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Unlocking Freedom: Escaping Wage Slavery and Embracing Entrepreneurship

Navigating the Maze of Modern Employment: A Roadmap to Entrepreneurial Liberation

By Dale Sutton Published 8 months ago 4 min read

If you've landed here without feeling threatened by the title, congratulations! You're open to exploring new ideas. On the other hand, if the title stirred strong emotions within you, it's worth considering why. This article isn't about criticizing the 9-to-5 lifestyle or devaluing it; rather, it's about understanding how to break free from financial and mental constraints while highlighting the empowering potential of entrepreneurship.

Defining the Landscape

Let's begin by clarifying that being employed in a traditional job is not inherently negative. Climbing the corporate ladder or dedicating yourself to a career you love is a respectable path. The point I aim to make here is that there are alternatives, and by exploring them, you can redefine your relationship with work and financial freedom.

Wage Slavery and Modern Survival

The term "wage slavery" may sound provocative, but it encapsulates the idea that many individuals feel compelled to work specific jobs, often just to meet their basic needs. The key here is the concept of force. It's not just about being physically chained but feeling forced due to our survival instincts.

In modern society, survival has evolved from mere physical needs to a more complex concept, including identity, ego, and mental well-being. To illustrate this, let's look at some examples:

Political Ideologies: People who strongly identify with political parties may feel threatened when their beliefs are challenged. It's a survival instinct to protect one's worldview.

Sports Teams: Ever noticed how passionate fans can become? Their attachment to a team can make them feel like part of something bigger, impacting their sense of self.

Personal Identity: Whether it's being a coffee connoisseur, a health expert, or a productivity guru, people often attach their identity to specific beliefs. Challenging these can feel like a threat to their survival.

Routine: A disruption in your daily routine, like moving to a new location, can unsettle your sense of survival, as routines often provide a sense of stability.

Religious Beliefs: Even if people claim they don't want to convert others, they unconsciously do it because their identity is tied to their beliefs. Reproduction, in the form of spreading ideas, is a survival instinct.

Understanding these examples helps us recognize that much of our modern survival hinges on our mental and conceptual aspects, not just physical needs.

Society as a Pyramid Scheme of Attention

To grasp this, let's consider how society operates as a pyramid scheme of attention. If something doesn't receive attention, it ceases to exist. This applies to ideas, businesses, and even individuals. The more attention something receives, the higher its survival chances.

Individuals at the top of the hierarchy—corporations and executives—can thrive because they receive attention and efforts from those below them. This pyramid of attention fuels their success. It's a cycle that enables them to remain focused on the big picture while others handle the details.

Two Realizations

Now, let's delve into two crucial realizations:

Unconscious Destruction: People at the bottom often contribute to corporate success without realizing it. They may not see the depth behind their actions, which can lead to unconscious support for systems that may not align with their values.

Conscious Vision: To escape this cycle, you need a conscious vision. You must become a value creator. True value is creative, and creativity allows for change and emergence. As a value creator, you'll contribute positively to society.

Entrepreneurship as Modern Survival

Entrepreneurship offers a unique path to modern survival. Unlike traditional employment, it allows you to navigate the balance between the known and the unknown, where meaning and fulfillment reside. Entrepreneurship is a journey of uncertainty, where you must learn skills beyond what schools teach.

Here's how to embark on this path:

Drown in New Information: Immerse yourself in knowledge that aligns with your goals. Dedicate time to consuming valuable content, whether it's books, podcasts, or courses.

Study Purposeful Businesses: Identify businesses that resonate with you. Analyze successful entrepreneurs, study their strategies, and learn from their journeys.

Become Your Own Dopamine Dealer: Replace habits that keep you enslaved with those that lead to freedom. Entrepreneurship can provide the dopamine hits you crave, but in a positive direction.

Balancing Skill and Opportunity

Finally, remember that the balance of skill and opportunity is critical. By learning and acquiring new skills, you expand your capacity to identify opportunities. Don't fear failure or change; they are stepping stones to growth.

In conclusion, this article isn't an attack on traditional jobs; it's a call to explore alternative paths. By understanding the modern dynamics of survival, recognizing the pyramid scheme of attention, and embracing entrepreneurship, you can break free from the shackles of wage slavery and create a life aligned with your vision. It's a journey worth embarking on—one that leads to true freedom and fulfillment.

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About the Creator

Dale Sutton

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