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Men expect all this from women for that matter

Exploring Gender Expectations and Double Standards in Relationships

By TauroiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

When it comes to sex, many people tend to believe that men are the ones who are strong and powerful, like tigers. However, this is not entirely true. Men may have some strength, but when it comes to satisfying women in a relationship, they should be more like snakes. They should be gentle, patient, and understanding, instead of being rough and aggressive.

Women have certain expectations when it comes to sexual satisfaction, but they often don't express them out loud. Men should try to understand their partners and behave accordingly to make them feel happy and satisfied. By doing so, they can create a deeper and more meaningful connection with their partner.

So, what are the things that men should do to satisfy their partner in bed?

Firstly, women love to be hugged with insatiable desire and kissed passionately. These gestures make them feel loved and desired, and it can also make them blush. After the kissing, the couple should make love with desire, showing each other how much they mean to each other.

Secondly, women enjoy playing with their partner's hair during intimate moments. It creates a sense of intimacy and closeness, making them feel connected to each other. It's a small gesture that can go a long way in making a woman feel loved and appreciated.

Thirdly, when the couple is at the peak of love, they should enjoy mouthing and humming loudly. This is a great way to express the intensity of the moment and it doesn't matter if they are heard by the neighbors. They should let go of their inhibitions and enjoy the moment fully.

Fourthly, men should be open to having sex in different positions, including pressed against the wall. This adds variety and spice to the relationship, and it can also create a sense of adventure and excitement.

Fifthly, the couple should enjoy soaking in the pleasure of writhing in their laziness, unable to get out of bed. This is a time to be lazy and enjoy each other's company. Another important thing is to keep listening to soft romantic music in the room, which can add to the ambiance and create a more intimate and romantic atmosphere.

Finally, when the couple wakes up in the morning, they should wake up with a romantic mood. Men can come back to their partner in the kitchen and hug them tightly, expressing their love and appreciation. This is a great way to start the day and set the tone for a loving and intimate relationship.

In addition to these things, women also enjoy being pulled over in the shower, cuddling, and having sex in a half-soaked bed. These intimate moments are crucial in creating a deep and meaningful connection with their partner. Men should be open to these ideas and be willing to explore and experiment with their partner.

In conclusion, men should not be like tigers in bed. Instead, they should be gentle, patient, and understanding, like snakes. By doing so, they can create a deeper and more meaningful connection with their partner, satisfying them in ways that they never thought possible.

It's important to note that communication is key in any relationship, including sexual relationships. Men should be open to hearing their partner's desires and preferences, and should be willing to discuss their own as well. This can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both partners.

Additionally, it's important for men to remember that sexual satisfaction is not just about physical pleasure. Emotional intimacy and connection play a crucial role as well. By taking the time to understand their partner's emotional needs and desires, men can create a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both themselves and their partner.

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