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Perceive Change

You’re Wasting The Opportunities in Front of You

By Jerrell JohnPublished 11 months ago 7 min read
Perceive Change
Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

Opportunities are the most valuable commodity on the planet, yet you take action on about 0 of them.


Perhaps it's because you don't see what's in front of you.

Your perception is naturally nearsighted, focusing only on what it deems important for your safety and survival. However, this can lead to a lack of vision & goal setting, resulting in missed opportunities and a potential lack of fulfillment in life.

Unfulfilled Individuals

1) Lazy River Float - Aimlessly going with the flow of life

2) Washed Up Boat - Stuck in the same place, going nowhere

3) Energy Leaks - Giving away power and focus on things outside their control

Fulfilled Individuals

1) Paddler - Navigating their way through challenges and obstacles towards their ultimate goal.

2) Sailboat - Using the environment and elements to reach their destination.

3) Energy Saver - Conserving energy by focusing on what's important to them.

We've all been there - feeling like we're missing out on something but unable to pinpoint it.

That's why, in this letter, I'll show you how to avoid that outcome by properly orienting yourself to who you want to be, setting specific goals, & negotiating with yourself.

How To Act

Paying attention is everything.

It's the key to unlocking a world of opportunities waiting for you. But how do you focus your attention on the things that truly matter?

Well, that's easy.

Your attention is selective and tends to focus on what we consider important (potential dangers & useful tools).

Have you ever wondered why your attention is drawn to certain things and not others? It's not just a coincidence - your brain is wired to selectively focus on what it considers important.

Think of your perception as a spotlight that illuminates only the area that we deem significant. At the same time, the rest of the information fades into the background.

But here's the thing: your brain also has this incredible ability to screen out irrelevant features. In other words, we become blind to things we see daily without realizing it.

This is where goal setting comes in.

Suppose you don't actively distinguish what's important to you. In that case, your brain will default to fulfilling basic needs (such as pleasure, shelter, etc.)

Without setting goals, your perception will lack direction, and you'll likely wander aimlessly. It's like sailing without a compass or a map, and sooner or later, you'll feel as if you're lost.

So, If you want to make the most of your time on this Earth, then you need to set goals that align with your values - it's as simple as that!

By having a clear sense of what's important to you, you'll easily navigate life's many twists and turns. Think of it as having your own GPS guiding you toward your endgame while also helping you steer clear of any pesky roadblocks and distractions.

It helps you determine right and wrong, what's important and what's not, and what actions will move you closer or further away from your desired destination.

So, the good news is you aren't "lost" - you just haven't picked a north star & aimed for it properly.

By geraldo stanislas on Unsplash

3 Step Framework

I don't know about you, but I occasionally find myself lost in chaos even with this knowledge.

So, here's the 3-step framework that I use to stay on track:

1) Create Your Character

You know what outcomes you want from life, don't you?

Great! Now you just need to know who you must become to achieve said outcomes.

As you are now, you're incapable of achieving your goals - and you know it (or you wouldn't be reading this far). You must first accept that completely, then begin to create the character capable of achieving them.

For as long as I can remember, the person I've been striving to become is my future self.

The future me I want to be in 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. Of course, I was far off with my initial conception, but that's the funny thing about idealizing your future self - it's never a finished product.

It's constantly evolving as you learn and grow. So, don't think of it as fixed in stone - consider it more of an ever-changing puzzle that you assemble piece by piece.

You'll know if you're off to a good start if the character you create is pursuing something that justifies all the pain and suffering along the way.

Take some time out and create your character – what are his values, how does he interact with his friends & family, what's his motivation, what does his occupation look like, and so on?

2) Map Out The Territory

With your character and goals in mind, it's time to map out the territory.

You need to specify your DAMN goals!

And when I say DAMN, I mean it - Detailed, Actionable, Measurable, and Non-negotiable. If your goals aren't any of those things, what are you even doing?

If your character is capable of running a successful business, then how do you go from wage slave to CEO?

By connecting the dots between who you are now & who you want to be with tangible, specific goals.

You'll better understand what needs to be done, how it should be done, and when it should be done.

"Goals without action are nothing more than dreams." ~Jim Rohn

1. Write down your long-term goals. These are the goals you want to achieve in the next 3-5 years. Be specific and realistic.

2. Break down your long-term goals into more manageable chunks. Think about the milestones you need to hit in 3-month increments. It's easier to think about a 3-month timeframe than 3-5 years.

3. Create a to-do list for daily and weekly tasks. These tasks will help you reach your milestones and, ultimately, your long-term goals.

Done correctly, this process will transform vague dreams into actionable plans that give your life direction and purpose - making every day count for something.

I also recommend prioritizing the daily task with the biggest ROI on the top of your list and then progressively lower in importance as you go down.

You'll start the day feeling fulfilled even if you don't get anything else done.

3) Develop Systems & Strategies

I can't stress enough how much this is an iterative process!

When something doesn't flow or fit well, adjust it - don't be afraid to experiment and try different things.

This is the time to get creative and develop systems & strategies that will help you reach your goals. You barely listen to yourself when you want to do something remotely difficult, so why not create systems that'll make it easier for you?

Warning: You are not your own servant - negotiate with yourself to make progress towards your goals.

Your day may be set up to where you take 20% of action towards your goal and 80% of fun. Start small - do something towards your goals every day, even if it's the tiniest thing.

The more upset you are with your situation, the more action is taken, as it's the only thing that will get you out.

You should also make sure that you reward yourself whenever you accomplish a task/goal - celebrate the wins!

Find what works for you and stick to it.

Some people swear by to-do lists, others by time blocking. Experiment with different systems and see what works best for you.

At the end of the day, you must also understand that your journey will be filled with roadblocks and hiccups - that's just life. But don't let these moments define you - use them as stepping stones towards achieving greatness!

Eventually, you'll find a system that helps propel you toward success.

Remember: Progress trumps perfection.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


- Your attention is selective and tends to focus on what we consider to be important (potential dangers & useful tools)

- Your consciousness ignores constant and irrelevant stimuli to your habitual scanning system (which is usually physiological needs).

- Setting goals that align with your values can help determine what you should pay attention to and prioritize.

- Your value/moral system influences your actions & perceptions, which guide you toward reaching your desired destination.

- Developing a 3-step framework can help you gain clarity & direction. The steps include creating your character, mapping out the territory, and developing systems & strategies.

- Lastly, Experiment with anything that doesn't work until you find one that works best for you - progress trumps perfection!

There's no better time to start than now!


About the Creator

Jerrell John

A visionary constructing his life purpose as an Author/Educator by building an impactful personal brand (& documenting the process).

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)11 months ago

    Awesome Article with so much importance ❤️😉💯❗Thank you for disseminating 🎯

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