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What is a creative resume?

One great way to land your dream job.

By Iulia P.Published about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Francesca de Mesa on Behance

Recruiters spend 5-7 seconds looking at a resume.

In this crazy world full of people with similar diplomas, you've got to find a way to stand out even if you haven't landed a rocket on Mars yet.

One way is by sending a creative resume.

We all know what a resume, or curriculum vitae, is.

But what is a creative resume?

A creative resume is a way to show your abilities, expertise, and interests, but with a personal, eye-catchy, artistic touch.

It can take the form of:

  • A more visual-oriented one-page resume.
  • A video presentation.
  • A portfolio website.
  • A google document.
  • A Twitter thread.
  • An infographic.
  • A comic book.
  • A brochure.
  • A collage.
  • A poster.
  • A game.
  • Etc.

In other words, it can be anything that doesn't follow the traditional black-and-white template.

Even a cereal box. I'm not kidding. Look at this.

What are the advantages of a creative resume?

  • You can highlight your skills with concrete examples of what you can do.
  • Attract a work culture that encourages creative thinking.
  • Show some personality.

Here's a great example of a creative resume.

What are the disadvantages of a creative resume?

It's risky—you never know how recruiters will react to it.

A creative resume can be a bold, proactive, and fascinating move. But it may also be useless and distracting for recruiters that only care about portfolios.

So, no matter what type of resume you choose to create, the best approach is less is more.

And to cut the risk of looking unprofessional, you can send both versions.


Many websites provide one-page colorful ''creative resume'' templates you can edit with your credentials.

It takes five minutes to complete one, and they are great if you want a resume that looks organized and pretty.

But there is nothing creative in filling out a form.

And the whole point of a creative resume is creating something unique to help you stand out.

A real creative thing you can do is tailor your resume around your dream company.

One great example of a unique resume that worked is this:

@emvu on Twitter

This Spotify-themed CV is so simple but clever that she went viral on many social media platforms, landed an internship, and got the job.

So, when to use a creative resume?

Creating a creative resume from scratch can take a lot of time and resources, so start by thinking of a good concept first.

Then think about the format, structure, and presentation. Don't skip your education, work experience, hobbies, and skills—it's still a resume! But make sure you express your creativity without distracting the reader from the purpose of your work, which is learning about you.

A company-themed resume or a creative resume, in general, can be a great choice when:

  • You have a story to tell.
  • Your idea makes sense to the industry. You score for a position in marketing, advertising, social media, design, fashion, arts, or any other creative field. Of course, not formal industries like law and finance.
  • They have an open role for the job of your dreams.
  • You want to prove your expertise.
  • They mention creativity, innovation, and originality in the job ad.
  • You feel this resume format embodies your personality and qualities. You are bold and confident with your skills and accomplishments. And you want to show your determination.
  • Or when you keep applying for jobs without getting noticed, and have nothing to lose.

In the end, it is not about the design. Its content is still what gets you hired. The creative resume job is only to help you distinguish yourself from your competition and create a solid first impression.


About the Creator

Iulia P.

I write about creativity here, and marketing in other places.

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