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What to Do About Noisy Pipes

You never know if it is a bigger problem than it looks.

By Marshall StevensonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

It isn’t rare to hear some strange noises in your home every now and then. From walls popping to the house settling, there are plenty of reasons things can go bump in the night. Most of these can be ignored without consequence. Loud, frequent noises, however, should be investigated immediately as they could be a serious problem. These are often caused by pipes.

When it comes to plumbing, no two sounds are the same. It’s important to know what can be causing these sounds and what to do about them, since they’re usually a warning of something much worse to come.

Noisy Pipe Causes

Constant rattling sounds coming from the walls, particularly when taking a shower, are a common plumbing problem. The noise is usually caused by an irregular water flow pattern somewhere in the house. Unsecured pipes are the most likely reason for this, and they are usually an easy fix that won’t be too expensive or lead to much damage.

Loud, banging pipes are another story, and these sounds should be addressed immediately. The loud bang, also known as a “water hammer,” is caused by fast flowing water coming to an abrupt stop in a pipe. The most common reason for this is a closed valve, but there are other potential causes. If left alone, the impact from the sudden stops will continue doing damage to the pipes, and this can even lead to pipes disconnecting. This will cause extensive water damage to the affected area, not to mention resulting in expensive repairs to the pipes themselves.

A constant rumbling sound is also an urgent issue. While it won’t sound as shocking as the water hammer, it is a persistently annoying sound that can indicate a problem with the water heater. The most likely cause of the rumbling is a buildup of sediment at the bottom of the water heater. Water contains a variety of minerals, and when it’s left still, like at the bottom of a water heater, the minerals tend to settle and harden into a sediment. This will certainly reduce the efficiency of a water heater, and in some cases, it can even cause water in the sediment to boil. This results in the low rumbling sound you hear. This is incredibly dangerous, as over time the boiling water could cause the water heater to explode, resulting in catastrophic damage to the home. There is also the safety factor to consider, not to mention that water heater repair cost tends to be particularly expensive. Regular checking and maintenance is of utmost importance, even if the water heater appears normal.

DIY Repairs

In some instances, you may be able to handle plumbing repairs on your own. Particularly in the case of unsecured pipes, you can often stop the sounds by simply tightening joints or supporting them with a clamp or tape. Just be sure to avoid over-tightening pipe fittings, as this could cause water seals to rupture.

When it comes to the water hammer, the best DIY solution is to install an arrestor on the offending pipe. This will absorb the shock of the water stopping and prevent the pipe from shaking.

Plumbing Services

DIY solutions are great when you’re confident in your abilities, but it’s much more important to know when to call in the pros. This is particularly true in cases where there is a safety hazard, like when dealing with a water heater. Typically, the heater will need to be at least partially drained before a proper examination, and the water is hot enough to cause injury. It’s also a good idea to make a call if you’re dealing with low or unusual water pressure. This can often be caused by factors outside of your control like city problems or blockages elsewhere.

Fixing things yourself is cost-effective, but it’s never worth risking a bigger problem. If you suspect an issue with your piping, it’s best to start with a professional consultation to fully understand the problem at hand.


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    MSWritten by Marshall Stevenson

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