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How to Make Him Worship You: A Woman's Guide to Total Relationship Dominance

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By Florian PonikPublished about a year ago 4 min read
How to Make Him Worship You: A Woman's Guide to Total Relationship Dominance
Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Do you want to be the one in charge of your relationship? Are you looking for ways to make him worship you? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This guide is designed to give women the tools they need to take control of their relationships and ensure that their partner is always in awe of them. From establishing yourself as the alpha in the relationship to understanding your partner's wants and needs, this guide provides all the information and advice you need to make him worship you. So if you're ready to become the ultimate relationship dominatrix, let's get started!

Rule #2: Be the Prize

One of the most important rules to remember when trying to make a man worship you is to be the prize. Men love to chase, and they’re looking for someone who’s worth it. To make him worship you, you need to be confident and never compromise on your standards.

Be sure to dress well and maintain good hygiene. Take care of yourself and practice self-care regularly. Show him that you have a life and that you’re pursuing your own goals. This will help you exude confidence, which will draw him in and make him want to pursue you even more.

Be sure to keep a positive attitude and outlook on life as well. When he’s around, focus on the positive aspects of your life and don’t dwell on the negative. Smile and be friendly, but don’t let him think he can walk all over you. Show him that you’re an independent, strong woman who knows her worth.

Remember that you’re the prize. If a man isn’t willing to put in the effort to make you happy, it’s not worth it. Be patient, confident, and always true to yourself. This will draw him in and make him realize that you’re worth worshipping.

Rule #3: Play Hard to Get

Playing hard to get is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to relationships. It’s a powerful way to make a man feel like you are worth the effort and create an air of mystery and intrigue. Playing hard to get isn’t about playing games or manipulating anyone, it’s about conveying your value and creating an exciting, suspenseful dynamic.

Playing hard to get can be as simple as taking some time to reply to a text or not always being available when he wants to hang out. It’s also important that when you do spend time together, you don’t put all of your focus on him. Showing your independence and having a life outside of him will keep him guessing and make him appreciate you more. Additionally, it’s a good idea to take things slow when it comes to physical intimacy; by making him wait for certain things, he will start to realize how valuable you are and that he needs to work for your attention.

The key with playing hard to get is finding the right balance. Make sure that you don’t play too hard to get as this can come off as disinterest. Instead, use this strategy to slowly build up the anticipation and excitement in your relationship while maintaining your independence and self-respect.

Rule #4: Be a Challenge

It’s natural for men to want what they can’t have, and you can use this to your advantage. Men love a challenge and if you present yourself as a challenge they will naturally be drawn to you. This doesn’t mean that you should be unapproachable and difficult, but rather that you should be confident in yourself and set boundaries so he knows what he can and can’t get away with. For example, don’t be afraid to say “no” when something doesn’t feel right. You can also make him work for your attention by not responding to texts right away or being too available all the time. These little games will make him feel like he has to earn your affections and will make him feel more attracted to you as a result.

Rule #5: Be Independent

If you want to make him worship you, it’s essential to be independent. You don’t need to be attached to him or dependent on him for everything. Show him that you can take care of yourself and that you don’t rely on him. Don’t forget that you have your own life outside of the relationship and continue to maintain it. Spend time with your friends and family and keep up with your hobbies and interests. Show him that you are a strong, independent woman and he will be sure to see you as the prize.

Rule #6: Keep Things Exciting

One of the best ways to keep your man wanting more is to always keep things exciting. Even in long-term relationships, it’s important to keep things fresh and unpredictable. Try going on unexpected dates, experimenting with different activities together, or taking a spontaneous weekend away. You can also surprise him with small gifts or gestures throughout the day – it doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant, just something that shows you’re thinking about him. It’s also a great idea to have your own interests outside of the relationship. This will make you appear independent and keep him intrigued. If you always have something to look forward to, he’ll be more interested in what you have to offer and more likely to worship you.

If you want to learn the #1 Rule on how to make him worship you, click here now.

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Florian Ponik

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    FPWritten by Florian Ponik

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