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What Is The Average Cost Of Decking?

deck builders in melbourne

By Steven goldbergPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

You may have noticed that you need the decking to cover your empty backyard. Perhaps you need to extend your deck balcony from your bedroom. No matter what kind of decking work you are looking for, it is imperative that you have an idea of the type of deck you want before you start to calculate how much your decking costs. Maybe you have already done a sketch of the deck or sought out help from an architect or landscape designer. You will need to hire a professional company to help you design your deck. Before they can give you the best price on decking, however, the representative from the company will need to have a lot more information.

Council Approval and Insurance

First, you might need to get approval from your local council before you make any decking changes to your house. Each country has its own requirements and approval costs. Some cities make it compulsory to hire a builder or to obtain building insurance if you have decking plans that exceed a certain limit. It is possible to get building insurance even if your local council does not make this mandatory. This will protect you in case your deck builders in Melbourne have problems or are unable to finish your job on schedule.

Locating a Decking Design Company

When comparing quotes between companies, you must consider these points.

  • How long has the company been in business? While new decking companies are more affordable than established ones, you run the risk of not getting your job done if they have financial difficulties. Longer-established companies are more likely to complete the work given to them and give their clients that professional touch.
  • Are there any testimonials about their work that you can request from the company? This is to give you an idea of what type of service they provide.
  • Are the company's assets insured? If something does go wrong, you don’t want to be held responsible.
  • Do you have a quote from the company that includes a breakdown of all costs? Are the estimates of prices or actual costs included in the quote?
  • What kinds of decks does your company specialize in?
  • Additional services: Do they provide concept drawings and designs? Or do they help with council approvals? However, you may have to pay an additional fee.
  • What is the maintenance schedule for your deck? The majority of companies maintain your deck every 6–12 months. This includes cleaning it and applying decking oil, which can make it more durable and look better.

Builder Requirements

Deck builders will require a lot from you to determine the cost of your deck. To determine the area that needs decking, they will need the square meters. The cost of larger decks is higher than for smaller ones. Keep in mind how many people will be using your deck at the same time. You should also consider the purpose of your deck. Is it intended for outdoor parties or private use? How often will the deck be used? The company will also look at the general terrain of your backyard. Slopes can cause problems and increase the overall cost. Decks above ground, such as those that extend beyond your bedroom, will be more expensive than decks that extend into your backyard.

Extras for Decking Designs

The following decking features might be of interest to you, but they may increase your cost.

  • Railings: For safety reasons, small children often require above-ground decking to protect them from accidental falls.
  • Stairs: A decorative item can also be used on an elevated deck. Consider whether you need open or closed stairs. Closing stairs can be more complicated to assemble. This can affect the cost of decking.
  • Lighting: If you want to be able to use your decking during the night, lighting is a must. You have two options: mount small lighting points on the floor or place light bulbs along the railing of the deck.
  • Skirting: A second lattice is typically installed around the deck's perimeter. It protects the deck's bottom from rainwater and weeds.
  • Storage bench: It is a very useful bench that can be used to store garden materials and for sitting.
  • Additional fencing: Fencing is necessary to divide your deck from your home's interior.
  • Decking materials: There are so many choices today. Cedar, which is hardwood, is the most expensive but also has the best resistance to damage. However, cedar is the most difficult wood to work with, both to transport and lift. Untreated pine is the most expensive and has the longest lifespan. To increase its durability, pine can be treated for a minimal fee.
  • Finish: How will the deck get sealed? What kind of paint or staining is used for deck sealing? Do you plan to do this yourself or include it in your quotes?


Decking costs can be influenced by many factors. You can adjust the price depending on your terrain and the height of your deck above ground. You can avoid surprises later by making detailed measurements and preparing your ideas before you start a job. A reputable company will offer reasonable estimates, and decking jobs that are not too expensive are the best.


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