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Why Leaning into Fear Is Your Ticket to the Big Leagues

So you can own the damn game

By Rick MartinezPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Frames For Your Heart on Unsplash

Fear. It's that insidious opponent, always lurking, always strategizing ways to knock you out cold.

“Fear is the silent destroyer of dreams.” - Gary Haugen

Forget the childhood boogeyman; adult fear is the heavyweight champion of dread. It's the inner critic that whispers you're a fraud when you step into a room of high-achievers. It's the mental shackle holding you back from going all in on that moonshot goal, all because you're afraid of what people might say.

But let's get real: dodging fear only gives it more juice. You're basically feeding the beast every time you duck and hide. Want to dismantle its power? You've got to lean into it like you've never leaned before. That's not just bravery; it's your golden ticket to living a life less ordinary.

So, how do you go from fear-stricken to fearless?

Let's cut the fluff and get down to tactics.

Dissecting the Demon: Know What You're Up Against

The first step, put that fear under the microscope. List it out—every last dreadful detail.

What's making your skin crawl? And why? Look at the worst-case scenario. Hell, look at the best-case scenario, too. Now, you're not just staring at a monster; you're sizing it up, taking its measure. Doesn't seem as scary now, does it?

Face-Off: Sit Down and Stare Your Fear in the Eye

Okay, you've called it out.

Now square up.

Sit in that uncomfortable space and dissect your notes from the first step. Visualize a life where that fear doesn't dictate your moves. Got the image? Good. Now, what's the one bold move you could make today to start neutralizing this sucker?

Pushing Boundaries: Comfort Zones are Overrated

Look, if you're cozy, you're not growing.

Simple as that. Square up with the fact that this journey will be a series of uncomfortable skirmishes with your fears. You might take some hits. But remember: The only way you get battle-hardened is by stepping into the arena. Keep a scorecard.

What are you learning in each round?

Dare to Fail: Perfection Is the Enemy of Progress

Ditch the illusion of perfection.

It's a sham. One of the gnarliest fears is bombing big time, especially when others are watching. But get this—imperfection is the fertile ground where progress grows. Action trumps inaction every single time. So savor the imperfect steps, the stumbles, the outright face-plants.

That's where the real growth happens.

Lean hard into that fear. While others are paralyzed in their self-made prisons, you're out there breaking chains. Your courage is your crowbar, and I'm in your corner, rooting for you to smash every last lock.

The Final Bell: Why This Is a Game-Changer for You

Listen up, my homie.

I get it; you're swamped, drowning in the day-to-day grind of scaling your empire. You've got world-changing ideas bottled up inside, but the bandwidth to pen them down? Zero. That's where the monster of fear slinks in, whispering you're too busy, too strapped, or just plain not good enough to author a game-changing book.

Don't listen to that bull. Seriously.

See, leaning into fear isn't just some fluffy, feel-good advice; it's your unique leverage point. This is especially vital for you because, let's be frank, you're in a high-stakes game. You're juggling growth rates, profit margins, employee well-being, and a dozen other metrics. Adding a book to that mix? It's daunting, but listen—it's non-negotiable if you want to play in the big leagues.

A well-crafted book isn't just another product; it's your legacy. It's the concrete manifestation of your expertise, a tool that'll do the heavy lifting in expanding your influence, beefing up your personal brand, and leaving a rippling impact. Plus, let's be real; having your name on a killer book is your golden ticket to elevating your game, outranking the competition, and having an evergreen asset that keeps giving.

So here's your action plan:

  1. Start with the "Dissect the Demon" exercise. Dig deep, pinpoint that entrepreneurial fear, and lay it bare. Is it the fear of time commitment, public scrutiny, or just not knowing where to start?
  2. Engage in the "Face-Off". Make it a weekly ritual, like your business metrics review. Each time, identify one action item that'll push you closer to authoring that book. Could be as simple as jotting down a chapter outline or as big as hiring a ghostwriting agency like Ink Your Impact.
  3. Embrace "Pushing Boundaries" by actively seeking discomfort. Test your book idea with a trusted group, get feedback, and iterate. You're already doing this in your business, so extend it to your book project.
  4. And remember, "Dare to Fail." Drafts will suck, and deadlines will be missed, but each misstep is a stepping stone to a masterpiece.

Lean into your fear, not as a hindrance, but as fuel for growth.

While your competition is quaking in their boots, you'll be out there conquering new worlds, one page at a time. So go ahead, make the leap from entrepreneur to thought leader, and pen that legacy. Anything less would be selling yourself short, and you didn't get this far by doing that.

Ready to write your book and not sure where to start?

Grab my free, 6-step template on how to write a book for people who don’t have time to write.

Everything you need to get that book out of your head and start writing in less than an hour.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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