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Diary of a university student


By mohamad sayedPublished 3 months ago 3 min read


Ugh, I hate Mondays. I woke up late, as usual, and I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk from last night. I have a class in 10 minutes, and I haven't even showered yet. I quickly brush my teeth and throw on some clothes, then I'm out the door.

I make it to class just as the professor is starting to lecture. I'm so hungover that I can barely pay attention, but I know I need to take notes if I want to pass this class.

After class, I head to the library to do some research for my upcoming paper. I spend a few hours reading articles and taking notes, but I can't seem to focus. I keep thinking about how much I want to go back to bed.

Finally, I give up and go back to my dorm. I take a nap, and then I wake up just in time for dinner. I go to the dining hall with my friends, and we chat about our classes.

After dinner, we go to the student union to watch a movie. I'm so tired that I fall asleep halfway through the movie.


I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. I have a meeting with my advisor this morning, so I get up early and get dressed.

My advisor is a really nice lady who always has helpful advice. We talk about my classes and my plans for the future. She gives me some good advice about how to choose a major and how to get involved on campus.

After my meeting, I go to the library to do some more research. I'm starting to get a better understanding of the topic of my paper, and I'm feeling more confident about writing it.

In the afternoon, I have a meeting with my study group. We're working on a group project, and we need to start brainstorming ideas. We come up with a few good ideas, and we're all feeling pretty good about the project.

After our meeting, I go to the gym to work out. I've been trying to work out more lately, and I'm starting to feel better about myself.


Today is hump day! I'm feeling good about the week so far. I have a few classes today, but I'm not too worried about them.

I have a free period in the afternoon, so I decide to go to the career center. I'm starting to think about my future after college, and I want to get some advice about my career options.

The career counselor is really helpful. She gives me some good advice about how to choose a career and how to get started in my field.

After my meeting, I go to the library to do some more research. I'm almost finished with my paper, and I'm feeling really good about it.


Today is almost Friday! I'm so excited for the weekend. I have a few classes today, but I'm not too worried about them.

I have a lab in the afternoon, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like doing science experiments, and I'm always excited to learn new things.

After my lab, I go to the student union to meet up with some friends. We're going to see a movie tonight, and I'm really excited.


It's Friday! I'm so excited for the weekend. I have no classes today, so I'm planning on sleeping in and relaxing.

I might go to the library later to do some more research, but I'm not sure yet. I'm just going to take it easy and enjoy my day.


Today is Saturday! I slept in late, and I'm feeling really good. I'm going to go out to breakfast with my friends, and then we're going to go shopping.

I'm really excited to spend time with my friends. We've been so busy with school lately, and it's been a while since we've all been able to get together.


Today is Sunday, and it's the last day of the week. I'm feeling a little bit sad because the weekend is over, but I'm also excited for the week ahead.

I have a few classes tomorrow, but I'm not too worried about them. I'm feeling good about the week, and I'm ready to start it off on the right foot.


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