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Why Granite Countertops Have Been Unbeaten Since 1980!

Granite countertops in Bayville have been popular since ages, but what’s the reason for this popularity? Here’s everything you need to know…

By Alvin WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Why Granite Countertops Have Been Unbeaten Since 1980!
Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

Granite countertops were introduced as a niche material way back in the 1980s. But what started as a niche product, gradually gained a market share so immense that the entire market was replaced with its name.

The countertop market became synonymous with granite and the rest is history!

But what brought these changes and why is it still popular in the 2020s?

3 Reasons granite countertops gained popularity

1. Availability

In the 1980s when the granite industry was introduced as a niche category, the material was still imported from Italy. But things have changed drastically since then!

The majority of the granite countertop market gets its import from Brazil. And hence, the unending avalanche of various kinds of materials.

Brazil became the go-to spot for every importer and the pricing was way steeper than the Italian counterparts.

2. Transport

The transportation facilities and medium changed astoundingly in the 80s and 90s. With the availability of new and cheaper material locations, importing from Brazil to the USA was way easier and cost-effective than in Italy.

And hence, this converted in more sales and good quality service.

Not only this, the cutting edge technology of giving the right shape and size to the raw materials developed just at the right time. And hence, the American interest piqued.

3. Housing boom

And to boost it all, American society itself was moving towards a new phase. Housing loans were cheap and every American’s dream of owning a house was finally getting realized.

And with the availability of a plethora of options in the granite countertop category, there was a certain winner - Granites!

Granite countertops gained unimaginable popularity and became the market leader.

But, but, but, it is always more than luck for every product to become successful. And granite countertops in Bayville were no exception. While the luck and industry were rightly aligned with the market, the product itself was superior in the majority of categories.

a. Durability

No countertops came closer to Granites in terms of durability. And rightly so, these materials were meant to lose for decades if not centuries.

And the average American, the first time home buyers, were just about looking for something like this. And when the interest is aligned, the curiosity leads to sales.

b. Resistance

The cherry on the cake was the various resistance factors offered by this material. Not only was it heat resistant but also etch and stain resistant.

This was a deciding factor for many first time homeowners. Families with small children feared the need for regular maintenance with other countertops and here granite was immune to all (almost).

It became a no brainer!

The granite countertop could be used in the bathroom, kitchen, and other places alike.

c. Variety

The variety offered by granite countertops was always a bonus. And with the right of new technology that made cutting granite in precise shapes and sizes very easy, every countertop provider started recommending it.

The available material choices were suitable for every location and satisfied the user’s intent and curiosity.

The market reached a new height and became synonymous with the name of the countertop. And with almost 40 years since its first popular breakthrough, granite countertops have remained unbeaten!


It is still a go-to choice for the majority among homeowners.

Many companies like Aphrodite marbles in your local vicinity provide you quality granite countertops.

Aphrodite Marbles has over 35 years of experience as a premier fabricator of quality stone for baths, kitchens, and other custom applications.

They specialize in fabricating, supplying, and installing custom cut materials for your business or home.

Whether you are starting new construction, remodeling, or adding something unique that you have imagined, get in touch with our expert staff to get started today.

You can reach us at (609) 622-4983.


About the Creator

Alvin Williams

Work for construction & remodeling company, Loves to write about home-improvement and share experts insides. Nature inspires me to get a unique perspective in life!

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