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Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par

how to start and grow a successful YouTube channel and monetize it effectively.

By bokuPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par


I've been making YouTube videos for a long time. I enjoy the process and it's something that I can do on my own schedule. It's also really fun to see other people enjoying your content! The only problem is, how do you get people to find your channel in the first place? Tube Mastery is a guide to monetizing your YouTube channel by building an engaged audience who will want to watch more of what you have to offer. In this post, we'll go over some tips on how to grow your following while staying true to what makes you unique as an artist.

The first step is figuring out what your channel is about.

The first step is figuring out what your channel is about. You don't have to have a pre-determined topic in mind, but it's important to know what you want to share with the world, and why.

Are you passionate about gaming? Do you play a lot of games and want to teach others how they can do so better? Or perhaps you're more into technology than entertainment; maybe there's some piece of tech news or industry insight that has caught your interest? Maybe there are topics related to either of those areas that could use more coverage on YouTube (or any other platform). Or maybe there's something else entirely--if there isn't already someone out there doing exactly what we want our channel/blog/website etc., then chances are good that we can fill an unmet need!

Pick a format that works.

As you're getting started, it's important to know what your channel is and isn't. Is it a gaming channel? A vlog? A cooking show?

The first step in choosing the best format for your channel is determining exactly what kind of content you want to create. Once you've got an idea of what kinds of videos will be featured on your channel, it's time to look at some examples--and remember that there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to picking formats! You may want something that works well for one type of video but not so much for others; here are some common formats that might inspire ideas in terms of how they could be adapted or modified:

Cultivate a niche.

One of the most important things you can do to grow your channel and make money is to cultivate a niche. It's tempting to try and appeal to everyone, but if you want to stand out from the crowd and build a following, it's more effective--and easier--to focus on one specific type of content or audience.

For example, if your channel is about gaming (or anything else) then stick with it! Don't start making videos about cooking or politics just because those are popular topics right now. Your viewers will be confused by this sudden change in direction and may even leave as a result. If someone comes into your channel looking for gaming videos but finds cooking instead, chances are high that they'll find another channel that offers what they're looking for instead of sticking around yours longer than necessary.

In addition, don't try too hard at first: You don't need tons of editing skills or expensive equipment right away; just find something interesting enough amongst all those new ideas floating around inside your head that inspires confidence within yourself so others will feel confident watching too."

    Pick the right name

    • Pick a name that's easy to remember
  • Pick a name that's easy to spell
  • Pick a name with some meaning for you, but don't try too hard!

Choose an available domain name and make sure it's not taken by someone else who has registered it as their own brand, even if they are not currently using it (this is called "squatting").

Make videos that are interesting, informative and entertaining to others.

If you want to maximize your video's earning potential, make sure it's interesting, informative and entertaining to others. That means that the content should be something that would make you want to watch it yourself if someone else created it.

The best way to do this is by creating videos around topics where you have some degree of expertise or passion. If this isn't possible because your knowledge base doesn't align with what people are searching for on YouTube (for example: "how do I fix my broken car?"), then consider finding another angle through which you can add value. For example: if someone searches "how do I fix my broken car?", maybe instead they need help choosing which brand new car is right for them--and maybe even some advice on financing options too!

Pick a schedule and stick to it.

The most important part of a blog is consistency. If you can't post consistently, then it's going to be hard for people to find what they're looking for and they'll probably leave your site. You need a schedule that works with your life, but also keeps up with the demand of social media and other platforms like YouTube.

The best way is by setting up an editorial calendar where you plan out all of your content before hand, so that when it comes time to publish each piece (and there will always be some sort of delay), at least half the work has already been done!

If this sounds like too much work or something only big corporations do: don't worry! We've got free templates available here on Tube Mastery Academy where all these steps are taken care of automatically and all you have left is adding text over top using our editing tools!

Be consistent with your branding and channel design.

One of the most important things you can do to grow your YouTube channel is to be consistent in your branding and channel design. Your viewers will recognize your brand on social media, in videos and on other platforms, so it's important that they know what they're getting when they subscribe to your content.

In addition to making sure that all of these places look professional and consistent with each other, make sure that they also match up with the name of your YouTube channel (if applicable) as well as its logo!

Promote yourself! (don't be shy!) A lot of people don't know what they're missing until they find you!

Now that you've got a good idea of how to create and market your videos, the next step is getting the word out. The first place to start is with social media. You should have at least one profile on each major platform that you use regularly--Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are particularly important because they reach so many people. If you don't already have an account for your business or brand name, set one up now! This will give you an easy way for potential customers and fans alike to find out more about what exactly it is that makes up your unique selling proposition (USP).

Next up: website traffic! While this isn't technically part of the "social" aspect of social media marketing (it would be called search engine optimization), I included it here because most people tend not to think about their websites when promoting themselves online unless they're specifically looking into doing so specifically as a form of advertising/marketing strategy - which means there's still opportunity left untapped if we want our message heard loud enough by those who need us most right now without spending lots upon lots on things like advertising costs etc...

There are a lot of people who would love to see more of your content

Now, you might be thinking, "I already have a lot of content on my channel. Why would I want to make more?"

It's simple: people love watching videos and listening to podcasts. There are millions of people who would love to see more from you. You just need to give them the opportunity! Don't be shy about promoting yourself or asking for help from others in your niche--they're usually happy to help out if they know how much work goes into creating good content (and also because it helps them get recognition). And don't forget that when someone watches one of your videos, they may come across another piece of content that they like even better than yours--so don't hesitate when someone asks if they can follow up with another video later down the road!


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