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Billie and Charlie

Love knows no boundaries

By Sarah bPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Every morning as the sun rose and the birds began to wake, Charlie sat eagerly in the passenger seat of the car and stared out of the window. The car always sped down a gigantic hill before screeching onto the main street. It was at this time, just before the downward descent, that Charlie always, always caught a glimpse of the guy she secretly called Billy.

She was always, almost sure that he would look up from his slumber and notice her, in all of her bright-eyed prettiness. Each morning she felt the familiar sense of anticipation as she was bundled up into the car. Honestly, this is kind of what she lived for, the thrill of knowing this could be her day, her moment, the point where everything changed.

Charlie held her breath, the hill was coming up, any second now and he would look up, any second, any…..... her stomach jumped into her throat as the car almost flew through the air, hurtling over the crest of the hill. Charlie screeched;"Looooooook at meeeee". And just like that it was over, Billy was gone, out of sight. Curling into a dejected little ball, Charlie sighed, she was never going to know what it felt like to have that beautiful guy notice her.

"Come on Charlie, we are here", sitting up Charlie waited for the door to be opened so she could jump out and begin her day. Another long boring day amongst a bunch of babies. "Oh, come on, don't be so gloomy, I know you love it here!", well yes maybe. Charlie heard the familiar noises from inside the centre and felt a familiar sense of peace and happiness all rolled into one. Billy, forgotten momentarily, Charlie bounded into the centre all smiles and joy once again.

Spending her day busily pulling toys out of a box and discarding them wherever she liked, Charlie was immersed in what it was to be young. Occasionally she would have a disagreement with one of the others and a few little nips would occur; quickly forgotten when lunch time came around.

As the hours progressed through a series of activities, food and fights, Charlie began to sense that night was drawing close. She always knew when it was time to go home because her toys would be picked up and placed carefully back in their rightful place. A little bubble of joy began to well up inside Charlie. She excitedly ran back and forth, knowing that soon she was going to be back in the car and driving up the hill past Billies house.

‘Charlie!! I missed you today”. Charlie charged full speed toward her person and jumped into her arms, oh how she loved her smell, Charlie could barely contain her joy as she felt familiar arms wrap around her, pick her up and carry her to the car.

A cool night breeze coursed through Charlies hair as she looked out of the window, she knew with all of her heart that tonight he would be looking at her. The hill was coming up fast. Where the morning was full speed downhill, the evening was a slow crawl up. This gave Charlie time to really focus her gaze. Here it was, here it was!! Charlie began to bark as loud as her little voice could muster, “yap, yap, yap”, oh please please look at me… please! Charlie held her breath as the car began to move past his house. Slowly, in the tree he turned his head and those big beautiful eyes finally looked at her, “Hoo, hoo, hooooo”. Charlie collapsed back into the seat in pure bliss. Her love, her Billy, he had spoken and not only that, but he had also looked at her. Charlie did not know what language Hoo Hoo was, but to her it sounded like the most beautiful language in the world….


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