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Top 4 Reasons for Fire Sprinkler System Deficiencies

Several data and statistics have proven the efficiency and reliability of fire sprinkler systems.

By MillBrook FireProtectionPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
NYC Fire Protection Company

Several data and statistics have proven the efficiency and reliability of fire sprinkler systems. And it has even been observed that structures with fire sprinkler systems have effectively lowered the death rate per fire by 82% and the direct property damage (per fire) by 68%.

But, what about the 13% of sprinkler systems that did not operate and were validated to be dysfunctional? Why did these systems turn out to be flawed?

Well, let’s find out the most common reasons for fire sprinkler system deficiencies.

(I) Painted or Congested Sprinkler Heads:

Unfortunately, no one but the manufacturer or his staff or contractors might accidentally paint a fire sprinkler head. And even a little paint can cause a sprinkler head to be inoperative, which can subsequently cause a delayed activation, inadequate water distribution, or more of such faulty operations.

An expert can, however, identify this problem during an annual visual inspection.

Though, not solely paint overspray, but the buildup of dust can fabricate a malfunctioning sprinkler head. This problem can, anyhow, be fixed by manual deterging, but over time, if the buildup worsens, one must ensure to replace the entire head.

(II) The Heat-Sensing Liquid Turns Colorless:

If the translucent, heat-responsive liquid in the glass element of the sprinkler head seems to be missing or low, the fire sprinkler system can prove to be defective. This fluid is quite often red, but it could be orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple, depending on the temperature rating of the sprinkler. Without this liquid, the glass, when exposed to high temperatures, will not break, which means the sprinkler will not deploy during a fire.

(III) Backflow Failure:

Backflow is the process when a change in pressure causes water to flow backward of its intended path.

Thus, backflow preventers keep contaminated water in a sprinkler system from going back to the municipal water tank. And when these prevention devices fail to conduct this process, it results in the formation of rust, debris, and even parasites in the drinking water.

Hence, this flaw is determined to be a feature of a failed fire sprinkler system. It is, therefore, necessary that fire sprinkler systems, relief valves, buffers, air inlet, and shut off valves are checked annually to ensure that the quality of drinking water is safe.

(IV) Renovations and Occupancy Changes:

Reconstructions impact the efficiency of fire sprinkler systems. How?

Re-building a large space and fabricating it into numerous rooms can change the structure of a space and its functionality. Thus, if a new wall is built seven inches from a sprinkler head, then an expert must check whether there is appropriate sprinkler coverage or not. By the same token, if a storage room is now being considered to stock flammable chemicals, then the hazard classification and sprinkler placement require a revaluation as well.

Thus, these factors can, too, compel an effective fire sprinkler system to be defective.

While selecting and installing a fire protection system, it is vital to choose a company with a complete understanding of your needs that can customize your fire protection options.

Contact one of the best fire protection services from Millbrook Fire Protection Company.


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