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What makes me a poor person?

Wisdom of Life Series 01

By ISAAC ZHENGPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
By Isaac Zheng

There can be various factors that contribute to someone being considered a "poor person." Let me just share some with you:

  • The poor prefer to trade time for money: They love spending several hours shopping around and comparing prices, the savings were only a few tens of dollars.
  • The poor live within their means: They live only on their earnings and resources, and this way of life will keep them eternally living a modest and frugal existence.
  • The poor believe that money is the root of all evil: Money, according to the poor, can lead to greed, corruption, and unethical behavior, causing harm to both individuals and society.
  • Growing up is hampered by the words of one's parents: Your parents constantly said to you when you were growing up, "Wealthy people are all very greedy; they earn their money from the hard work of the poor." As a result, you were raised to believe that affluent people are all greedy, and you connected wealth with greed.
  • All the negative constraints related to money encountered in life: Have you grown up hearing any of the following sayings about money? "To make money, you need to put in a lot of effort." "You can't have substance and wealth at the same time." "Happiness can't be bought with money." "There is never enough money." "We cannot afford it." "Money can't buy happiness," and similar sayings?
  • Never believe that life is created by oneself: The poor believe success and opportunities are predetermined, making it challenging for them to believe they have the power to shape their own destiny.
  • The poor always blame others: The poor cannot earn a lot of money because they are good at blaming others. They frequently blame the bad economy, the government, the stock market, the boss, the employees, the company, and even God. They always see others as the ones who make mistakes and not themselves.
  • The poor make every effort to show their theories make sense: "Money isn't really that important," The poor frequently claim. Let me ask you this: how long do you think your family, friends, or romantic partner would stay by your side if you said they were unimportant? Probably not for long, and the same goes for money too!
  • People who like to complain are all poor: Complaining is the worst thing for your health or wealth. When you complain about why your life is so poor, according to the law of attraction, the things you complain about will only continue to magnify, and you will only feel even poorer compared to others.
  • The poor choose to be compensated based on time: Poor people prefer to receive a fixed monthly salary or hourly wage based on time rather than earning based on their performance because they are afraid of not earning enough due to poor job performance." It is a sense of security that they crave, and they are willing to sacrifice wealth to obtain it.
  • Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people: Poor individuals may find it easier to connect with others who are going through similar financial struggles or facing similar challenges in life, however, if you connect with them, you may be likely to be one of them.
  • The poor believe they already know everything in the world: In the face of challenges and limitations, the poor may adopt a self-assured attitude to cope with what they perceive as their circumstances and maintain a sense of dignity. However, in reality, they do not truly know.

The thoughts listed above are enough to make you a poor person, are you willing to accept that?

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