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Secrets to Younger-Looking Skin

By SIHEM ABEDPublished 2 years ago 10 min read

Secret #1: Eat Healthy Fats

The concern over fats is outdated and quite frankly a whole bunch of misinformation. Most people think that banishing fats from their diets will lead to a happier waistline, but it will only leave your skin at the short end of the stick. Healthy bodies need healthy fats and your skin needs essential fatty acids (EFA) to look its best.

If you’re ready to boost the look of your skin, then be sure to add essential fatty acids to your diet. Your body cannot produce its own EFAs, so it’s important to consume the appropriate balance of food in your diet. EFAs can easily be found in salmon, mackerel, flax, walnuts, fortified eggs, poultry, and cooking oils.

Secret #2: Exercise More Frequently

You’re probably already familiar with the benefits of exercise. It makes you lose weight, fight diseases, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Easy, exercise for about 30 minutes a day and you’ll have 10 years younger skin. If you really want to roll back the years, you’re going to have to do more than run on the treadmill for thirty minutes. Y ou has to switch it up and perform a sprint for 30 seconds, and then jog for three minutes. Repeat the process until you’ve hit 30 minutes and you should already feel younger.

Secret #3: Hydration is Key

The human body does not consider the skin a vital organ like the heart, lungs, and brain. So when your body is lacking hydration, rest, or vitamins the skin is the first to exhibit symptoms. That’s why it is extremely important to always stay hydrated because it will keep your skin looking younger and more supple. As we age, our skin slowly loses the ability to retain high levels of water. Our skin type also determines the level of water it can retain. For these reasons it’s essential to consume a good amount of water a day, most doctors recommend drinking eight, 8oz glasses a day.

Drinking water aids digestion helps in weight loss, improves your energy and concentration, and flushes toxins from your body. These are all important attributes of good skin, so be sure to stay hydrated.

Secret #4: Trade Coffee for Tea

Coffee is the miracle of the modern world. Allowing you to stay up for hours on end and to get that extra boost as needed, truly is a necessity for the modern person. But did you know that coffee doesn’t exactly do much in the favor department for your skin? Right off the bat, coffee is notorious for keeping you awake and energized for longer periods of time. But those periods of time and that extra burst of energy are all things your body doesn’t need. Rest is essential for healthy skin and the longer you go in the day without sleep the worse your skin looks. Coffee is also dehydrating and if you choose to drink that over water, then you’re definitely doing more bad than good.

So you get that extra boost, sans the extended hours of no sleep. There’s more to tea than that though, in fact, tea is full of healthy polyphenols that not only provide antioxidant protection to the cells but also contain L-theanine. This creates a meditative-like state in the mind, thus putting you at rest and relieving your brain of any mental stress. Green tea is one of the more popular anti-aging teas, but you don’t ever have to feel limited. White, oolong, and black teas carry the same anti-aging benefits and all offer a variety of tastes that are sure to easily replace any coffee desires you might ever have.

Secret #5: Eat More fruits

You’ve frequently heard the overused saying: “You are what you eat!” What you don’t often hear is: “Your food is your facial!” Food is an extremely important part of our well-being and that goes as far as the surface, which is your skin. Fruits are a great source of all-natural anti-aging properties. In fact, you’re well off adding superfruits to your diet because the fact is; they’re just filled to the brim with antioxidants.

Antioxidants are extremely important in preventing cell damage. Every day and at every second your body is being exposed to free radicals which function to compromise your cells. If antioxidants are in the picture, they work to create a barrier around your healthy cells and effectively rid your body of these free radicals. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your body is provided with an adequate amount of antioxidants. The most efficient way to get them is by eating superfruits. Now every fruit is good for you, but they are not created equal. Superfruits are deemed super by nutrition experts because they are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help you live longer, look better and even prevent disease. Strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, apples, bananas, and cherries are the names of just a few.

Secret #6: Ban Sugar from Your Diet

If your waistline was not enough of an indication that sugar is bad for you, then maybe your skin can help add to the argument. Sugar – specifically the white and refined kind – is a sly villain that lures you in with its delightful tastes and once digested proceeds to bombard your body with its harmful properties. Sugar makes the cells abnormal and sugar creates free radicals – a double whammy when it comes to aging.

Secret #7: Know What to Put on Your Skin

When it comes to over-the-counter skincare, let’s face it, there are a plethora of products that you can choose from. Varied by brand, function, medium, method of application, and much more – the options are endless. On top of that, you have so few reliable sources of information on which product works best for your skin. You could always use the recommendation of a friend. Or go based on that advertisement you saw on your way home. Or how about that new product your favorite celebrity is endorsing? The fact is there are a lot of options and little understanding of what exactly is best for your skin.

After plenty of water and proper nourishment your skin needs five essential nutrients: retinol, alpha lipoic acid, Madecassol , and Vitamin C. If anyone tells you that you need more than that, then you either have a special skin condition or they are trying to sell you something you don’t need. Retinol is a type of Vitamin A that is considered the most effective over-the-counter treatment to smooth skin and prevent wrinkles.

