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Twin Flame? Fact or Fiction

How my pursuit of true love inspired my healing journey.

By Stephen RinaldiPublished about a year ago 5 min read

(Disclaimer) I wrote this in a rush so that I can enter and win the High-Ku contest before midnight. Please forgive any lack of structure or blatant disregard for what actual writers call “The Rules”. I have no formal education in regards to writing, in fact I should of never graduated high school based on academic performance, the only reason I was pushed through was because I had behavior issues and well the public school system. In their defense I was a constant distraction to the people who wanted to learn and teach so I harbor no resentment. With that being said I hope you enjoy or take something from this series about my healing journey and my search for true love.

Twin Flame, what is it? is it a real thing?

…. Or is it some fairy tale to those who seek the kind of love typically reserved for hollywood scripts or the origin story of how Pop-Pop met Nonni (Aren’t they cute **Winky face with the smooch tho**)?

Is it some spiritual trap that creates a scarcity mindset that can cause “hopeful romantics” to become over attached out of fear that they are walking away from “THE ONE”

Many people think this is a very real thing and I’m not they type to shit on anyone's beliefs, but I am going to speculate both sides for the purpose of understanding and to get some of this vocal media skrill 😉. For real tho I believe it can be helpful to someone else, and perhaps on a personal level it holds some form of healing value.

I myself whole heartily believed it was real at one point, but my highly, and at times over analytical mind makes me look at it from every angle possible. In this series I am gonna explain the belief behind this concept, tell you the origin story of how I “stumbled” into my healing journey in an attempt to reconcile (or find) true love. How in the process I healed myself from all different brands of trauma and found the most authentic version of myself, or should I say….. I found “Maya” (The illusion of self).

We should understand going in the subject matter, and some of the supporting concepts are highly speculative and of a spiritual nature. They are seemingly impossible to prove until advancements are made in quantum mechanics/physics (I theorize that is a place that we will one day be able to connect “Spirituality and Science”.)

For the sake of this series it would be best to keep an open mind about things such as reincarnation/past lives, energy as it relates to the chakra systems, clearing of past life trauma, empaths, internal vibrational frequency and how it reflects in the external reality, law of attraction, mirrored reality concept, and more…

I should break it down for those of you who are not familiar with this term so we can all be on the same page. In what I refer to as “modern day spirituality” there are groups of people on a so called “Twin Flame Journey”. Conceptually the belief is that when a soul incarnates here on earth it chooses to be split into two different bodies for the purpose of soul expansion, healing ancestral trauma patterns (intergenerational trauma), healing trauma for the collective, completing a mission(s), to help elevate collective consciousness, and to be examples of what unconditional love and healthy relationships are supposed to look like. This brings up another concept that you should briefly understand just to take in the last sentence, most of that community believes that we choose to incarnate, pick our parents, some of the experiences we would have here on earth, essentially created a “soul blueprint” before being “downloaded” into our human containers (not everyone uses that terminology) . I haven't watched the series but I believe this kind of lends to the “West world” premise.

It is believed that a persons “twin” will typically spark the spiritual awakening of the other, or that they spark each others awakening. Both twins will undergo their own transformation where they will heal their traumas and undo the self limiting beliefs installed from societal programming or less then perfect parenting, experience varying degrees of “ego death”. When they heal they begin to learn things about themselves and have a strong desire to start expressing creatively to support and inspire the collective (the rest of society), this can be through anything that requires a creative touch.

When they reunite their healed forms it is believed that they typically have a common purpose or life mission. This part of it was/is the most appealing part of the concept. For me there has always been a deep desire/hope that when I found my wife we would work together in some way. You hear some traditional thinking men make jokes saying they thank God for work, its the only time they have to get away from their spouses. My response to that is if you require a 40-60 hour weekly “break” from your wife, well my friend I believe you might be married to the wrong woman…. But what do I know **shrugs**

This concludes part 1 as its 1136p and I need to submit the winning High-Ku before midnight… I appreciate you taking the time to read this… Soon there will be videos and links to my you tube where I will speak about these subjects and many more. I prefer speaking it's the movie version of the book.. 🤣

Peace and Love


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