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Dark Female Nature


By Roy esparzaPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

In today's video, we will discuss the concept of caring for a woman and how it affects her desire for you. We will explore the idea that women are survival creatures and are naturally drawn to men who can provide protection and security. Additionally, we will delve into the significance of developing masculine energy and understanding how to handle a woman's feminine energy. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of why caring too much can be a turn-off and how to prioritize the right things for a successful relationship.

The Allure of Survival:
To comprehend why caring too much can be detrimental, we must recognize that women are wired to seek out the strongest mate for their survival. Regardless of the topic being discussed, women are always optimizing for the man who can provide the best chances of survival. This instinctual drive stems from the fact that women are survival creatures themselves. When a man displays traits such as strength, stability, resilience, and dedication, it signals to a woman that he is a good bet for her survival.

Understanding Feminine and Masculine Energy:
When dealing with women, it is crucial to understand how to handle their feminine energy, which is based on thoughts, feelings, and emotions. To do this effectively, men must develop their own masculine energy. Masculine energy encompasses traits such as strength, stability, stoicism, resilience, and dedication. These qualities are what women look for in a man to feel safe and protected.

The Role of Selfishness in Masculine Energy:
Contrary to popular belief, caring too much about a woman can actually be a turn-off. When a man devotes all his time and energy to nurturing a woman emotionally, it can convey a lack of focus on the right things for their survival. Women perceive this as a weakness and a sign that the man is not prioritizing their safety. Instead, men should focus on themselves, their goals, and their own development. By becoming selfish with their time and working on building their own lives, men become strong, capable, and attractive to women.

The Connection Between Survival and Safety:
Survival, in the context of relationships, equates to safety. Women want to be with men who can provide a sense of security and protect them. When a man cares too much about a woman's emotions or spends excessive time nurturing the relationship, she interprets it as a lack of focus on the right things for their survival. This leads to a decrease in attraction and desire.

Adapting the Ancestral Mindset:
To truly understand this concept, it is helpful to adopt an ancestral mindset. Imagine a world without modern comforts and technology, where survival depended on a man's ability to provide for and protect his partner. If a man were to spend all his time cuddling and nurturing, neglecting his responsibilities and priorities, a woman would perceive him as weak and incapable of ensuring their survival.

The Importance of Routine, Order, and Goals:
To embody masculine energy and prioritize the right things, men should focus on three key aspects: order, routine, and goals. Creating order in their lives by establishing consistent sleeping patterns, maintaining a healthy diet, and organizing their daily activities signals stability and reliability. Following a routine ensures that men are consistently working towards their goals, whether they be physical, financial, or personal. These traits demonstrate a man's dedication and his ability to provide safety and security.

Giving Yourself Permission to Act:
Once a man has put in the work to develop himself and his life, he must give himself permission to act confidently. This means embodying the traits and characteristics that signal strength, stability, and capability. By acting in alignment with his newfound masculine energy, a man becomes more attractive and appealing to women.

Detaching from the Need for Female Companionship:
One of the most essential aspects of attracting women is detaching from the need for their companionship. Men who crave, want, or desire female attention will struggle to attract it. Instead, by focusing on their own goals and development, men become self-sufficient and attractive to women. This shift in mindset and behavior signals to women that a man is focused on the right things and is a strong, desirable partner.

In conclusion, understanding the importance of masculine energy and survival in relationships is crucial for building successful connections with women. By prioritizing order, routine, and goals in their lives, men can develop the traits that women find attractive and desirable. Detaching from the need for female companionship and focusing on self-improvement paves the way for a fulfilling and satisfying relationship. Remember, it is not about neglecting or mistreating women, but rather about understanding their innate desires and emotions to create a strong foundation for a lasting connection.

Men's PerspectivesMasculinityIssuesGeneral

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