The main person who lead the environmental movement was Senator Gaylord Nelson, a junior Senator from Wisconsin.

At the time, "teach-in" protests were a peaceful way to display disapproval against the Vietnam war. Senator Nelson used a similar approach to stand up for the planet, choosing a date to allow students to participate (after spring break, but before final exams).

But beyond the classroom, this effort sparked a national movement that involved 20 million demonstrators in different cities around the US. The protection of Mother Nature was a unified message, no matter your age, political standing, or economic status.

It also inspired the creation of monumental government initiatives, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Toxic Substances and Control Act (TSCA).

Although this event began in the US, the movement went global in 1990, expanding across 144 countries and 200 million people!

Photo by Pablo Fierro on Unsplash

Nurturing nature with Fido.

We've made great strides in the environmental movement, but more work is needed. It's easier now than ever to feel disassociated with nature as our lives become increasingly busy and artificial.

Gaia Provides was founded on the principles of conservation and connecting with nature. What better way to connect with nature than exploring the outdoors?

And your support doesn't have to end there. Earth Day should serve as a reminder of our role as protectors of the planet.

After all, respect for our provider equates to respect for humanity; it's all interconnected.

Here's our recommended tips for nurturing nature:

  • When hiking, always stay on the designated path to ensure your safety and protect local plant and animal species from damage.
  • Don't skip on the park fees! We know it isn't always enjoyable to fork out your hard-earned cash, but the revenue bolsters your park experience. (Fun fact: 80% of national park fees stay in the park, whereas the other 20% is to finance other parks without fees.)
  • Don't leave any trash behind. A good rule of thumb is if you pack it in, you should pack it out. Of course, not everyone abides by this principle.
  • Practice conservation on your hike by bringing an extra bag to collect trash along your path. You can turn this process into a family affair if you have kids. Check out organizations you can get involved with, such as The Clean Up Kids!

Paw-Approved National Parks (by state).

Below is a curated list of paw-friendly national and state parks. Be mindful of the posted rules of each park, and it's always a safe bet to abide by the rules of BARK:

  • Bag your pet's poop
  • Always keep your pet on a leash
  • Respect wildlife by keeping a distance
  • Know where you can and can't go






  • Great Sand Dunes National Park
  • Indiana

  • Indiana Dunes National Park
  • Maine

  • Acadia National Park
  • Michigan

  • Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
  • New Mexico

  • White Sands National Park
  • North Dakota

  • Theodore Roosevelt National Park
  • Ohio

  • Cuyahoga Valley National Park
  • South Carolina

  • Congaree National Park
  • Texas

  • Big Bend National Park
  • Utah

  • Zion National Park
  • Washington

  • Olympic National Park
  • Wyoming

    Every day is Earth Day at Gaia Provides.

    We know the power of Mother Nature heals us with her natural remedies, and we should each do our part to return the favor.

    There's no need to limit your conservation efforts to a single day of the year, and there's no action too small.

    So get out there and start exploring these beautiful parks—we know your pup will thank you!

    About the author

    Crystal Mendoza is a freelance content writer and founder of Crystal's Clear Writing. Her full-time role as a Landfill Operations Analyst inspired her to write about sustainability topics and uncover the truths about the waste industry. Crystal is based in Phoenix, AZ, where she lives with her husband and 12-year-old Labrador mix, Oreo. In her free time, she is a youth mentor, soccer player, and certified bookworm.


    About the Creator

    Gaia Provides

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