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Which is the Best Country to get a Permanent Residence Visa?

Get a Permanent Residence Visa

By Visas AvenuePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Are you looking for Immigration Advice to immigrate to a new country on Permanent Residence (PR) visa?

It is always tough to choose a country to migrate to and that too on a permanent visa. As an immigration aspirant, you need to look at various aspects before deciding to make your move. In the last few years, Canada has emerged as the top destination to immigrate to and settle permanently.

What makes Canada the best country to settle?

Canada is one of the most advanced countries globally, with a stable economy, democratic political setup and multicultural society. This beautiful maple leaf country's various features make it the best immigration choice, especially for skilled professionals looking to live, work, and settle in an ideal country. Let us look at a few of Canada's spectacular features, which makes the Canada PR visa a superb choice for worldwide skilled visa aspirants.

Ranks among the top five countries globally to Live

Canada ranks as the Second best country in the world in the recent best country survey done by US News and World Report. It is the best country in the world based on Qualify of life. It also ranks among the top five countries based on various human living parameters, i.e. citizenship, raising children, transparency, education, best country for women, etc. The infrastructure facilities are one of the best in the world in the maple leaf country.

Immigrant-Friendly nation

It is famous as the country of immigrants. Canada every year admit over 300,000 newcomers to the country through its various immigration programs and visa categories, i.e. PR visa, skilled visa, family-sponsored visa, student visa, Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP), caregiver visa, refugee programs, etc.

As per Canada's latest Immigration Levels plan, it will admit more than one million new immigrants by 2023, inviting over 400,000 new permanent residents every year.

Cultural Diversity

In the last few decades, Canada has emerged as a society that embraces people of every race, religion, ethnicity and background. A vase includes flower of every plant, variety, and breed. The immigration law of Canada welcomes the natives of different nations and provides them with equal opportunities for growth and development in the country. Many politicians and ministers in Canada have their roots outside the maple leaf country. They were new immigrants in Canada at one point.

Opportunities for Skilled professionals

Canada offers multiple opportunities to skilled professionals from across the world. The fast-growing Canadian industries face a skills shortage, and hence, the Canadian government admits thousands of skilled workers to fulfil the demand of the Canadian labour market.

In the last few years, top IT companies have shifted their base to Canadian cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc., mainly due to the tightening immigration rules in the region's neighbouring countries.

Now, if the above features encourage you for Canada immigration this year, find out, which is the best visa category to move to Canada, and why.

Well, the Permanent Residence (PR) visa is the fastest way to immigrate to Canada permanently. The PR visa offers you various benefits and privileges similar to citizens of Canada.

What are the key benefits of a Canadian PR visa?

Find below some key benefits of a Canadian PR visa:

• Live and work in Canada permanently: Canada PR visa allows you to live, work and study anywhere in Canada permanently. You can include your eligible family members in the application, i.e. spouse, children, etc., and they too will get the permanent residency status in Canada to live, work and study.

• Social Security benefits: Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) offer you various social security benefits similar to its citizens. For instance, free education for kids, universal healthcare coverage for the family, etc.

• Sponsor Eligible Relatives: As a permanent resident of Canada, you can sponsor your eligible family members to come and get Permanent Residence (PR) in Canada. However, for that to happen, you must have spent enough time on a PR visa.

• Apply for citizenship: Once you have spent enough time in Canada, you can apply for Canadian citizenship. Subsequently, the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will call you for the citizen test and interview. Upon clearing the same, you get Canadian citizenship in an appropriate ceremony.

If you want to immigrate to Canada on Permanent Residence (PR) visa, you must check your eligibility first for the same.

Key Canada immigration Pathways

Federal Express Entry System is the fastest point-based system to apply for a PR visa in Canada. Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) launched it in January 2015.

It asses the skilled worker applicants and accordingly allocate them points based on six selection factors, i.e.

1. Age

2. Education

3. Work Experience

4. Language Proficiency (English/French)

5. Adaptability

6. Arranged Employment.

The EE system does not compulsory require the Canadian job or employment offer from the applicants. Hence, you can apply for a Canadian PR visa without a job offer. The candidates with a good point score based on the above factors receive the ITA (Invitation to Apply) for a Canadian PR visa from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The IRCC hold the periodic Express entry draws or invitation rounds to issue ITAs to applicants.

PNP pathway for immigration to Canada

The different Canada provinces also provide a pathway to permanent residency in Canada to skilled worker applicants. Most Canadian provinces run a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) in coordination with the federal government or IRCC.

The PNPs invite and assess the candidates and subsequently nominate the selected ones for PR visa. The nomination received from a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) help the applicants get Permanent Canada PR (Permanent Residence) visa.

If you plan to move to Canada on a PR visa, it is good to get professional advice and assistance from a trusted Immigration Advisor and consultant.

A consultant registered with ICCRC (Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council) can provide you with genuine help and guidance in applying for immigration to Canada.

All the best!


About the Creator

Visas Avenue

Visas Avenue specializes in Canada and Aus immigration process. It is associated with ICCRC and MARA members to offer genuine and trusted assistance & support to the immigration applicants interested in applying for visa in these countries.

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