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10 Reasons Not To Have A Pet Cat

Thinking of getting a pet cat? Well, think again!

By Shalin ThomasPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
10 Reasons Not To Have A Pet Cat
Photo by Bofu Shaw on Unsplash

Being a cat owner is one of the latest trends on Instagram these days. Tiny whiskers and cute little paws seem to clutter the feeds of popular influencers! Having a pet dog is very common, however most people do admit that they often think twice before getting a cat as a pet. Stereotypes that stand in the way when deciding to adopt one includes: laziness, lack of faithfulness, likely to get scratched, etc., as compared to a canine. All in all, though they can be fun and adorable, cats generally do not hold a good reputation when it comes down to keeping them as pets.

Here are the top 10 reasons why you should not get a furry feline as a pet:

1. They vomit hairballs (yuck!)

This might come off as a regular experience if you are a cat owner. It is said that cats vomit often. But when they do vomit hairballs, they make spooky sounds out of discomfort, which can be quite unpleasant, as well as, frightening!

This is often the result of them grooming themselves; and due to their tongues being rough, it easily catches loose hair, which is then swallowed. Hairs that pass through the cat’s digestive tract gets matted to form a ball, and gets regurgitated. The number of times a cat vomits hairballs in a month largely depends on what type of breed it belongs to.

2. They scratch

Forget having a brand-new cozy leather couch in your living room, the very moment you decide on getting a pet cat. They can be great scratchers, and can literally shred your furniture! They will go to the extend of tattering the very last piece of leather in your house!

In addition to ruining your furniture, they are also likely to scratch you too! Rub their belly wrong, and the next thing you’ll experience is the pain from sharp claws, right on your face!!! And if you have guests over, whom your cat doesn’t know well, they could end up getting scratched as well.

3. They can harbour fleas

Take your cat on a stroll in the park, where there are tons of people with their pets, and the first thing that you’ll notice once you get back home is- FLEAS!!! Your cat is itching, you are itchy, and the whole house is full of them!

Take a note of this, it isn’t uncommon for your cat to catch fleas when it comes in contact with other animals. Once your cat brings home fleas, they lay eggs and spreads all over the place! Flea eradication can be expensive and can take a lot of time. It becomes a hassle especially, say, if you are sharing your living space with other people…

4. Allergies

Believe it or not, cat allergies can be a common thing. It is estimated that 30% of the US population experiences different types of allergic reaction to cats. Symptoms of cat allergy includes running nose, shortness of breath, cough, etc. If you get a pet cat, and then realize you’re allergic to it, you might have to give it away! Let’s say, you bring over friends to your home, and they have cat allergy, it can ruin your social life. Ever thought about it?

5. They can be hard to train

When compared to dogs, cats can be quite stubborn, and therefore, training them can be a tedious affair! Felines, unlike dogs, tend not to obey instructions, and are simply not smart enough to pick up cues. Cats can be good at commanding, but not the other way around! They constantly crave attention, and will expect you to respond while they give out their orders, for example, when they want to be fed, petted, or walked!

6. Hair everywhere

Cats do tend to shed quite a lot of hair. This then spreads literally eveywhere in your home: be it the floor, furniture, or fabrics! So if you are planning to get a kitten, be prepared to vacuum everyday, in addition to buying a lint roller for your clothes. Most cat owners admit to combing their pet’s fur daily, as a means of reducing the problem. Exhausting, ain’t it?

7. They are expensive pets

Taking your cat to the veterinarian can be very costly. You will likely lose a lot of money and time on each visit to the vet. It is said that the average cat owner in the US spends more than $500 annually on average, in order to meet all the medical and other needs of their pet.

There are also minor expenses like vaccination, flea eradication, grooming, food, toiletries, grooming, pet sitter fees, etc. Expect to eat into your savings the moment you get a cat, especially if it is a luxury breed!

8. They stink up your house

Due to the fact that they are super hard to deal with when getting trained, you can expect a lot of stinky mess and cleaning, especially in the initial years of getting a pet cat! Their litter-boxes can have a permanent stench, and their urine and excrement can be quite overwhelming for your olfactory receptors! They answer nature’s call many times during the day, so be prepared to clean constantly.

If you are planning to take your cat out for a walk, remember to put on gloves, and to carry some cleaning tools and disinfectants. Cleaning up after your cat can be quite a chore!

9. They are natural killers

Get prepared to throw your emotional sensitivity out of the window, once a cat enters into your home! You’ll eventually will have to get used to numerous dead mice, birds, and reptiles littering your space!

Cats are instinctual killers; they are naturally wired to pounce upon other creatures they think of as food, or invaders of their territory. Letting your cat outside can also guarantee chances of them bringing back a dead mouse (yikes..)!

10. They are boring

Cats aren’t as fun as many other animals kept as pets. They do not fetch the bone like a dog, neither do they run inside a spinning wheel like a hamster! Cat owners often complain about lacking much needed entertainment, expected of a pet.

Cats tend to be self-willed and extremely selfish, and can hold pride up their whiskers! Therefore, putting one on a leash doesn’t go well. They also aren’t as versatile as dogs. Cats expect you to entertain them.

Still haven’t made up your mind about cats? Well, think again!


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