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81-year-old fitness

81-year-old fitness trainer offers smart workout tips for seniors: ‘It's great to be fit'

By SakibPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
81-year-old fitness
Photo by mr lee on Unsplash

"The Golden Bachelor" creates a milestone within the renowned TV franchise, prompting the important inquiry: What advantages does maintaining fitness offer during one's senior years?

Harry King, a corporate trainer at Planet Fitness in Greenville, South Carolina, possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in ensuring the well-being of the elderly population.

During an interview with Fox News Digital, the 81-year-old fitness enthusiast revealed his lifelong commitment to living a life free from physical limitations.

"I have made a personal pledge to always push myself despite not being in optimal physical condition," he stated.

King stated that the elderly population is confronted with the potential hazards of fragile bones, muscular atrophy, and diminished stamina.

"My brother-in-law had a fall resulting in cracked ribs, and unfortunately, he passed away during his hospitalization," he solemnly revealed. "He had reached the age of 91."

Apart from enhancing muscle strength, engaging in physical exercise additionally promotes heightened brain cell function, as asserted by King.

It aids in enhancing our physical equilibrium and muscular prowess," he asserted. "It facilitates the smooth execution of our daily tasks, encompassing walking, household chores, and tending to the lawn.

Added King expresses his fondness for engaging with his grandkids by joining them on the floor and actively participating in playtime. He believes that maintaining physical fitness allows him to accomplish various activities, even the seemingly insignificant aspects of life, which can ultimately In the span of his two-year tenure at Planet Fitness, King has provided assistance to clients of various age brackets, according to his statement.

When it comes to older individuals, he advises commencing with a gradual approach and gradually establishing a solid fitness groundwork. a significant impact."We have ample time to improve our fitness, provided that we remain committed and dedicated to our exercise routines," he stated.

"Our aim is not to bulk up; rather, we strive to lead healthy and fulfilling lives."

King stressed the significance of mastering proper technique and utilizing appropriate equipment."

"Ensure proper execution, regardless of whether you are engaged in weightlifting, using dumbbells, or utilizing machines," he recommended.

"Avoid attempting to exceed your capacity by lifting excessively heavy weights."

According to him, achieving fitness involves universally applicable fundamental elements: establishing objectives and identifying individual constraints.

But for older adults, King suggests engaging in low-intensity, steady-state (LISS) cardio exercises. LISS cardio involves performing workouts at a lower intensity level but for longer durations. These types of exercises are specifically designed to be gentle on the joints and can be completed at approximately 65% of one's maximum effort. This recommendation is in accordance with the guidelines provided on the Planet Fitness website. An example of an older woman partaking in LISS cardio is seen while she is biking.

Low-impact workouts focus on distinct body areas compared to high-impact workouts, facilitating the prevention of potential injuries and enabling beginners to gradually embrace a regular exercise regimen.

Some suggested low-impact exercise options comprise walking, stationary biking, and rowing. Engaging in physical activities with a partner or friend can effectively foster a sense of responsibility, as recommended by King.

King, who is a grandfather to two children, expressed that fitness has played a significant role in improving his overall mental state for almost six decades of his marriage.

He mentioned that his wife provides unwavering support during his adventurous pursuits, such as kayaking or hiking across the state.

King expressed his enthusiasm for "The Golden Bachelor" as a way to demonstrate to the public that seniors are not obligated to remain passive and stagnant.

"I believe that this will serve as a source of inspiration for individuals in their later years, encouraging them to rise from their seated positions and engage actively in life," he expressed. "There is a multitude of experiences awaiting them."

Expressing his aspirations, the It is never too late to embark on your fitness journey," he affirmed. "Do not perceive yourself as being too advanced in age.

mentor conveyed that he desires to motivate his mature clientele to pursue similar endeavors.


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