Retinol works by gently peeling the dead and damaged skin and revealing a smoother, silkier, and younger -looking layer underneath. Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful antioxidant that naturally occurs in the body and helps reduce fine lines, improve skin texture, tighten pores, and give the skin an overall radiance. Madecassol is an Asian plant extract that promotes the plumpness of your skin, minimizes fine lines, and gives the skin a youthful glow. Finally, Vitamin C is an important mineral that stimulates collagen growth and protects your skin against free radicals.

So if you’re in the market for a new moisturizer, night cream, or serum – make sure to tick off one of the five ingredients mentioned above on the label list. It will save you a whole lot of money and give you that youthful skin you so desire.

Secret #8: Sleep More, Stress Less

Getting the right amount of sleep is the most important step in your battle again aging; sleep is essential to looking your best at any age. You see, when you sleep, your body undergoes a very meticulous healing process. All the wear and tear that you experienced earlier in the day is washed away by your body’s natural ability to restore itself. While you sleep, hormones initiate cell and tissue repair, where new and fresh skin cells replace old, dead skin. Collagen production is at its peak during sleep hours and this helps your skin become firmer. During sleep, your facial muscles also relax, allowing the dermal layers of your skin to rejuvenate, thus smoothing your wrinkles and diminishing fine lines. By lying down, your skin is relieved from the effects of gravity and this helps your skin return to its original positioning on your face. Stress is probably the number one factor that is killing people these days. And if it’s not killing you, then it’s keeping you up at night. But sleep deprivation is just the surface of what stress does to you. When you’re stressed out, you release a hormone called cortisol: the stress hormone. When cortisol is released, it inhibits the production of collagen and when your body isn’t producing collagen it isn’t repairing or fortifying your skin. So stress less and sleep more, your skin will thank you.

Secret #09: Oils are Your Friend

Oils are a great supplement to anti-aging products because they “Deliver active ingredients deep into the skin without irritating the surface”, says Dermatologist David Colbert. On top of that, oils create a dewy, youthful glow that will last the whole day. Adding oils to your daily regime will help retain moisture so that the expensive moisturizer you’ve been using will be more. In effect, it’s a win-win situation from the outside in. Some oils to consider adding to your daily anti-aging regime are: Argan Oil, which contains a high concentration of Vitamin E and fatty acids and is more stable in sunlight than other antioxidants; Black currant oil, which is rich in fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties; Rosehip seed oil, which contains essential fatty acids, Vitamin C, and retinol that is ideal for protecting your skin as well as increasing cell turnover.

Secret #10: Cleanse, Moisturize, Repeat!

It might be a little ridiculous to see this on the list, but personal hygiene is actually something not everyone practices religiously. The skin on your face is constantly renewing itself, meaning there is a lot of dead skin cells just littered across your face. Pair that with the pollutants that rest in your pores as you walk down the street, or the copious amount of makeup you applied this morning, or even the sweat you produced during your workout session – these are just all factors that are negatively impacting your face. If you don’t wash these unwanted things off your face, then your skin is literally suffocating under a pool of grime and muck.

Usually washing your face with soap and water isn’t enough so your preliminary step should be to use a toner or makeup remover. Toners and makeup removers sometimes contain damaging ingredients, so for a more effective removal method try using a little bit of oil (olive or coconut works best) and apply it to a cotton pad. From there just run it along with your face and you’ll see the makeup and dirt come off seamlessly! After you’ve removed your adverse agents, turn to a gentle cleanser that is free of laurel sulfates and lather it generously onto your face. Make sure to then rinse thoroughly and apply your favorite moisturizer, something lightweight or heavy-duty depending on your skin type. If moisture retention is a problem for you, don’t be afraid to finish off with some oil, this will seal in all hydration and leave you with dewy, supple-looking skin.

Secret #11: Always Use Protection

In the Sun! Dermatoheliosis or sun damage is one of the most common signs of aging. It’s also the most common sign that is often ignored and lacks prevention on most individuals’ parts. This is primarily because everybody loves a good tan and as a result, every summer thousands of people line up under the sun, allowing its powerful ways to penetrate their skin. The fact is, however, that a tan is the body’s way of defending itself from the sun’s harmful rays. The number one culprit of skin aging is ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. There are three types of UV rays: UVA, UBC, and UVC. Because UVC rays are mostly filtered out by the ozone layer, we are primarily affected by UVA and UVB penetration.

UVA rays are present all year round, regardless of the season, and are capable of penetrating the deeper dermis. Research has shown that the application of sunscreen every day for four years yielded significant results in regard to anti-aging. So forget about getting a tan and slather on some sunscreen at every moment you get. It’ll be the difference between looking 40 and 20.

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Nurse , Ambitious ..... life lover, adventurer

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